Interface IEditErrorHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEditErrorHandler, DialogErrorHandling, DiscardValueErrorHandling, LoggingErrorHandling, RenderErrorHandling

public interface IEditErrorHandler
An IEditErrorHandler will be used if on data conversion or validation while editing via ICellEditor an error occurs. Such a handler is usually registered in the IConfigRegistry, using the EditConfigAttributes.

For some ICellEditors they are also used for just in time conversion/validation to render the wrong input immediately for feedback to the user. This is done e.g. in the TextCellEditor.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    If an error occurs on conversion/validation of data, this method will be called for showing that error to the user.
    default void
    displayError(ICellEditor cellEditor, IConfigRegistry configRegistry, Exception e)
    If an error occurs on conversion/validation of data, this method will be called for showing that error to the user.
    Will remove styling or other decorations that indicate that an error occurred.
  • Method Details

    • removeError

      void removeError(ICellEditor cellEditor)
      Will remove styling or other decorations that indicate that an error occurred. Only necessary to implement if the error handler adds special styling or decorations on error.
      cellEditor - The ICellEditor to remove the error styling from.
    • displayError

      void displayError(ICellEditor cellEditor, Exception e)
      If an error occurs on conversion/validation of data, this method will be called for showing that error to the user. Usually the message contained within the given Exception will be shown to the user.
      cellEditor - The ICellEditor on which the conversion/validation error occurred. Needed to add error styling or special handling.
      e - The Exception that contains information about the conversion/validation error. Used to show a more detailed description on the error to the user.
    • displayError

      default void displayError(ICellEditor cellEditor, IConfigRegistry configRegistry, Exception e)
      If an error occurs on conversion/validation of data, this method will be called for showing that error to the user. Usually the message contained within the given Exception will be shown to the user.
      cellEditor - The ICellEditor on which the conversion/validation error occurred. Needed to add error styling or special handling.
      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry to get additional context information.
      e - The Exception that contains information about the conversion/validation error. Used to show a more detailed description on the error to the user.