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Started 2 mo 17 days ago
Took 3.7 sec on basic-qnbn8

admin-cli (Feb 8, 2024, 11:58:56 AM)

Build Artifacts
admin-cli-7.0.13-SNAPSHOT.jar194.71 KB view
admin-cli-7.0.13-SNAPSHOT.pom7.64 KB view
  1. Fixed asadmin logging - ignored exceptions (details)
  2. CliConstants revisited - new env properties and values (details)
  3. Directory for GF client can be set by the GF_CLIENT_DIR env property (details)
  4. Fixed server restart - more robust, added validations (details)
  5. Prepare release 7.0.0 (details)
  6. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.1-SNAPSHOT (details)
  7. Replaced all URLClassLoader extensions by GlassfishUrlClassloader (details)
  8. Prepare release 7.0.1 (details)
  9. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.2-SNAPSHOT (details)
  10. Prepare release 7.0.2 (details)
  11. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.3-SNAPSHOT (details)
  12. Revisited and Version class (details)
  13. Raise ASM API version (details)
  14. Replace deprecated ASM API (details)
  15. Fix license headers (details)
  16. Prepare release 7.0.3 (details)
  17. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.4-SNAPSHOT (details)
  18. Fix generate-domain-schema asadmin command (details)
  19. Minor code cleanups (details)
  20. Prepare release 7.0.4 (details)
  21. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.5-SNAPSHOT (details)
  22. Prepare release 7.0.5 (details)
  23. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.6-SNAPSHOT (details)
  24. Prepare release 7.0.6 (details)
  25. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.7-SNAPSHOT (details)
  26. Prepare release 7.0.7 (details)
  27. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.8-SNAPSHOT (details)
  28. The osgi.bundle files removed from 'admin' modules (details)
  29. Prepare release 7.0.8 (details)
  30. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.9-SNAPSHOT (details)
  31. Remove JBI occurrences from source code (details)
  32. Prepare release 7.0.9 (details)
  33. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.10 (details)
  34. Correct new version by adding -SNAPSHOT (details)
  35. Prepare release 7.0.10 (details)
  36. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.11-SNAPSHOT (details)
  37. Prepare release 7.0.11 (details)
  38. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.12-SNAPSHOT (details)
  39. Next version is 8.0.0 (details)
  40. Prepare release 7.0.12 (details)
  41. Prepare next development cycle for 7.0.13-SNAPSHOT (details)
  42. Revert "Merge master into 8.0" (details)
Changes in dependency
  1. GlassFish SSL Implementation Module #181#182 (detail)
  2. GlassFish Nucleus Modules #180#182 (detail)
  3. Scattered Archive APIs of Glassfish #181#182 (detail)
  4. cluster-common #181#182 (detail)
  5. Public APIs of Glassfish #181#182 (detail)
  6. Private APIs of Glassfish #181#182 (detail)
  7. GlassFish Java Util Logging Extension #181#182 (detail)
  8. Simple Public APIs of Glassfish #181#182 (detail)
  9. Deployment Related Common Classes #181#182 (detail)
  10. admin-config-api #181#182 (detail)
  11. Admin Modules  ? → #182 (detail)
  12. admin-launcher #181#182 (detail)
  13. Security Services and SPI #181#182 (detail)
  14. admin-util #181#182 (detail)
  15. grizzly-config #181#182 (detail)
  16. HK2 config types #181#182 (detail)
  17. Security Core Classes #181#182 (detail)
  18. Common Utilities #181#182 (detail)
  19. Nucleus Logging Classes #181#182 (detail)
  20. Nucleus Parent #181#182 (detail)