Class DialogErrorHandling

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DialogErrorHandling extends AbstractEditErrorHandler
Strategy class for conversion/validation failures. If the entered value is not valid, a warning dialog with the corresponding error message will show up. The warning dialog gives the opportunity to discard the invalid input or change it, which will cause the editor to stay open. Only handles errors on commit.
  • Field Details

    • editor

      protected ICellEditor editor
      The ICellEditor for which this DialogErrorHandling is activated. Needed so it is possible to operate on it dependent on the users choice.
    • allowCommit

      protected boolean allowCommit
      Flag to configure if this dialog allows to commit invalid data. This is necessary to implement cross validation in NatTable by using dialogs to tell the user what is wrong. By default this value is set to false as cross validation is not the default validation use case.
  • Constructor Details

    • DialogErrorHandling

      public DialogErrorHandling()
      Create a new DialogErrorHandling with no underlying IEditErrorHandler that does not support cross validation.
    • DialogErrorHandling

      public DialogErrorHandling(boolean allowCommit)
      Create a new DialogErrorHandling with no underlying IEditErrorHandler that gives the opportunity to configure the error handling for cross validation.
      allowCommit - Flag to configure if this dialog allows to commit invalid data. If this parameter is set to true, an additional button for committing the invalid data will be provided within the dialog.
    • DialogErrorHandling

      public DialogErrorHandling(IEditErrorHandler underlyingErrorHandler)
      Create a new DialogErrorHandling using the given IEditErrorHandler as the underlying to allow chaining of error handling. Using this constructor there is no cross validation support.
      underlyingErrorHandler - The underlying IEditErrorHandler
    • DialogErrorHandling

      public DialogErrorHandling(IEditErrorHandler underlyingErrorHandler, boolean allowCommit)
      Create a new DialogErrorHandling using the given IEditErrorHandler as the underlying to allow chaining of error handling.
      underlyingErrorHandler - The underlying IEditErrorHandler
      allowCommit - Flag to configure if this dialog allows to commit invalid data. If this parameter is set to true, an additional button for committing the invalid data will be provided within the dialog.
  • Method Details

    • displayError

      public void displayError(ICellEditor cellEditor, Exception e)
      If an error occurs on conversion/validation of data, this method will be called for showing that error to the user. Usually the message contained within the given Exception will be shown to the user.

      This implementation will call its underlying IEditErrorHandler. After the error is handled by its underlying IEditErrorHandler, a dialog will be opened showing the error message to the user, giving the opportunity to decide if the entered value should be discarded or if the editor should stay open so the value can be modified.

      Specified by:
      displayError in interface IEditErrorHandler
      displayError in class AbstractEditErrorHandler
      cellEditor - The ICellEditor on which the conversion/validation error occurred. Needed to add error styling or special handling.
      e - The Exception that contains information about the conversion/validation error. Used to show a more detailed description on the error to the user.
    • showWarningDialog

      protected void showWarningDialog(String dialogMessage, String dialogTitle)
      Shows a warning dialog if the conversion or the validation returned an error message. Otherwise nothing happens.
      dialogMessage - the dialog message
      dialogTitle - the dialog title
    • isWarningDialogActive

      protected boolean isWarningDialogActive()
      Checks if the current active Shell is a conversion/validation failure warning dialog. As a Shell has not id it is checked if the Shell title is for conversion or validation failure in localized format.
      true if a warning dialog is active
    • getFailureShellTitle

      public String getFailureShellTitle()
      The shell title that will be used if there is no conversion or validation shell title configured.
    • setFailureShellTitle

      public void setFailureShellTitle(String failureShellTitle)
      failureShellTitle - The shell title that should be used if there is no conversion or validation shell title configured.
    • getConversionFailureShellTitle

      public String getConversionFailureShellTitle()
      The shell title that will be used in case this DialogErrorHandling is called to handle a ConversionFailedException.
    • setConversionFailureShellTitle

      public void setConversionFailureShellTitle(String conversionFailureShellTitle)
      conversionFailureShellTitle - The shell title that should be used in case this DialogErrorHandling is called to handle a ConversionFailedException.
    • getValidationFailureShellTitle

      public String getValidationFailureShellTitle()
      The shell title that will be used in case this DialogErrorHandling is called to handle a ValidationFailedException.
    • setValidationFailureShellTitle

      public void setValidationFailureShellTitle(String validationFailureShellTitle)
      validationFailureShellTitle - The shell title that should be used in case this DialogErrorHandling is called to handle a ValidationFailedException.
    • getChangeButtonLabel

      public String getChangeButtonLabel()
      The text on the button for changing the entered value.
    • setChangeButtonLabel

      public void setChangeButtonLabel(String changeButtonLabel)
      changeButtonLabel - The text on the button for changing the entered value.
    • getDiscardButtonLabel

      public String getDiscardButtonLabel()
      The text on the button to discard the entered value.
    • setDiscardButtonLabel

      public void setDiscardButtonLabel(String discardButtonLabel)
      discardButtonLabel - The text on the button to discard the entered value.
    • getCommitButtonLabel

      public String getCommitButtonLabel()
      The text on the button to commit the entered value.
    • setCommitButtonLabel

      public void setCommitButtonLabel(String commitButtonLabel)
      commitButtonLabel - The text on the button to commit the entered value.