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Start of Pipeline - (40 min in block)
node - (40 min in block)
node block - (40 min in block)
echo - (9 ms in self)GF_BUILD_JOB=PayaraTyrusZipIntegration
echo - (2 ms in self)TS_JTE_BUILD_JOB=Jakarta8_TS_JTE
echo - (0.1 sec in self)TCK_BUNDLE_URL=
tool - (0.94 sec in self)apache-maven-latest
tool - (0.57 sec in self)openjdk-jdk11-latest
stage - (7 sec in block)Grab GF and ts.jte artifacts
stage block (Grab GF and ts.jte artifacts) - (6.3 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (5.3 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (5 sec in block)
copyArtifacts - (3.7 sec in self)PayaraTyrusZipIntegration
copyArtifacts - (0.56 sec in self)Jakarta8_TS_JTE
stage - (2.2 sec in block)Grab TCK bundle
stage block (Grab TCK bundle) - (1.5 sec in block)
sh - (0.91 sec in self)#!/bin/bash -ex cd ${WORKSPACE}/download wget -q ${TCK_BUNDLE_URL} -O ${deliverabledir}
stage - (4.7 sec in block)Unzip TCK and GF
stage block (Unzip TCK and GF) - (4.1 sec in block)
sh - (3.4 sec in self)#!/bin/bash -ex cd ${WORKSPACE} unzip ${WORKSPACE}/download/ unzip -q ${WORKSPACE}/download/${deliverabledir} cd ${WORKSPACE}/${GF_FOLDER_NAME}/glassfish/modules jar xf tyrus-core.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF cat META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | grep Bundle-Version
stage - (3 sec in block)SET WebSocket TCK TOP DIR
stage block (SET WebSocket TCK TOP DIR) - (2.3 sec in block)
sh - (0.56 sec in self)ls -d */ | cut -f1 -d/ | grep tck
sh - (0.56 sec in self)echo websocket-tck
sh - (0.58 sec in self)if [ \'websocket-tck\' != \'websocket-tck\' ]; then mv -v websocket-tck websocket-tck; fi
stage - (3.5 sec in block)Grab and unzip ANT
stage block (Grab and unzip ANT) - (2.8 sec in block)
sh - (2.1 sec in self)#!/bin/bash -ex cd ${WORKSPACE}/download wget -q${ANT_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz -O ant.tar.gz tar xfz ant.tar.gz mkdir -p ${ANT_HOME} && cp -a ${WORKSPACE}/download/apache-ant-${ANT_VERSION}/. ${ANT_HOME}
stage - (1.9 sec in block)Replace ts.jte
stage block (Replace ts.jte) - (1.2 sec in block)
sh - (0.57 sec in self)#!/bin/bash -ex yes | cp -rfv ${WORKSPACE}/download/ts.jte ${TS_HOME}/bin/ts.jte
stage - (21 sec in block)Configure TCK
stage block (Configure TCK) - (20 sec in block)
sh - (20 sec in self)#!/bin/bash -ex cd ${TS_HOME}/bin ant
stage - (31 sec in block)Deploy TCK tests
stage block (Deploy TCK tests) - (31 sec in block)
script - (30 sec in block)
script block - (29 sec in block)
sh - (29 sec in self)#!/bin/bash -ex cd ${TS_HOME}/bin ant deploy.all
stage - (38 min in block)Run TCK tests
stage block (Run TCK tests) - (38 min in block)
sh - (38 min in self)#!/bin/bash -ex cd ${TS_HOME}/bin ant run.all | tee run.log
stage - (7.3 sec in block)Create summary.txt, API, and run.log artifacts
stage block (Create summary.txt, API, and run.log artifacts) - (5.9 sec in block)
sh - (0.96 sec in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.78 sec in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.89 sec in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.66 sec in self)
archiveArtifacts - (0.7 sec in self)
stage - (6.6 sec in block)push results to gh-pages
stage block (push results to gh-pages) - (6.3 sec in block)
sshagent - (4.1 sec in block)
sshagent block - (1.5 sec in block)
sh - (0.77 sec in self) GIT_API_HOME='' SITE_FOLDER='gh-pages' # Setup jms-bot account information #git config --global "" #git config --global "Eclipse Websocket Bot" #cd /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/Jakarta8_TCK_run #git clone --depth 1 --branch gh-pages --single-branch ${GIT_API_HOME} ${SITE_FOLDER} #mkdir -p ${SITE_FOLDER}/tck #cp -a summary.txt ${SITE_FOLDER}/tck/summary.txt #cd ${SITE_FOLDER} #git add tck #git commit -a -s -m 'TCK: summary.txt' #git push origin gh-pages