Interface ICellEditor

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCellEditor, AbstractDialogCellEditor, CDateTimeCellEditor, CheckBoxCellEditor, ComboBoxCellEditor, DateCellEditor, FileDialogCellEditor, FilterRowComboBoxCellEditor, FilterRowTextCellEditor, MultiLineTextCellEditor, PasswordCellEditor, RichTextCellEditor, TableCellEditor, TextCellEditor

public interface ICellEditor
Interface for implementing editors that can be used in a NatTable. Such an editor is mainly a wrapper for a native SWT control, providing additional functionality to support NatTable specific handling, e.g. conversion, validation, model updates. Implementations are responsible for capturing new cell value during cell edit.
  • Method Details

    • activateCell

      org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control activateCell(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, Object originalCanonicalValue, EditModeEnum editMode, ICellEditHandler editHandler, ILayerCell cell, IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
      This method will be called by the framework to activate this cell editor. It initializes the the values needed for further processing of the editor and will add listeners for general behavior of the editor control.
      parent - The parent Composite, needed for the creation of the editor control.
      originalCanonicalValue - The value that should be put to the activated editor control.
      editMode - The EditModeEnum which is used to activate special behavior and styling. This is needed because activating an editor inline will have different behavior (e.g. moving the selection after commit) and styling than rendering the editor on a subdialog.
      editHandler - The ICellEditHandler that will be used on commit.
      cell - The cell whose corresponding editor should be activated.
      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry containing the configuration of the current NatTable instance. This is necessary because the editors in the current architecture are not aware of the NatTable instance they are running in.
      The SWT Control to be used for capturing the new cell value.
    • getColumnIndex

      int getColumnIndex()
      The column index of the cell to which this editor is attached.
    • getRowIndex

      int getRowIndex()
      The row index of the cell to which this editor is attached.
    • getColumnPosition

      int getColumnPosition()
      The column position of the cell to which this editor is attached.
    • getRowPosition

      int getRowPosition()
      The row position of the cell to which this editor is attached.
    • getEditorValue

      Object getEditorValue()
      Returns the current value in this editor prior to conversion. For a text editor that is used to edit integer values, this would mean it returns the text value instead of the converted integer value. This method is only intended to be used internally .
      The current value in this editor prior to conversion.
    • setEditorValue

      void setEditorValue(Object value)
      Sets the given value to editor control. This method is used to put the display values to the wrapped editor.
      value - The display value to set to the wrapped editor control.
    • getCanonicalValue

      Object getCanonicalValue()
      Converts the current value in this editor using the configured IDisplayConverter. If there is no IDisplayConverter registered for this editor, the value itself will be returned.
      The canonical value after converting the current value or the value itself if no IDisplayConverter is configured.
      RuntimeException - for conversion failures. As the IDisplayConverter interface does not specify throwing checked Exceptions on converting data, only unchecked Exceptions can occur. This is needed to stop further commit processing if the conversion failed.
      See Also:
    • getCanonicalValue

      Object getCanonicalValue(IEditErrorHandler conversionErrorHandler)
      Converts the current value in this editor using the configured IDisplayConverter. If there is no IDisplayConverter registered for this editor, the value itself will be returned. Will use the specified IEditErrorHandler for handling conversion errors.
      conversionErrorHandler - The error handler that will be activated in case of conversion errors.
      The canonical value after converting the current value or the value itself if no IDisplayConverter is configured.
      RuntimeException - for conversion failures. As the IDisplayConverter interface does not specify throwing checked Exceptions on converting data, only unchecked Exceptions can occur. This is needed to stop further commit processing if the conversion failed.
      See Also:
    • setCanonicalValue

      void setCanonicalValue(Object canonicalValue)
      Sets the given canonical value to the wrapped editor control. Prior to setting the value it needs to be converted to the display value, using the configured IDisplayConverter.
      canonicalValue - The canonical value to be set to the wrapped editor control.
    • validateCanonicalValue

      boolean validateCanonicalValue(Object canonicalValue)
      Validates the given value using the configured IDataValidator. This method should be called with the value converted before by using getCanonicalValue().
      canonicalValue - The canonical value to validate.
      true if the current value in this editor is valid or no IDataValidator is registered, false if the value is not valid.
    • validateCanonicalValue

      boolean validateCanonicalValue(Object canonicalValue, IEditErrorHandler validationErrorHandler)
      Validates the current value in this editor using the configured IDataValidator. Validates the given value using the configured IDataValidator. This method should be called with the value converted before by using getCanonicalValue(). Will use the specified IEditErrorHandler for handling validation errors.
      canonicalValue - The canonical value to validate.
      validationErrorHandler - The error handler that will be activated in case of validation errors.
      true if the current value in this editor is valid or no IDataValidator is registered, false if the value is not valid.
    • commit

      boolean commit(SelectionLayer.MoveDirectionEnum direction)
      Commits the current value of this editor. Will first try to convert and validate the current value, and if that succeeds and the value can be committed to the data model, the editor will be closed afterwards.
      direction - The direction the selection within the NatTable should move after commit has finished.
      true if the commit operation succeeded, false if the current value could not be committed. A value might not be committed for example if the conversion or the validation failed.
    • commit

      boolean commit(SelectionLayer.MoveDirectionEnum direction, boolean closeAfterCommit)
      Commits the current value of this editor. Will first try to convert the current value. Then it is checked if the validation should be executed which can be specified via parameter. If that succeeds and the value can be committed to the data model, the editor will be closed afterwards.
      direction - The direction the selection within the NatTable should move after commit has finished.
      closeAfterCommit - flag to tell whether this editor needs to closed after the commit or if it should stay open.
      true if the commit operation succeeded, false if the current value could not be committed. A value might not be committed for example if the conversion or the validation failed.
    • commit

      boolean commit(SelectionLayer.MoveDirectionEnum direction, boolean closeAfterCommit, boolean skipValidation)
      Commits the current value of this editor.
      direction - The direction the selection within the NatTable should move after commit has finished.
      closeAfterCommit - flag to tell whether this editor needs to closed after the commit or if it should stay open.
      skipValidation - Flag to specify whether the current value in this editor should be validated or not.
      true if the commit operation succeeded, false if the current value could not be committed. A value might not be committed for example if the conversion or the validation failed.
    • close

      void close()
      Close/dispose the contained Control
    • isClosed

      boolean isClosed()
      true if this editor has been closed already, false if it is still open
    • getEditorControl

      org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control getEditorControl()
      The editor control that is wrapped by this ICellEditor.
    • createEditorControl

      org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control createEditorControl(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent)
      Creates the editor control that is wrapped by this ICellEditor. Will use the style configurations in ConfigRegistry for styling the control.
      parent - The Composite that will be the parent of the new editor control. Can not be null
      The created editor control that is wrapped by this ICellEditor.
    • openInline

      boolean openInline(IConfigRegistry configRegistry, List<String> configLabels)
      Determines whether the editor should be opened inline or using a dialog. By default it will check this by configuration attribute EditConfigAttributes.OPEN_IN_DIALOG. If there is no configuration found for this, true will be returned for backwards compatibility.

      If this method returns true, the editor will be opened inline (default).

      There might be editors that are only able to be opened in a dialog. These implementations need to override this method to always return false, so the editor never gets opened inline.

      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry to retrieve the configuration for inline/dialog editing out of. Needed here because the instance IConfigRegistry might not be set on calling this method.
      configLabels - The labels out of the LabelStack of the cell whose editor should be activated. Needed here because this method needs to be called prior to activation to determine where to activate it.
      true if the editor should opened inline, false if not.
      See Also:
    • supportMultiEdit

      boolean supportMultiEdit(IConfigRegistry configRegistry, List<String> configLabels)
      Determines whether this editor supports multi edit behavior or not. If this method returns true, on selecting and pressing F2 on several cells that are editable, having the same editor type and converter registered, a multi edit dialog will open. By default this method will return true. You can change this behavior by setting the configuration attribute EditConfigAttributes.SUPPORT_MULTI_EDIT.

      You should consider returning false e.g. if the update operation is complex or you use conditional validation, where a value is validated against another value in the data model.

      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry to retrieve the configuration for multi edit support out of. Needed here because the instance IConfigRegistry might not be set on calling this method.
      configLabels - The labels out of the LabelStack of the cell whose editor should be activated. Needed here because this method needs to be called prior to activation to determine where to activate it.
      true if this editor will open in a subdialog for multi editing, false if the multi editing of this kind of cell editor is not supported.
      See Also:
    • openMultiEditDialog

      boolean openMultiEditDialog()
      This is a very special configuration to tell whether an ICellEditor should open a multi edit dialog for multi editing or not. Usually for multi editing there should be always a multi edit dialog be opened. There are only special cases where this doesn't make sense. The only types of ICellEditors that shouldn't open multi edit dialogs are editors that change their values directly and there is no interactively editor control opened, e.g. checkboxes.
      true if for multi editing a multi edit dialog should be opened, false if the multi editing should be performed directly without opening a multi edit dialog. Note: true is the default value and changing it to false for a custom editor might cause issues if not dealed correctly.
    • openAdjacentEditor

      boolean openAdjacentEditor()
      Determines behavior after committing the value of this editor in combination with selection movement. If this method return true and the selection is moved after committing, the editor for the newly selected cell will be activated immediately. If this method returns false or the selection is not moved after commit, no action should be executed.

      The behavior previous to this configuration was to not open the adjacent editor. So if there is no configuration registered for this, false will be returned by default.

      Note: It only makes sense to call this method if the editor is already activated. Calling this method on an editor that has not been activated already will lead to exceptions.

      true if the adjacent editor should be opened if the selection moves after commit, false if not.
      See Also:
    • activateAtAnyPosition

      boolean activateAtAnyPosition()
      This method is intended to be used by IMouseEventMatcher implementations that need to check for the editor and the click position to determine whether an editor should be activated or not. By default this method will return true. Special implementations that need a different behavior need to return false instead. E.g. checkbox editors should only be activated in case the icon that represents the checkbox is clicked.
      true if this ICellEditor should be activated by clicking at any position in the corresponding cell, false if there need to be a special position clicked.
    • activateOnTraversal

      boolean activateOnTraversal(IConfigRegistry configRegistry, List<String> configLabels)
      This method is asked on tab traversal whether this ICellEditor should be automatically activated or not. This is necessary to avoid automatically changing the value of a checkbox or opening a dialog editor on traversal.
      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry to retrieve the configuration out of. Needed here because the instance IConfigRegistry might not be set on calling this method.
      configLabels - The labels out of the LabelStack of the cell whose editor should be activated.
      true if this ICellEditor should be activated in case of tab traversal, false if not.
      See Also:
    • addEditorControlListeners

      void addEditorControlListeners()
      This method is intended to add listeners to the wrapped editor control to add context related behavior. For example, in EditModeEnum.INLINE by default this should add a FocusListener that commits the current value if the editor control loses focus.

      This method was introduced mainly because of two issues:

      1. On Mac OS calling setBounds() on a Control will cause losing focus. So listeners need to be added after this method is called by the EditController, otherwise on activating the editor it will be closed immediately after the correct size is calculated.
      2. The main concept for cell editor activation is, that the editor control is disposed on closing the editor. This way everytime the cell editor is activated, a new editor control will be created. If an editor is implemented that needs to keep the editor control after closing the editor, it needs to be ensured that the listeners are removed again. Otherwise the listeners would be added again everytime the editor is activated.
      This method will be called automatically by EditController.editCell(ILayerCell, Composite, Object, IConfigRegistry).
    • removeEditorControlListeners

      void removeEditorControlListeners()
      This method is intended to remove listeners from the wrapped editor control that was added by addEditorControlListeners() before to add context related behavior.

      This method was introduced to add the possibility to create an ICellEditor whose wrapped editor control should not be disposed on closing the editor.

      The main concept for cell editor activation is, that the editor control is disposed on closing the editor. This way everytime the cell editor is activated, a new editor control will be created. If an editor is implemented that needs to keep the editor control after closing the editor, it needs to be ensured that the listeners are removed again. Otherwise the listeners would be added again everytime the editor is activated.

      This method needs to be called on close(). There is no automatical call by the framework if you are not using the abstract implementation of ICellEditor.
    • calculateControlBounds calculateControlBounds( cellBounds)
      This method is used to calculate the bounds of the edit control when opened inline. By default it should return the given cell bounds to match the cell structure in NatTable. For several cases it might be useful to return the preferred size to show all content rather than trimming the control to the cell size.

      Note: By changing the bounds you should ensure to only modify width and height attributes and not x and y coordinate, otherwise the editor control will show up somewhere else and not in place of the cell that is edited.

      cellBounds - The bounds of the cell for which the editor is opened.
      The bounds of the editor control that should be applied. By default the cell bounds for several cases bigger.