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Started 4 yr 5 mo ago
Took 25 sec on default-agent-f644n

#5 (Jan 14, 2020, 5:05:02 PM)

  1. Prepare for next development iteration (details)
  2. Remove a stream usage in PropertyOrdering, rework ordering strats (details)
  3. TCK test version updated (details)
  4. Avoid contractions in NLS messages (details)
  5. New map serializer/deserializer (#315) (details)
  6. Replace inner interface in ComponentMatcher with Function (details)
  7. Refactor inner class & interface inside InstanceCreator (details)
  8. Inline into PropertyModel (details)
  9. FIX/345 : Serializing enums as property or as Map key has different (details)
  10. Update tests to Junit 5.5.2 (#340) (details)
  11. Update PropertyOrderTest to be more meaningful (details)
  12. Fix compile errors in MapToObjectSerializerTest due to soft merge (details)
  13. Update to official Jakarta EE dependencies (details)
  14. Add community information and links to README (details)
  15. Change license of NullSerializer/Deserializer to EPL (details)
  16. ReflectionPropagation refactor (#354) (details)
  17. Fixes #341 Checkstyle plugin added to Yasson (details)
  18. Rebased onto the current master (details)
  19. Fix soft merge conflicts with latest master branch (details)
  20. Update (details)
  21. Whitespace changes (details)
  22. Fix checkstyle errors (details)
  23. Whitespace stuff (details)
  24. Add github issue templates (details)
  25. Fix issue where equivalent properties are not merged correctly (details)
  26. Add tests for issue #81 (details)
  27. Decrease default size annotations field, update docs (details)
  28. Fixes #351 Copyright plugin added to the project (details)
  29. EPL license changed in README file (details)
  30. EPL license changed in NOTICE file (details)
  31. Support for GraalVM native-image. (details)
  32. StackOverflowError on recursive references (#359) (details)
  33. Copyright travis job improved (#365) (details)
  34. Do not log WARN message when optional generic bound is not found (details)
  35. Add class for Yasson-specific config in a type-safe way (details)
  36. Promote glassfish json to required dependency (details)
  37. Generated Yasson jar has not been properly moved to TCK tests (details)
  38. Implement YassonConfig.withEagerParsing(Class<?>...) (details)
  39. Add script for running all delivery checks (details)
  40. Native image properties in correct dir. (details)
  41. maven-compiler-plugin 3.8.1 (details)

Started by user Andrew Guibert

Revision: d849df83da5c4dc6271bf2fdb96299cc5329a491
  • refs/remotes/origin/master