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  1. [519774] sourceediting should not build or include o.e.wst.jsdt plugins (details)
Commit e1b1cf9e3809f23e086b87b2e5a25f73b42cdfe6 by Nick Boldt
[519774] sourceediting should not build or include o.e.wst.jsdt plugins and features: these should be built & added to update site downstream (avoid circular dependency)

Signed-off-by: nickboldt <>
The file was modified features/org.eclipse.wst.web_ui.feature.patch/feature.xml
The file was modified tests/pom.xml
The file was modified features/org.eclipse.wst.web_sdk.feature/feature.xml
The file was modified features/org.eclipse.wst.web_tests.feature/feature.xml
The file was modified features/org.eclipse.wst.web_ui.feature/feature.xml
The file was modified bundles/pom.xml
The file was modified features/org.eclipse.wst.web_core.feature/feature.xml