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Start of Pipeline - (1 min 15 sec in block)
podTemplate - (1 min 14 sec in block)
podTemplate block - (1 min 14 sec in block)
node - (1 min 14 sec in block)Keyple_keyple-common-java-api_main_2-9qrj1
node block - (1 min 1 sec in block)
stage - (9.3 sec in block)Declarative: Checkout SCM
stage block (Declarative: Checkout SCM) - (9.3 sec in block)
checkout - (9.3 sec in self)
withEnv block - (51 sec in block)
withEnv - (51 sec in block)PROJECT_BOT_NAME, PROJECT_NAME
withEnv block - (51 sec in block)
stage - (0.88 sec in block)Import keyring
stage block (Import keyring) - (0.85 sec in block)
container - (0.74 sec in block)java-builder
container block - (0.73 sec in block)
withCredentials - (0.7 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (0.66 sec in block)
sh - (0.64 sec in self)import_gpg "${KEYRING}"
stage - (1.4 sec in block)Prepare settings
stage block (Prepare settings) - (1.3 sec in block)
container - (1.3 sec in block)java-builder
container block - (1.3 sec in block)
script - (1.3 sec in block)
script block - (1.2 sec in block)
sh - (0.61 sec in self)grep version | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d "[:space:]"
sh - (0.64 sec in self)git log --format=%B -1 | head -1 | tr -d " "
echo - (21 ms in self)Building version 2.0.1 in branch main
stage - (0.69 sec in block)Check version
stage block (Check version) - (0.66 sec in block)
container - (0.62 sec in block)java-builder
container block - (0.61 sec in block)
sh - (0.59 sec in self)./scripts/ 2.0.1
stage - (71 ms in block)Build and Test
stage block (Build and Test) - (44 ms in block)
stage - (32 sec in block)Build and Publish Snapshot
stage block (Build and Publish Snapshot) - (32 sec in block)
container - (31 sec in block)java-builder
container block - (31 sec in block)
configFileProvider - (29 sec in block)
configFileProvider block - (29 sec in block)
sh - (29 sec in self)./gradlew clean build test publish --info --stacktrace
junit - (2 sec in self)
stage - (52 ms in block)Build and Publish Release
stage block (Build and Publish Release) - (25 ms in block)
stage - (2.7 sec in block)Update GitHub Pages
stage block (Update GitHub Pages) - (2.7 sec in block)
container - (2.6 sec in block)java-builder
container block - (2.6 sec in block)
sh - (0.93 sec in self)./scripts/ keyple-common-java-api 2.0.1 true
dir - (1.7 sec in block)keyple-common-java-api
dir block - (1.6 sec in block)
withCredentials - (1.6 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (1.6 sec in block)
sh - (1.6 sec in self) git add -A git config "${PROJECT_NAME}" git config "${PROJECT_BOT_NAME}" git commit --allow-empty -m "docs: update documentation ${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}" git log --graph --abbrev-commit --date=relative -n 5 git push "https://${GIT_USERNAME}:${GIT_PASSWORD}${PROJECT_NAME}.git" HEAD:gh-pages
stage - (6.4 sec in block)Publish Code Quality
stage block (Publish Code Quality) - (6.3 sec in block)
container - (6.3 sec in block)java-builder
container block - (6.3 sec in block)
catchError - (6.3 sec in block)
catchError block - (6.2 sec in block)
withCredentials - (6.2 sec in block)
withCredentials block - (6.2 sec in block)
sh - (6.1 sec in self)./gradlew sonarqube --info --stacktrace
stage - (4.9 sec in block)Publish packaging to Eclipse
stage block (Publish packaging to Eclipse) - (4.9 sec in block)
container - (4.8 sec in block)java-builder
container block - (4.8 sec in block)
sshagent - (4.8 sec in block)
sshagent block - (3.2 sec in block)
sh - (3.2 sec in self)publish_packaging
stage - (2.1 sec in block)Declarative: Post Actions
stage block (Declarative: Post Actions) - (2.1 sec in block)
container - (2.1 sec in block)java-builder
container block - (2 sec in block)
archiveArtifacts - (1.5 sec in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.21 sec in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.32 sec in self)