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  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 6.0-RC2 (details)
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (details)
  3. Use a better to avoid confusion (#281) (details)
Commit 3442208b90868efe240f9957d1420bfa5e437f24 by Microprofile Bot
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 6.0-RC2
The file was modified pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified spec/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 1295e888574f962b6a5787600ad519ddeff4655c by Microprofile Bot
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
The file was modified spec/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified pom.xml (diff)
Commit 95487c37eed8b0b61ec0cffe87705d4c128dcfd0 by noreply
Use a better to avoid confusion (#281)

The file was modified spec/src/main/asciidoc/architecture.asciidoc (diff)