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Console Output

01:42:20 [2020-06-04T05:42:20.908Z] No credentials specified
01:42:21 [2020-06-04T05:42:21.011Z] Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
01:42:20 [2020-06-04T05:42:20.917Z]  > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
01:42:21 [2020-06-04T05:42:21.013Z]  > git config remote.origin.url git:// # timeout=10
01:42:21 [2020-06-04T05:42:21.112Z] Fetching upstream changes from git://
01:42:21 [2020-06-04T05:42:21.113Z]  > git --version # timeout=10
01:42:21 [2020-06-04T05:42:21.212Z]  > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- git:// refs/heads/master # timeout=10
01:43:09 [2020-06-04T05:43:09.409Z] Checking out Revision 27fca6b188015d66659125682e519fa1c01b797c (master)
01:43:09 [2020-06-04T05:43:09.326Z]  > git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD^{commit} # timeout=10
01:43:09 [2020-06-04T05:43:09.414Z]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
01:43:09 [2020-06-04T05:43:09.424Z]  > git checkout -f 27fca6b188015d66659125682e519fa1c01b797c # timeout=10
01:43:14 [2020-06-04T05:43:14.624Z] Commit message: "releng: Update Trace Compass plug-in and feature versions for 6.0.0"
01:43:14 [2020-06-04T05:43:14.628Z]  > git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD^{commit} # timeout=10
01:43:15 [2020-06-04T05:43:15.917Z]  > git rev-list --no-walk 79b8f9ac19f928a0c7ece4f770b450d77d828ef9 # timeout=10