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Console Output

01:05:38 [2020-01-13T06:05:38.653Z] No credentials specified
01:05:38 [2020-01-13T06:05:38.661Z] Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
01:05:38 [2020-01-13T06:05:38.654Z]  > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
01:05:38 [2020-01-13T06:05:38.662Z]  > git config remote.origin.url git:// # timeout=10
01:05:38 [2020-01-13T06:05:38.715Z] Fetching upstream changes from git://
01:05:38 [2020-01-13T06:05:38.715Z]  > git --version # timeout=10
01:05:38 [2020-01-13T06:05:38.720Z]  > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- git:// refs/heads/master # timeout=10
01:06:20 [2020-01-13T06:06:20.529Z] Checking out Revision a482415145b303e0a1469ee9220f97fd41e25abe (master)
01:06:20 [2020-01-13T06:06:20.521Z]  > git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD^{commit} # timeout=10
01:06:20 [2020-01-13T06:06:20.530Z]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
01:06:20 [2020-01-13T06:06:20.534Z]  > git checkout -f a482415145b303e0a1469ee9220f97fd41e25abe # timeout=10
01:06:24 [2020-01-13T06:06:24.156Z] Commit message: "tmf.ui.swtbot: test the bookmarks view"
01:06:24 [2020-01-13T06:06:24.207Z]  > git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD^{commit} # timeout=10
01:06:24 [2020-01-13T06:06:24.727Z]  > git rev-list --no-walk e2aa3a2fa11434517e099d3191497be468f00937 # timeout=10