Class NatTable

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, ILayer, ILayerListener, IPersistable, IClientAreaProvider,,, org.eclipse.swt.internal.SWTEventListener
Direct Known Subclasses:
NatTableFixture, NatTableFixture

public class NatTable extends org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas implements ILayer,, IClientAreaProvider, ILayerListener, IPersistable
  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_STYLE_OPTIONS
      See Also:

      public static final String INITIAL_PAINT_COMPLETE_FLAG
      Key that is used for loading NatTable states. Is set to true in case the initial painting is not finished yet. In this case there is no need to call refresh commands on loading.
      See Also:
    • configurations

      protected final Collection<IConfiguration> configurations
    • id

      protected String id
    • eventListenerLock

      protected ReadWriteLock eventListenerLock
      ReadWriteLock that is used to ensure that no concurrent modifications happen on event handling
  • Constructor Details

    • NatTable

      public NatTable(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent)
    • NatTable

      public NatTable(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, boolean autoconfigure)
      parent - a composite control which will be the parent of the new instance (cannot be null)
      autoconfigure - if set to false no auto configuration is done. Default settings are not loaded. Configuration(s) have to be manually added by invoking addConfiguration(IConfiguration). At the minimum the DefaultNatTableStyleConfiguration must be added for the table to render.
    • NatTable

      public NatTable(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, ILayer layer)
    • NatTable

      public NatTable(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, ILayer layer, boolean autoconfigure)
    • NatTable

      public NatTable(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, int style)
    • NatTable

      public NatTable(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, int style, boolean autoconfigure)
    • NatTable

      public NatTable(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, int style, ILayer layer)
    • NatTable

      public NatTable(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, int style, ILayer layer, boolean autoconfigure)
    • NatTable

      public NatTable(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, int style, ILayer layer, EventConflaterChain chain, boolean autoconfigure)
      Only use this constructor to specify a custom EventConflaterChain with different refresh interval settings in case you are facing issues on rendering, e.g. low FPS (laggy) behavior on scrolling (refresh interval too high) or flickering UI (refresh interval too low).
      parent - a composite control which will be the parent of the new instance (cannot be null)
      style - the style of control to construct DEFAULT_STYLE_OPTIONS
      layer - the ILayer that should be rendered by this NatTable
      chain - the EventConflaterChain used to conflate events that trigger for example repainting. By default an EventConflaterChain is registered with a refresh interval specified via EventConflaterChain.DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL.
      autoconfigure - if set to false no auto configuration is done. Default settings are not loaded. Configuration(s) have to be manually added by invoking addConfiguration(IConfiguration). At the minimum the DefaultNatTableStyleConfiguration must be added for the table to render.
  • Method Details

    • getVisualChangeEventConflater

      protected IEventConflater getVisualChangeEventConflater()
    • getLayer

      public ILayer getLayer()
    • setLayer

      public void setLayer(ILayer layer)
    • addConfiguration

      public void addConfiguration(IConfiguration configuration)
      Adds a configuration to the table.

      Configurations are processed when the configure() method is invoked. Each configuration object then has a chance to configure the

      1. ILayer
      2. ConfigRegistry
      3. UiBindingRegistry
      configuration - The IConfiguration to add.
    • getConfigRegistry

      public IConfigRegistry getConfigRegistry()
      IConfigRegistry used to hold the configurations.
    • setConfigRegistry

      public void setConfigRegistry(IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
      Sets the IConfigRegistry that should be used to hold the configurations. Can only be used if autoconfigure is turned off at NatTable creation. Should only be used in cases where an IConfigRegistry is needed for ILayer creation BEFORE the NatTable can be created.
      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry that should be used to hold the configurations.
    • configureScaling

      protected void configureScaling(IDpiConverter horizontalConverter, IDpiConverter verticalConverter)
      Add the given IDpiConverter to the IConfigRegistry so they can be used by painters and set the system properties to use the configured scaling for images.
      horizontalConverter - The IDpiConverter for horizontal scaling.
      verticalConverter - The IDpiConverter for vertical scaling.
    • getUiBindingRegistry

      public UiBindingRegistry getUiBindingRegistry()
      Registry holding all the UIBindings contributed by the underlying layers
    • setUiBindingRegistry

      public void setUiBindingRegistry(UiBindingRegistry uiBindingRegistry)
    • getID

      public String getID()
    • checkSubclass

      protected void checkSubclass()
      checkSubclass in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite
    • initInternalListener

      protected void initInternalListener()
    • getOverlayPainters

      public List<IOverlayPainter> getOverlayPainters()
    • addOverlayPainter

      public void addOverlayPainter(IOverlayPainter overlayPainter)
    • removeOverlayPainter

      public void removeOverlayPainter(IOverlayPainter overlayPainter)
    • paintControl

      public void paintControl( event)
      Specified by:
      paintControl in interface
    • getLayerPainter

      public ILayerPainter getLayerPainter()
      Specified by:
      getLayerPainter in interface ILayer
      The ILayerPainter used to render this layer.
    • setLayerPainter

      public void setLayerPainter(ILayerPainter layerPainter)
    • repaintColumn

      public void repaintColumn(int columnPosition)
      Repaint only a specific column in the grid. This method is optimized so that only the specific column is repainted and nothing else.
      columnPosition - column of the grid to repaint
    • repaintRow

      public void repaintRow(int rowPosition)
      Repaint only a specific row in the grid. This method is optimized so that only the specific row is repainted and nothing else.
      rowPosition - row of the grid to repaint
    • repaintCell

      public void repaintCell(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Repaint only a specific cell in the grid. This method is optimized so that only the specific cell is repainted and nothing else.
      columnPosition - column position of the cell to repaint
      rowPosition - row position of the cell to repaint
    • repaintHorizontalLeftOver

      public void repaintHorizontalLeftOver()
      Repaint the area to the right of the last column in case there is more space available than columns to paint.
    • repaintVerticalLeftOver

      public void repaintVerticalLeftOver()
      Repaint the area to the bottom of the last row in case there is more space available than rows to paint.
    • updateResize

      public void updateResize()
    • refresh

      public void refresh()
      Refreshes the entire NatTable as every layer will be refreshed. Used to update on structural changes.
    • refresh

      public void refresh(boolean structuralChange)
      Refreshes the entire NatTable as every layer will be refreshed.
      structuralChange - true if a structural refresh should be performed (same as calling refresh()), false if only a visual refresh should be performed, e.g. if configuration values have changed.
    • configure

      public void configure(IConfigRegistry configRegistry, UiBindingRegistry uiBindingRegistry)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Configure this layer, e.g. add any key/mouse bindings and other general configuration.

      This method is triggered by configure() and executed down the layer stack.

      Specified by:
      configure in interface ILayer
      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry instance owned by the NatTable this layer is attached to.
      uiBindingRegistry - The UiBindingRegistry instance owned by NatTable this layer is attached to.
    • configure

      public void configure()
      Processes all the registered IConfiguration (s). All the underlying layers are walked and given a chance to configure. Note: all desired configuration tweaks must be done before this method is invoked.
    • handleLayerEvent

      public void handleLayerEvent(ILayerEvent event)
      Description copied from interface: ILayerListener
      Handle an event notification from an ILayer
      Specified by:
      handleLayerEvent in interface ILayerListener
      event - the event
    • saveState

      public void saveState(String prefix, Properties properties)
      Save the state of the table to the properties object. IPersistable.saveState(String, Properties) is invoked on all the underlying layers. This properties object will be populated with the settings of all underlying layers and any IPersistable registered with those layers.
      Specified by:
      saveState in interface IPersistable
      prefix - The prefix to use for the state keys. Is also used as the state configuration name.
      properties - The Properties instance to save the state to.
    • loadState

      public void loadState(String prefix, Properties properties)
      Restore the state of the underlying layers from the values in the properties object.
      Specified by:
      loadState in interface IPersistable
      prefix - The prefix to use for the state keys. Is also used as the state configuration name.
      properties - The Properties instance to load the state from.
      See Also:
    • registerPersistable

      public void registerPersistable(IPersistable persistable)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Register an IPersistable that can write its state to the state Properties instance when the layer is persisted.
      Specified by:
      registerPersistable in interface ILayer
      persistable - The persistable that should be registered.
      See Also:
    • unregisterPersistable

      public void unregisterPersistable(IPersistable persistable)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Unregister the given IPersistable.
      Specified by:
      unregisterPersistable in interface ILayer
      persistable - The persistable to unregister.
    • doCommand

      public boolean doCommand(ILayerCommand command)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Opportunity to respond to a command as it flows down the stack. If the layer is not interested in the command it should allow the command to keep traveling down the stack.

      Note: Before the layer can process a command it must convert the command to its local coordinates using ILayerCommand.convertToTargetLayer(ILayer)

      Specified by:
      doCommand in interface ILayer
      command - The command to execute.
      true if the command has been handled and was therefore consumed, false otherwise.
    • registerCommandHandler

      public void registerCommandHandler(ILayerCommandHandler<?> commandHandler)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Register an ILayerCommandHandler to handle a command in this layer. Only one ILayerCommandHandler per ILayerCommand can be registered per layer.
      Specified by:
      registerCommandHandler in interface ILayer
      commandHandler - The command handler to register with this layer.
    • unregisterCommandHandler

      public void unregisterCommandHandler(Class<? extends ILayerCommand> commandClass)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Unregister the ILayerCommandHandler that is registered for the given ILayerCommand class.
      Specified by:
      unregisterCommandHandler in interface ILayer
      commandClass - The ILayerCommand class for which the ILayerCommandHandler should be unregistered.
    • fireLayerEvent

      public void fireLayerEvent(ILayerEvent event)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Events can be fired to notify other components of the grid. Events travel up the layer stack and may cause a repaint.

      Example: When the contents of the grid change IVisualChangeEvent can be fired to notify other layers to refresh their caches etc.

      Specified by:
      fireLayerEvent in interface ILayer
      event - the event to fire
    • addLayerListener

      public void addLayerListener(ILayerListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Add a general ILayerListener to handle ILayerEvents on this layer.
      Specified by:
      addLayerListener in interface ILayer
      listener - The ILayerListener to add.
    • removeLayerListener

      public void removeLayerListener(ILayerListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Remove the given ILayerListener from this layer.
      Specified by:
      removeLayerListener in interface ILayer
      listener - The ILayerListener to remove.
    • hasLayerListener

      public boolean hasLayerListener(Class<? extends ILayerListener> layerListenerClass)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Check if an ILayerListener of the given type is registered on this layer or not.
      Specified by:
      hasLayerListener in interface ILayer
      layerListenerClass - The type of ILayerListener to check for.
      true if this ILayer has a ILayerListener of the specified type registered, false if there is no such listener registered.
    • getColumnCount

      public int getColumnCount()
      Specified by:
      getColumnCount in interface ILayer
      The number of columns in this layer.
    • getPreferredColumnCount

      public int getPreferredColumnCount()
      Specified by:
      getPreferredColumnCount in interface ILayer
    • getColumnIndexByPosition

      public int getColumnIndexByPosition(int columnPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Gets the underlying non-transformed column index for the given column position on this layer.
      Specified by:
      getColumnIndexByPosition in interface ILayer
      columnPosition - The column position relative to this layer.
      An underlying non-transformed column index, or -1 if the given column position does not exist within this coordinate system.
    • localToUnderlyingColumnPosition

      public int localToUnderlyingColumnPosition(int localColumnPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Convert a column position to the coordinates of the underlying layer. This is possible since each layer is aware of its underlying layer.
      Specified by:
      localToUnderlyingColumnPosition in interface ILayer
      localColumnPosition - column position in local (the layer's own) coordinates
      column position in the underlying layer's coordinates
    • underlyingToLocalColumnPosition

      public int underlyingToLocalColumnPosition(ILayer sourceUnderlyingLayer, int underlyingColumnPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Transforms the column position relative to the given underlying layer to this layer coordinates.
      Specified by:
      underlyingToLocalColumnPosition in interface ILayer
      sourceUnderlyingLayer - The underlying layer to which the given column position matches.
      underlyingColumnPosition - The column position in the given underlying layer that should be converted to a local column position.
      The given column position transformed to be local to this layer.
    • underlyingToLocalColumnPositions

      public Collection<Range> underlyingToLocalColumnPositions(ILayer sourceUnderlyingLayer, Collection<Range> underlyingColumnPositionRanges)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Transforms the column position ranges relative to the given underlying layer to this layer coordinates.
      Specified by:
      underlyingToLocalColumnPositions in interface ILayer
      sourceUnderlyingLayer - The underlying layer to which the given column positions match.
      underlyingColumnPositionRanges - The column position ranges relative to the given underlying layer that should be converted to local column positions.
      The given column position ranges transformed to this layer.
    • getWidth

      public int getWidth()
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the total width in pixels of this layer.
      Specified by:
      getWidth in interface ILayer
      The total width in pixels of this layer.
    • getPreferredWidth

      public int getPreferredWidth()
      Specified by:
      getPreferredWidth in interface ILayer
    • getColumnWidthByPosition

      public int getColumnWidthByPosition(int columnPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the width in pixels of the given column. The width of invisible and non-existing columns is 0.
      Specified by:
      getColumnWidthByPosition in interface ILayer
      columnPosition - The column position in this layer.
      The width of the column.
    • isColumnPositionResizable

      public boolean isColumnPositionResizable(int columnPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Check if the column at the given position is resizable.
      Specified by:
      isColumnPositionResizable in interface ILayer
      columnPosition - The column position to check.
      true if the column is resizable, false if not.
    • getColumnPositionByX

      public int getColumnPositionByX(int x)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the column position that contains the given x coordinate.
      Specified by:
      getColumnPositionByX in interface ILayer
      x - A horizontal pixel location relative to the pixel boundary of this layer.
      A column position relative to the associated coordinate system, or -1 if there is no column that contains x.
    • getStartXOfColumnPosition

      public int getStartXOfColumnPosition(int columnPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the x offset in pixels of the given column.
      Specified by:
      getStartXOfColumnPosition in interface ILayer
      columnPosition - The column position in this layer.
      The x offset of the column, or -1.
    • getUnderlyingLayersByColumnPosition

      public Collection<ILayer> getUnderlyingLayersByColumnPosition(int columnPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the layers that are directly below this layer for the given column position. For simple layers this collection will typically only have one entry. Layer compositions might return multiple values, e.g. in a default grid there will be 2 layers in the collection as there are two layers involved in a column.
      Specified by:
      getUnderlyingLayersByColumnPosition in interface ILayer
      columnPosition - The column position for which the underlying layers are requested.
      The layers that are directly below this layer for the given column position or null if this layer has no underlying layers.
    • getRowCount

      public int getRowCount()
      Specified by:
      getRowCount in interface ILayer
      The number of rows in this layer.
    • getPreferredRowCount

      public int getPreferredRowCount()
      Specified by:
      getPreferredRowCount in interface ILayer
    • getRowIndexByPosition

      public int getRowIndexByPosition(int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Gets the underlying non-transformed row index for the given row position on this layer.
      Specified by:
      getRowIndexByPosition in interface ILayer
      rowPosition - The row position relative to this layer.
      An underlying non-transformed row index, or -1 if the given row position does not exist within this coordinate system.
    • localToUnderlyingRowPosition

      public int localToUnderlyingRowPosition(int localRowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Convert a row position to the coordinates of the underlying layer. This is possible since each layer is aware of its underlying layer.
      Specified by:
      localToUnderlyingRowPosition in interface ILayer
      localRowPosition - row position in local (the layer's own) coordinates
      row position in the underlying layer's coordinates
    • underlyingToLocalRowPosition

      public int underlyingToLocalRowPosition(ILayer sourceUnderlyingLayer, int underlyingRowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Transforms the row position relative to the given underlying layer to this layer coordinates.
      Specified by:
      underlyingToLocalRowPosition in interface ILayer
      sourceUnderlyingLayer - The underlying layer to which the given row position matches.
      underlyingRowPosition - The row position in the given underlying layer that should be converted to a local row position.
      The given row position transformed to be local to this layer.
    • underlyingToLocalRowPositions

      public Collection<Range> underlyingToLocalRowPositions(ILayer sourceUnderlyingLayer, Collection<Range> underlyingRowPositionRanges)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Transforms the row position ranges relative to the given underlying layer to this layer coordinates.
      Specified by:
      underlyingToLocalRowPositions in interface ILayer
      sourceUnderlyingLayer - The underlying layer to which the given row positions match.
      underlyingRowPositionRanges - The row position ranges relative to the given underlying layer that should be converted to local row positions.
      The given row position ranges transformed to this layer.
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the total height in pixels of this layer.
      Specified by:
      getHeight in interface ILayer
      The total height in pixels of this layer.
    • getPreferredHeight

      public int getPreferredHeight()
      Specified by:
      getPreferredHeight in interface ILayer
    • getRowHeightByPosition

      public int getRowHeightByPosition(int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the height in pixels of the given row. The height of invisible and non-existing rows is 0.
      Specified by:
      getRowHeightByPosition in interface ILayer
      rowPosition - The row position in this layer.
      The height of the row.
    • isRowPositionResizable

      public boolean isRowPositionResizable(int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Check if the row at the given position is resizable.
      Specified by:
      isRowPositionResizable in interface ILayer
      rowPosition - The row position to check.
      true if the row is resizable, false if not.
    • getRowPositionByY

      public int getRowPositionByY(int y)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the row position that contains the given y coordinate.
      Specified by:
      getRowPositionByY in interface ILayer
      y - a vertical pixel location relative to the pixel boundary of this layer
      a row position relative to the associated coordinate system, or -1 if there is no row that contains y
    • getStartYOfRowPosition

      public int getStartYOfRowPosition(int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the y offset in pixels of the given row.
      Specified by:
      getStartYOfRowPosition in interface ILayer
      rowPosition - the row position in this layer
      the y offset of the row, or -1
    • getUnderlyingLayersByRowPosition

      public Collection<ILayer> getUnderlyingLayersByRowPosition(int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the layers that are directly below this layer for the given row position. For simple layers this collection will typically only have one entry. Layer compositions might return multiple values, e.g. in a default grid there will be 2 layers in the collection as there are two layers involved in a row.
      Specified by:
      getUnderlyingLayersByRowPosition in interface ILayer
      rowPosition - The row position for which the underlying layers are requested.
      The layers that are directly below this layer for the given row position or null if this layer has no underlying layers.
    • getCellByPosition

      public ILayerCell getCellByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the cell for the given coordinates on this layer.
      Specified by:
      getCellByPosition in interface ILayer
      columnPosition - The column position of the requested cell.
      rowPosition - The row position of the requested cell.
      The ILayerCell for the given coordinates in this layer or null if the coordinates are invalid on this layer.
    • getBoundsByPosition

      public getBoundsByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Calculates the bounds in pixel for the given cell position.
      Specified by:
      getBoundsByPosition in interface ILayer
      columnPosition - the column position of the cell
      rowPosition - the row position of the cell
      the bounds, or null if there are no valid bounds
    • getDisplayModeByPosition

      public DisplayMode getDisplayModeByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the active DisplayMode for the cell at the given coordinates. Needed to retrieve the corresponding configurations out of the IConfigRegistry. The default value is DisplayMode.NORMAL. The SelectionLayer for example overrides this to return DisplayMode.SELECT for cells that are currently selected.
      Specified by:
      getDisplayModeByPosition in interface ILayer
      columnPosition - The column position of the cell.
      rowPosition - The row position of the cell.
      DisplayMode for the cell at the given coordinates.
    • getConfigLabelsByPosition

      public LabelStack getConfigLabelsByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the config labels for the cell at the given coordinates. Needed to retrieve the corresponding configurations out of the IConfigRegistry.
      Specified by:
      getConfigLabelsByPosition in interface ILayer
      columnPosition - The column position of the cell.
      rowPosition - The row position of the cell.
      The LabelStack with the config labels for the cell at the given coordinates.
    • getDataValueByPosition

      public Object getDataValueByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the data value for the cell at the given coordinates.
      Specified by:
      getDataValueByPosition in interface ILayer
      columnPosition - The column position of the cell.
      rowPosition - The row position of the cell.
      The data value for the cell at the given coordinates.
    • getCellPainter

      public ICellPainter getCellPainter(int columnPosition, int rowPosition, ILayerCell cell, IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Return the ICellPainter for the given ILayerCell at the given coordinates out of the given IConfigRegistry.
      Specified by:
      getCellPainter in interface ILayer
      columnPosition - The column position of the cell.
      rowPosition - The row position of the cell.
      cell - The ILayerCell for which the ICellPainter is requested.
      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry to retrieve the painter from.
      The ICellPainter for the given cell at the given coordinates or null if no painter is configured.
    • getRegionLabelsByXY

      public LabelStack getRegionLabelsByXY(int x, int y)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Return the LabelStack containing the region labels for the cell at the given pixel position.
      Specified by:
      getRegionLabelsByXY in interface ILayer
      x - the x pixel coordinate
      y - the y pixel coordinate
      LabelStack containing the region labels for the cell at the given pixel position.
    • getUnderlyingLayerByPosition

      public ILayer getUnderlyingLayerByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the layer that is directly below this layer for the given cell coordinate.
      Specified by:
      getUnderlyingLayerByPosition in interface ILayer
      columnPosition - The column position for which the underlying layer is requested.
      rowPosition - The row position for which the underlying layer is requested.
      The layer that is directly below this layer for the given cell coordinates or null if this layer has no underlying layers.
    • getClientAreaProvider

      public IClientAreaProvider getClientAreaProvider()
      Specified by:
      getClientAreaProvider in interface ILayer
      The IClientAreaProvider that specifies the rectangular area available on this layer.
    • setClientAreaProvider

      public void setClientAreaProvider(IClientAreaProvider clientAreaProvider)
      Specified by:
      setClientAreaProvider in interface ILayer
      clientAreaProvider - The IClientAreaProvider that specifies the rectangular area available on this layer.
    • addDragSupport

      public void addDragSupport(int operations, org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Transfer[] transferTypes, org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener listener)
      Adds support for dragging items out of this control via a user drag-and-drop operation.
      operations - a bitwise OR of the supported drag and drop operation types ( DROP_COPY,DROP_LINK, and DROP_MOVE)
      transferTypes - the transfer types that are supported by the drag operation
      listener - the callback that will be invoked to set the drag data and to cleanup after the drag and drop operation finishes
      See Also:
      • DND
    • addDropSupport

      public void addDropSupport(int operations, org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Transfer[] transferTypes, org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener listener)
      Adds support for dropping items into this control via a user drag-and-drop operation.
      operations - a bitwise OR of the supported drag and drop operation types ( DROP_COPY,DROP_LINK, and DROP_MOVE)
      transferTypes - the transfer types that are supported by the drop operation
      listener - the callback that will be invoked after the drag and drop operation finishes
      See Also:
      • DND
    • setTheme

      public void setTheme(ThemeConfiguration themeConfiguration)
      Will unregister the style configurations that were applied before by another ThemeConfiguration and register the style configurations of the given ThemeConfiguration.
      themeConfiguration - The ThemeConfiguration that contains the style configurations to apply.
    • getInternalCellClipboard

      public InternalCellClipboard getInternalCellClipboard()
      The InternalCellClipboard that is used for internal copy & paste functionality.
    • getActiveCellEditor

      public ICellEditor getActiveCellEditor()
      Returns the active cell editor that is currently open or null if there is no editor active.
      the active editor or null
    • commitAndCloseActiveCellEditor

      public boolean commitAndCloseActiveCellEditor()
      Checks if there is an active cell editor registered. If there is one, it is tried to commit the value that is currently entered there.
      false if there is an open editor that can not be committed because of conversion/validation errors, true if there is no active open editor or it could be closed after committing the value.
    • getProvidedLabels

      public Collection<String> getProvidedLabels()
      Returns the labels that are used within this NatTable for conditional styling.
      Specified by:
      getProvidedLabels in interface ILayer
      The labels that are used within this NatTable for conditional styling.