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3.1.0 (Dec 14, 2022, 8:43:27 AM)

  1. post-release 3.0.0 commit: — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  2. Adds a ClientReconnectingException which is thrown if the client is attempting a reconnect while a message should be sent. — David Schwilk / githubweb
  3. small typo fix — David Schwilk / githubweb
  4. Fix JavaDoc errors — David Schwilk / githubweb
  5. fix for TS2611 — Dirk Van Haerenborgh / githubweb
  6. updated changelog for Ditto JS client 3.0.1 — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  7. prepared Ditto JS client 3.0.1 release — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  8. add support for cursor param — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  9. add tests — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  10. return cursor in SearchThingsResponse — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  11. throw error when both cursor/size and limit is set — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  12. directly close&release OSS nexus repositories on Ditto release — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  13. prepare Ditto-Clients 3.1.0 release — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb

3.0.0 (Sep 27, 2022, 5:06:37 AM)

  1. updated JS client for upcoming Ditto 3.0.0 release — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb

#18 (Sep 9, 2022, 9:25:56 AM)

  1. Add fieldSelector and option to RetrievePolicy — David Schwilk / githubweb
  2. Revert "Set revision to policy when it can be derived from the entity tag contained in the response headers" — David Schwilk / githubweb
  3. Remove accidentally added test — David Schwilk / githubweb
  4. review: deprecate WithSelectedFields in things model in favor in same interface in base model — Johannes Schneider / githubweb
  5. review: revert imports of WithSelectedFields interface to prevent api break — Johannes Schneider / githubweb
  6. added ™ — noreply / githubweb
  7. prepared Ditto-clients release 2.4.0 — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  8. fixed some module/dependency mess by e.g: — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  9. apply naming of Thing.getPolicyEntityId() to getPolicyId() — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  10. moved GatewayException and its (rightful) implementations to new module "gateway-api" — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  11. enhanced Ditto client by adding the option to configure a "default-namespace" — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  12. aligned Jenkinsfile_multibranch_pipeline — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  13. futher consolidate Jenkins_multibranch_pipeline — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  14. Remove default namespace configuration — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  15. increase binary compatibility check version to 2.4.0 — noreply / githubweb
  16. fixed nullable expectations if live.commands.modify package — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  17. made MessageMapper aware of additional inbound headers to pass additional headers — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  18. excluded ThingSearchPublisher method from japicmp-check — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  19. Ditto 3.0 preparation: removed deprecated marked code and adjusted japicmp excludes accordingly — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  20. added japicmd exclusion — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  21. Revert "added japicmd exclusion" — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  22. Revert "Ditto 3.0 preparation: removed deprecated marked code and adjusted japicmp excludes accordingly" — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  23. Manually shutdown the executor of ThingSearchSubscription. — Yufei Cai / githubweb
  24. Transfer ownership of the executor of ThingSearchSubscription to its subscriber to be spec-conform. — Yufei Cai / githubweb
  25. Move creation of single threaded executor back into ThingSearchSubscription for spec conformance (Rule 1.03) — Yufei Cai / githubweb
  26. Ditto 3.0 preparation: removed deprecated marked code and adjusted japicmp excludes accordingly — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  27. updated used dependencies to latest bugfix versions — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  28. updated with new website location — noreply / githubweb
  29. [#181] fix DITTO_DUMMY_AUTH_USER config resolving in DittoClientUsageExamples — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  30. [#193] fixed responding to messages in JS client did not preserve the message "headers" — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  31. [#169] added `ErrorResponse` type used as "reject" reason in order to access status code together with body — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  32. update node versions to test with — noreply / githubweb
  33. add workflow_dispatch to nodejs action — noreply / githubweb
  34. update lerna and node versions to test against to 14, 16, 18 — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  35. undid domain change for Ditto website — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  36. removed copyright holders from as they are not required to be listed — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb

#16 (Mar 30, 2022, 9:48:58 AM)

  1. prepare Ditto JS client release 2.3.0 — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  2. upgrade dependencies — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  3. updated Ditto JS client — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  4. set next "binary-compatibility-check.version" to released 2.3.0 — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  5. Set revision to policy when it can be derived from the entity tag contained in the response headers — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  6. update nexus-staging-maven-plugin — noreply / githubweb
  7. update dependencies — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  8. added python client to — noreply / githubweb
  9. added go reference badge to Go client section — noreply / githubweb

2.1.0 (Sep 27, 2021, 5:39:39 AM)

  1. Update — noreply / githubweb
  2. Update — noreply / githubweb
  3. Work-in-progress. Use dependency injection. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  4. Clean up the test suite. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  5. Use DI in Maven mojo. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  6. Add file header. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  7. Handle variations in content provided to the tool. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  8. Add metadata to the pom.xml — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  9. Try a little harder when reading yarn.lock files. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  10. Get source information from ClearlyDefined data. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  11. Use SLF4J simple logger. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  12. Update README — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  13. Add correct REUSE tag. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  14. Add missing license and copyright information. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  15. REUSE compliant layout for LICENSE files. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  16. Add missing copyright and license information. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  17. Add final missing bits for copyright and license information. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  18. Update — noreply / githubweb
  19. Only consider the license score. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  20. Add MIT-0 as a supported license. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  21. Expect dots in NPM names. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  22. Don't include test content in build. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  23. Include the logger configuration in the build. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  24. Add/fix some debug-level logging. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  25. Increase the limit on the number of reviews. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  26. Update Eclipse IDE metadata. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  27. Find a Content id parser that works. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  28. Sort summary file generated by Maven plugin #72 — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  29. Update DEPENDENCIES — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  30. Skip comment lines. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  31. Improve testing coverage. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  32. Bypass Eclipse Foundation service when the URL is blank. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  33. Use maven-source-plugin 3.2.1 — Alexander Kurtakov / githubweb
  34. Update to Jakarta JSON 2.0.1 — Alexander Kurtakov / githubweb
  35. Use maven-plugin-annotations 3.6.1 — Alexander Kurtakov / githubweb
  36. Update to gitlab4j api 4.17.0 — Alexander Kurtakov / githubweb
  37. "repository" may be a string or an object. Handle both cases. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  38. Use the same default values as the CLI. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  39. Add more debug logging. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  40. Update the DEPENDENCIES file. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  41. Configure Dependabot to give us pull requests. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  42. Bump slf4j-simple from 1.7.31 to 1.7.32 — noreply / githubweb
  43. Bump junit-platform-runner from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 — noreply / githubweb
  44. Bump slf4j-api from 1.7.31 to 1.7.32 — noreply / githubweb
  45. Bump maven-plugin-api from 3.6.3 to 3.8.1 — noreply / githubweb
  46. Bump junit-jupiter-engine from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 — noreply / githubweb
  47. Clean up yarn.lock file reader. Add some tests. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  48. Update DEPENDENCIES — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  49. Add 0BSD as a supported license. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  50. Provide option to fail Maven build on non-approved dependencies #70 — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  51. Bump maven-plugin-plugin from 3.6.0 to 3.6.1 — noreply / githubweb
  52. Tweak the README. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  53. Bump maven-enforcer-plugin from 3.0.0-M3 to 3.0.0 — noreply / githubweb
  54. Bump commons-csv from 1.8 to 1.9.0 — noreply / githubweb
  55. Bump maven-plugin-api from 3.8.1 to 3.8.2 — noreply / githubweb
  56. Bump maven-core from 3.6.3 to 3.8.2 — noreply / githubweb
  57. Fix minor typo — Marc Dumais / githubweb
  58. Clarify the scope required for the Gitlab token — Marc Dumais / githubweb
  59. The '@' symbol is part of the namespace name. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  60. Double the default timeout. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  61. Bump gitlab4j-api from 4.17.0 to 4.18.0 — noreply / githubweb
  62. Bump junit-platform-runner from 1.7.2 to 1.8.0 — noreply / githubweb
  63. Bump junit-jupiter-engine from 5.7.2 to 5.8.0 — noreply / githubweb
  64. Use JUnit 5 @Suite for the test suite. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  65. Support extended data that are not links. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  66. Add an experimental GolangIdParser with tests. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  67. Bump junit-platform-runner from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 — noreply / githubweb
  68. Bump junit-platform-suite-api from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 — noreply / githubweb
  69. Bump junit-jupiter-engine from 5.8.0 to 5.8.1 — noreply / githubweb
  70. Bump junit-platform-suite-engine from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 — noreply / githubweb
  71. Add missing file header. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  72. Better handling for errors from ClearlyDefined. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  73. Add a GolangIdParser test. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  74. Allow a maximum of 100 review requests. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  75. Don't restrict the format of version information. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb

2.0.0 (May 4, 2021, 5:51:54 AM)

  1. Replace WithDittoHeaders by DittoHeadersSettable. — Yufei Cai / githubweb
  2. Remove blocking instantiation of DittoClient — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  3. Replace return of CompletableFuture with CompletionStage — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  4. minor javadoc improvements; — Stefan Maute / githubweb
  5. change return type of merge functions to CompletionStage; — Stefan Maute / githubweb
  6. Remove instantiation of DittoRuntimeException — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  7. moved ditto live signals into ditto-java-client; — Stefan Maute / githubweb
  8. remove test dependency for ditto-signals-commands-live; — Stefan Maute / githubweb
  9. Switch status code of new exception back to how it was, BAD_REQUEST, because it was a mistake — Joel Bartelheimer / githubweb
  10. remove api 1 support — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  11. remov unnecessary osgi stuff for ditto-signals-commands-live — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  12. remove unused class — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  13. Adapt to the changes made in ditto regarding 'Fix WithId+WithIdButActuallyNot' — Joel Bartelheimer / githubweb
  14. Adapt to the changes, that RetrieveThings is not a ThingCommand anymore — Joel Bartelheimer / githubweb
  15. adjusted Ditto java client to changes of Event / EventsourcedEvent — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  16. Review: — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  17. replace deprecated method call of getId() with getEntityName(); — Stefan Maute / githubweb
  18. removed APIs and code marked as "@deprecated" — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  19. Adapt to EntityId changes in ditto — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  20. fix raw generic type usages and other sonar issues — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  21. Review: — Stefan Maute / githubweb
  22. fixed some sonar issues; — Stefan Maute / githubweb
  23. updated used dependencies + — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  24. added build and version badges to js readme — noreply / githubweb
  25. adjusted js version readme section — noreply / githubweb
  26. Adapt to restructured policies module in ditto — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  27. Adapt to things module restructuring in ditto — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  28. Adapt to restructured base module in ditto — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  29. Adapt to restructured thingsearch module in ditto — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  30. Adapt to message model restructuring in ditto — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  31. #667 add websocket auth provider for dom environments — Dominik Guggemos / githubweb
  32. fix test — Dominik Guggemos / githubweb
  33. fix test — Dominik Guggemos / githubweb
  34. review: renamed documented query param/header "x-ditto-dummy-auth" to "x-ditto-pre-authenticated" as the "dummy" is no longer available in Ditto 2.0 — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  35. Adapt to moval of ditto-model-jwt — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  36. Adapt to moval of ditto-model-messages module — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  37. fix assembly.xml — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  38. Adapt RunOSGiContainerIntegrationTest to restructured modules and add missing module tests — Yannic Klem / githubweb

#11 (May 4, 2021, 5:35:52 AM)

  1. Update IPLab URL. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  2. The review property no longer makes sense in the Maven plugin. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb

#9 (Apr 19, 2021, 3:42:41 AM)

  1. Skip duplicates. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  2. Make timeout configurable on the CLI. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  3. Support package-lock.json v2. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb

#8 (Apr 16, 2021, 9:19:21 AM)

  1. Prepare changelog for 3.0.0 — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  2. Update changelog for 3.0.0 — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  3. Merge changelog of 2.1.0 — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  4. Add bugfix #66 to the changelog for JS client 3.0.0 — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  5. Add bugfix #126 to the changelog for JS client 3.0.0 — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  6. Add feature #111 to the changelog for JS client 3.0.0 — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  7. Add feature #117 to the changelog for JS client 3.0.0 — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  8. Add #124 and #140 to the release changelog — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  9. Merge master into changelog_3.0.0 — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  10. Update CHANGELOG and READMEs for new 2.0.0 release — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  11. Add script to update the version — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  12. Prepare 2.0.0-M2 release — Florian Fendt / githubweb

#7 (Apr 16, 2021, 4:26:10 AM)

  1. #28 remove the IIFE build from the API and DOM modules — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  2. test adding metadata — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  3. create dedicated metadata class — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  4. fix tslint error — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  5. new metadata class — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  6. fix order of attributes and features in metadata — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  7. add tests for _metadata — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  8. fix linter errors — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  9. don't include _metadata on thing serialization — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  10. Do adapt extracting of Live-Response from acknowledgement — Yannic Klem / githubweb
  11. fix sonar issue; — Stefan Maute / githubweb
  12. switch back to maven surefire- and failsafe-plugins 3.0.0-M4 — noreply / githubweb
  13. resolve conflicts with master — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  14. move _metadata to end of constructor param list — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  15. consolidated dependencies by using same dependency versions as in Ditto — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  16. fixed and exclude poms from being added to created client .jar — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  17. fix OSGi test / imports — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  18. added option to manually start master build — noreply / githubweb
  19. added Go client to toplevel readme — noreply / githubweb
  20. only serialize strings with quotation marks — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  21. remove object serialization & fix serialization for In — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  22. add support for _created field to thing model — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  23. add tests for _created field — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  24. create stringify function — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  25. fix test for thing without metadata — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  26. correct merge mistake — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  27. correct merge mistake — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  28. rename getter to _created — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  29. update package-lock.json — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  30. Publish all modules as ESM instead of a mix of ESM and CJS. — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  31. implement requested changes — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  32. implement requested changes — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  33. Export node client as commonjs module as ESM still has problems in node — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  34. Don't publish the API module — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  35. fix jest config — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  36. Remove ACL, which is only available in API 1 — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  37. Remove API 1 build steps, handles, client interfaces and implementations — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  38. Update node versions in GitHub actions — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  39. Remove karma conf — Florian Fendt / githubweb
  40. removed unused function, fixed imports in test — Johannes Schneider / githubweb
  41. Update dependencies — Florian Fendt / githubweb

#6 (Apr 16, 2021, 4:24:01 AM)

  1. Increase test coverage. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  2. Improve tests. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  3. Fix NPE in LicenseSupport — Alexander Kurtakov / githubweb
  4. Use a version of maven-deploy that actually exists — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  5. Use Collection.isEmpty method. — Alexander Kurtakov / githubweb
  6. Build with JUnit 5.7.1 — Alexander Kurtakov / githubweb
  7. Use maven-common-artifact-filters 3.2.0 — Alexander Kurtakov / githubweb
  8. Plugin is published to repository. — Alexander Kurtakov / githubweb
  9. Do not inherit license-check mojo — Alexander Kurtakov / githubweb
  10. Add detailed instructions for Maven usage — Alexander Kurtakov / githubweb
  11. Provide better defaults. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  12. Protect against NPE. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  13. Add (experimental) support for reading yarn.lock files — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  14. Update README — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  15. Include Java 11 requirement in README. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb
  16. Update — noreply / githubweb
  17. Update — noreply / githubweb
  18. Update — noreply / githubweb
  19. Update — noreply / githubweb
  20. Update — noreply / githubweb
  21. Update — noreply / githubweb

#5 (Feb 9, 2021, 11:14:07 AM)

  1. Add a new optional step to set a custom api path — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  2. add tests — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  3. document new builder step — Matthias Weirich / githubweb
  4. improved "loadtest" scenario on DittoClientUsageExamples — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  5. set DittoClientUsageExamples back to invoking all usage examples, not only the modifided loadtest — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  6. fixed license declaration of Ditto JavaScript client in package.json files — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb
  7. consolidate/update test dependencies — Thomas Jaeckle / githubweb

#4 (Feb 9, 2021, 11:10:58 AM)

  1. Increase test coverage. Includes some refactoring. — Wayne Beaton / githubweb