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Console Output

Branch indexing
08:23:14 Connecting to using GitHub bot (username/token)
Obtained Jenkinsfile from 751562817ac3dab59486ac6ed79de557eb2d723f
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] echo
[WARNING] label option is deprecated. To use a static pod template, use the 'inheritFrom' option.
[Pipeline] podTemplate
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
Created Pod: kubernetes sprotty/sprotty-agent-pod-n3rw9-t8rsz
Still waiting to schedule task
‘sprotty-agent-pod-n3rw9-t8rsz’ is offline
Agent sprotty-agent-pod-n3rw9-t8rsz is provisioned from template sprotty-agent-pod-n3rw9
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Pod"
    buildUrl: "http://jenkins-ui.sprotty.svc.cluster.local/sprotty/job/sprotty/job/tortmayr%252Fbutton-handler-rebind/1/"
    runUrl: "job/sprotty/job/tortmayr%252Fbutton-handler-rebind/1/"
    jenkins: "slave"
    jenkins/label-digest: "94c9ac7d111dbbd882706642673985e1e8e78a4d"
    jenkins/label: "sprotty-agent-pod"
  name: "sprotty-agent-pod-n3rw9-t8rsz"
  namespace: "sprotty"
  - image: "node:12-alpine"
    name: "node"
        memory: "2Gi"
        cpu: "1"
        memory: "2Gi"
        cpu: "1"
    tty: true
    - mountPath: "/.yarn"
      name: "yarn-global"
      readonly: false
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  - env:
    - name: "JENKINS_SECRET"
      value: "********"
    - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL"
      value: "jenkins-discovery.sprotty.svc.cluster.local:50000"
    - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME"
      value: "sprotty-agent-pod-n3rw9-t8rsz"
    - name: "JENKINS_NAME"
      value: "sprotty-agent-pod-n3rw9-t8rsz"
      value: "/home/jenkins/agent"
    - name: "JENKINS_URL"
      value: "http://jenkins-ui.sprotty.svc.cluster.local/sprotty/"
    image: ""
    name: "jnlp"
      limits: {}
        memory: "256Mi"
        cpu: "100m"
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  nodeSelector: "linux"
  restartPolicy: "Never"
  - emptyDir: {}
    name: "yarn-global"
  - emptyDir:
      medium: ""
    name: "workspace-volume"

Running on sprotty-agent-pod-n3rw9-t8rsz in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/y_tortmayr_button-handler-rebind
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM)
[Pipeline] checkout
The recommended git tool is: git
using credential github-bot
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and without tags
Cloning repository
 > git init /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/y_tortmayr_button-handler-rebind # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.20.1'
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials GitHub bot (username/token)
 > git fetch --no-tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/tortmayr/button-handler-rebind:refs/remotes/origin/tortmayr/button-handler-rebind # timeout=10
Avoid second fetch
Checking out Revision 751562817ac3dab59486ac6ed79de557eb2d723f (tortmayr/button-handler-rebind)
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/tortmayr/button-handler-rebind:refs/remotes/origin/tortmayr/button-handler-rebind # timeout=10
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 751562817ac3dab59486ac6ed79de557eb2d723f # timeout=10
Commit message: "Demo on how to rebind expand handler"
First time build. Skipping changelog.
Cleaning workspace
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Build sprotty)
[Pipeline] container
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
 > git rev-parse --verify HEAD # timeout=10
Resetting working tree
 > git reset --hard # timeout=10
 > git clean -fdx # timeout=10
+ yarn install
yarn install v1.22.17
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
$ lerna run prepare
lerna notice cli v4.0.0
lerna info ci enabled
lerna info Executing command in 4 packages: "yarn run prepare"
sprotty-protocol: yarn run v1.22.17
sprotty-protocol: $ yarn run clean && yarn run build
sprotty-protocol: $ rimraf lib artifacts
sprotty-protocol: $ tsc -p ./tsconfig.json && yarn run lint
sprotty-protocol: $ eslint -c ../../configs/.eslintrc.js "src/**/!(*.spec.ts*)"
sprotty-protocol: Done in 14.54s.
sprotty-elk: yarn run v1.22.17
sprotty: yarn run v1.22.17
sprotty-elk: $ yarn run clean && yarn run build
sprotty: $ yarn run clean && yarn run build
sprotty: $ rimraf lib artifacts
sprotty-elk: $ rimraf lib artifacts
sprotty: $ tsc -p ./tsconfig.json && yarn run lint
sprotty-elk: $ tsc -p ./tsconfig.json && yarn run lint
sprotty-elk: $ eslint -c ../../configs/.eslintrc.js "src/**/!(*.spec.ts*)"
sprotty: $ eslint -c ../../configs/.eslintrc.js "src/**/!(*.spec.ts*|test-helper.ts)"
sprotty-elk: Done in 37.09s.
sprotty: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/y_tortmayr_button-handler-rebind/packages/sprotty/src/base/model/smodel-utils.ts
sprotty:   178:2  warning  Newline required at end of file but not found  eol-last
sprotty: ✖ 1 problem (0 errors, 1 warning)
sprotty:   0 errors and 1 warning potentially fixable with the `--fix` option.
sprotty: Done in 48.55s.
sprotty-examples: yarn run v1.22.17
sprotty-examples: $ yarn run build
sprotty-examples: $ webpack && tsc
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 0% 
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 1% setup initialize
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 1% setup initialize
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 2% setup before run
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 2% setup before run NodeEnvironmentPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 2% setup before run
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 3% setup run
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 3% setup run webpack-cli
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 3% setup run
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 4% setup normal module factory
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 4% setup normal module factory
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 5% setup context module factory
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 5% setup context module factory
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 6% setup before compile
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 6% setup before compile ProgressPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 6% setup before compile
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 7% setup compile
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 7% setup compile ExternalsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 7% setup compile
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 8% setup compilation
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 8% setup compilation ArrayPushCallbackChunkFormatPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 8% setup compilation JsonpChunkLoadingPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 8% setup compilation StartupChunkDependenciesPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 8% setup compilation ImportScriptsChunkLoadingPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 8% setup compilation FetchCompileWasmPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 8% setup compilation FetchCompileAsyncWasmPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 8% setup compilation WorkerPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 8% setup compilation SplitChunksPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 8% setup compilation ResolverCachePlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 8% setup compilation
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation ProgressPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation ChunkPrefetchPreloadPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation ModuleInfoHeaderPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation SourceMapDevToolPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation JavascriptModulesPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation JsonModulesPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation AssetModulesPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation EntryPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation EntryPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation EntryPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation EntryPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation EntryPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation RuntimePlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation InferAsyncModulesPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation DataUriPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation FileUriPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation CompatibilityPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation HarmonyModulesPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation AMDPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation RequireJsStuffPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation CommonJsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation LoaderPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation LoaderPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation NodeStuffPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation APIPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation ExportsInfoApiPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation WebpackIsIncludedPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation ConstPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation UseStrictPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation RequireIncludePlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation RequireEnsurePlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation RequireContextPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation ImportPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation SystemPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation ImportMetaPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation URLPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation DefaultStatsFactoryPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation DefaultStatsPresetPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation DefaultStatsPrinterPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation JavascriptMetaInfoPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation EnsureChunkConditionsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation RemoveEmptyChunksPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation MergeDuplicateChunksPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation SideEffectsFlagPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation FlagDependencyExportsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation NamedModuleIdsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation NamedChunkIdsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation DefinePlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation TemplatedPathPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation RecordIdsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation WarnCaseSensitiveModulesPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation IgnoreWarningsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 9% setup compilation
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 0/1 entries 0/0 dependencies 0/0 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building import loader ../node_modules/ts-loader/index.js
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 0/5 entries 1/5 dependencies 0/1 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 0/5 entries 2/5 dependencies 0/1 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building import loader ../node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 0/5 entries 5/5 dependencies 0/5 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 0/5 entries 89/100 dependencies 0/75 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 0/5 entries 420/481 dependencies 1/165 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 0/5 entries 900/988 dependencies 83/232 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 11% building import loader ../node_modules/style-loader/dist/cjs.js
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 11% building import loader ../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 11% building 0/5 entries 1062/1067 dependencies 145/249 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 21% building 1/5 entries 1339/1386 dependencies 208/400 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 32% building 2/5 entries 1339/1386 dependencies 209/400 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 42% building 3/5 entries 1347/1390 dependencies 215/404 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 54% building 4/5 entries 1470/1541 dependencies 250/450 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 54% building 4/5 entries 1925/2000 dependencies 286/459 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 54% building import loader ../node_modules/file-loader/dist/cjs.js
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 54% building 4/5 entries 2386/2386 dependencies 472/499 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 65% building 5/5 entries 2386/2386 dependencies 499/499 modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 65% building
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 69% building finish
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 69% building finish
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% sealing finish module graph
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% sealing finish module graph ResolverCachePlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% sealing finish module graph InferAsyncModulesPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% sealing finish module graph FlagDependencyExportsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% sealing finish module graph
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% sealing plugins
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% sealing plugins WarnCaseSensitiveModulesPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% sealing plugins
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 71% sealing dependencies optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 71% sealing dependencies optimization SideEffectsFlagPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 71% sealing dependencies optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 71% sealing after dependencies optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 71% sealing after dependencies optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 72% sealing chunk graph
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 72% sealing chunk graph
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 73% sealing after chunk graph
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 73% sealing after chunk graph
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 73% sealing optimizing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 73% sealing optimizing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 74% sealing module optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 74% sealing module optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 75% sealing after module optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 75% sealing after module optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 75% sealing chunk optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 75% sealing chunk optimization EnsureChunkConditionsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 75% sealing chunk optimization RemoveEmptyChunksPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 75% sealing chunk optimization MergeDuplicateChunksPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 75% sealing chunk optimization SplitChunksPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 75% sealing chunk optimization RemoveEmptyChunksPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 75% sealing chunk optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 76% sealing after chunk optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 76% sealing after chunk optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 77% sealing module and chunk tree optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 77% sealing module and chunk tree optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 77% sealing after module and chunk tree optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 77% sealing after module and chunk tree optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 78% sealing chunk modules optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 78% sealing chunk modules optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 78% sealing after chunk modules optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 78% sealing after chunk modules optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 79% sealing module reviving
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 79% sealing module reviving RecordIdsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 79% sealing module reviving
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 80% sealing before module ids
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 80% sealing before module ids
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 80% sealing module ids
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 80% sealing module ids NamedModuleIdsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 80% sealing module ids
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 81% sealing module id optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 81% sealing module id optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 82% sealing module id optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 82% sealing module id optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 82% sealing chunk reviving
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 82% sealing chunk reviving RecordIdsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 82% sealing chunk reviving
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 83% sealing before chunk ids
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 83% sealing before chunk ids
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 84% sealing chunk ids
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 84% sealing chunk ids NamedChunkIdsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 84% sealing chunk ids
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 84% sealing chunk id optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 84% sealing chunk id optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 85% sealing after chunk id optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 85% sealing after chunk id optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 86% sealing record modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 86% sealing record modules RecordIdsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 86% sealing record modules
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 86% sealing record chunks
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 86% sealing record chunks RecordIdsPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 86% sealing record chunks
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 87% sealing module hashing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 87% sealing module hashing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 87% sealing code generation
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 87% sealing code generation
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 88% sealing runtime requirements
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 88% sealing runtime requirements
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 89% sealing hashing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 89% sealing hashing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 89% sealing after hashing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 89% sealing after hashing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 90% sealing record hash
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 90% sealing record hash
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 91% sealing module assets processing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 91% sealing module assets processing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 91% sealing chunk assets processing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 91% sealing chunk assets processing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing ts-loader
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing SourceMapDevToolPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing SourceMapDevToolPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing SourceMapDevToolPlugin bundle.js generate SourceMap
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing SourceMapDevToolPlugin bundle.js generated SourceMap
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing SourceMapDevToolPlugin resolve sources
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing SourceMapDevToolPlugin bundle.js attach SourceMap
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing SourceMapDevToolPlugin bundle.js attached SourceMap
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing SourceMapDevToolPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing SourceMapDevToolPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing SourceMapDevToolPlugin resolve sources
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing SourceMapDevToolPlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% sealing asset processing
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 93% sealing after asset optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 93% sealing after asset optimization
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 93% sealing recording
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 93% sealing recording
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 94% sealing after seal
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 94% sealing after seal
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 95% emitting emit
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 95% emitting emit
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 98% emitting after emit
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 98% emitting after emit
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 99% done plugins
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 99% done plugins
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 99% 
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 99% cache store build dependencies
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 99% cache store build dependencies
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 99% cache begin idle
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 99% cache begin idle
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 100% 
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 99% cache shutdown
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 99% cache shutdown MemoryCachePlugin
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 99% cache shutdown
sprotty-examples: <s> [webpack.Progress] 100% 
sprotty-examples: asset bundle.js 3.33 MiB [emitted] (name: main) 1 related asset
sprotty-examples: asset codicon.ttf 66.3 KiB [emitted] [from: ../node_modules/@vscode/codicons/dist/codicon.ttf] (auxiliary name: main)
sprotty-examples: asset cf865c89e64ebc5a5c40.ttf?7cea6a135a6c0359d1f6d18e6b2c5c42 58 bytes [emitted] [immutable] [from: ../node_modules/@vscode/codicons/dist/codicon.ttf?7cea6a135a6c0359d1f6d18e6b2c5c42] (auxiliary name: main)
sprotty-examples: runtime modules 2.39 KiB 7 modules
sprotty-examples: orphan modules 11 bytes [orphan] 1 module
sprotty-examples: modules by path ../node_modules/ 1.87 MiB (javascript) 58 bytes (asset) 284 modules
sprotty-examples: modules by path ../packages/ 983 KiB
sprotty-examples:   modules by path ../packages/sprotty/lib/ 897 KiB 157 modules
sprotty-examples:   modules by path ../packages/sprotty-protocol/lib/ 51.4 KiB 9 modules
sprotty-examples:   modules by path ../packages/sprotty/css/*.css 17.6 KiB 6 modules
sprotty-examples:   modules by path ../packages/sprotty-elk/lib/*.js 16.9 KiB
sprotty-examples:     ../packages/sprotty-elk/lib/inversify.js 2.8 KiB [built] [code generated]
sprotty-examples:     ../packages/sprotty-elk/lib/elk-layout.js 14.1 KiB [built] [code generated]
sprotty-examples: modules by path ./ 149 KiB 35 modules
sprotty-examples: webpack 5.61.0 compiled successfully in 16490 ms
sprotty-examples: Done in 25.98s.
lerna success run Ran npm script 'prepare' in 4 packages in 90.1s:
lerna success - sprotty-examples
lerna success - sprotty-elk
lerna success - sprotty-protocol
lerna success - sprotty
Done in 131.14s.
[Pipeline] sh
+ yarn test
yarn run v1.22.17
$ lerna run test
lerna notice cli v4.0.0
lerna info ci enabled
lerna info Executing command in 3 packages: "yarn run test"
sprotty-protocol: $ mocha --config ../../configs/.mocharc.json "./src/**/*.spec.?(ts|tsx)"
sprotty-protocol:   DiagramServer
sprotty-protocol:     ✓ sets the model without client or server layout
sprotty-protocol:     ✓ sets the model with server layout, but without client layout
sprotty-protocol:     ✓ requests bounds with client layout, but without server layout
sprotty-protocol:     ✓ requests bounds with client and server layout, then processes the bounds
sprotty-protocol:     ✓ calls a registered action handler
sprotty-protocol: Unhandled action from client: foo
sprotty-protocol:     ✓ does not call an unregistered action handler
sprotty-protocol:   SModelIndex
sprotty-protocol:     ✓ returns the parent element for an external model
sprotty-protocol:     ✓ returns the root element for an external model
sprotty-protocol:   almostEquals
sprotty-protocol:     ✓ returns false for clearly different values
sprotty-protocol:     ✓ returns true for almost equal values
sprotty-protocol:   Point
sprotty-protocol:     euclideanDistance
sprotty-protocol:       ✓ works as expected
sprotty-protocol:     manhattanDistance
sprotty-protocol:       ✓ works as expected
sprotty-protocol:   Bounds
sprotty-protocol:     combine
sprotty-protocol:       ✓ includes all corner points of the input bounds
sprotty-protocol:   angleBetweenPoints
sprotty-protocol:     ✓ computes a 90° angle correctly
sprotty-protocol:     ✓ computes a 180° angle correctly
sprotty-protocol:   15 passing (23ms)
sprotty-elk: $ jenkins-mocha --config ../../configs/.mocharc.json "./src/**/*.spec.?(ts|tsx)"
sprotty: $ jenkins-mocha --config ../../configs/.mocharc.json "./src/**/*.spec.?(ts|tsx)"
sprotty-elk:   ElkLayoutEngine
sprotty-elk:     ✓ arranges a very simple graph (897ms)
sprotty-elk:     ✓ arranges a graph with ports
sprotty-elk:   2 passing (921ms)
sprotty-elk: =============================== Coverage summary ===============================
sprotty-elk: Statements   : 80% ( 184/230 )
sprotty-elk: Branches     : 65.47% ( 91/139 )
sprotty-elk: Functions    : 77.27% ( 34/44 )
sprotty-elk: Lines        : 78.57% ( 165/210 )
sprotty-elk: ================================================================================
sprotty:   ActionDispatcher
sprotty:     ✓ should execute/undo/redo
sprotty:     ✓ should resolve/reject promises
sprotty:     ✓ should reject requests without handler
sprotty:     ✓ should be able to resolve requests
sprotty:     ✓ should be able to reject requests
sprotty:   easing
sprotty:     ✓ test in/out
sprotty:   CommandRegistration
sprotty:     ✓ creates new instances
sprotty:     ✓ injects members
sprotty:   CommandStack
sprotty:     ✓ calls viewer correctly
sprotty:     ✓ handles plain undo/redo
sprotty:     ✓ handles system command at the end
sprotty:     ✓ handles system command in the middle
sprotty:     ✓ handles merge command
sprotty:     ✓ handles hidden command
sprotty:   InitializeCanvasBoundsCommand
sprotty:     ✓ execute() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ undo() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ redo() works as expected
sprotty:   SetModelCommand
sprotty:     ✓ execute() returns the new model
sprotty:     ✓ undo() returns the previous model
sprotty:     ✓ redo() returns the new model
sprotty:   model factory
sprotty:     ✓ creates a single element from a schema
sprotty:     ✓ creates a root element and its chilren from a schema
sprotty:     ✓ detects duplicate ids and throws an error
sprotty:     ✓ does not overwrite reserved properties
sprotty:     ✓ gets default features for registered element
sprotty:     ✓ applies custom features for registered element
sprotty:   SModelRoot
sprotty:     ✓ contains children after adding them
sprotty:     ✓ can reorder children
sprotty:     ✓ can remove children
sprotty:     ✓ correctly assigns the parent to children
sprotty:   ModelIndexImpl
sprotty:     ✓ contains elements after adding them
sprotty:     ✓ does not contain elements after removing them
sprotty:   CssClassPostprocessor
sprotty:     ✓ classes are not overwritten
sprotty:     ✓ subtype is appended as class
sprotty:     ✓ type is not appended as class
sprotty:   ThunkView
sprotty:     ✓ renders on change
sprotty:   base views
sprotty:     ✓ empty view
sprotty:     ✓ missing view
sprotty:   findArgValue
sprotty:     ✓ returns undefined for missing keys
sprotty:     ✓ returns the value if found on first level
sprotty:     ✓ returns the value if found on second level
sprotty:     ✓ returns the value if found on third level
sprotty:     ✓ returns the complex value if found on third level
sprotty:     ✓ returns undefined for a type if missing
sprotty:     ✓ should return undefined if args are undefined
sprotty:   SetBoundsCommand
sprotty:     ✓ execute() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ undo() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ redo() works as expected
sprotty:   HBoxLayouter
sprotty:     ✓ defaultParams
sprotty:     ✓ alignTop
sprotty:     ✓ alignBottom
sprotty:     ✓ padding
sprotty:     ✓ hGap
sprotty:     ✓ paddingFactor
sprotty:     ✓ issue-189
sprotty:   getAbsoluteBounds
sprotty:     ✓ should compute the absolute bounds of a bounds aware element (55ms)
sprotty:   StackLayouter
sprotty:     ✓ defaultParams
sprotty:     ✓ alignTopLeft
sprotty:     ✓ alignBottomRight
sprotty:     ✓ padding
sprotty:     ✓ paddingFactor
sprotty:   VBoxLayouter
sprotty:     ✓ defaultParams
sprotty:     ✓ alignLeft
sprotty:     ✓ alignRight
sprotty:     ✓ padding
sprotty:     ✓ vGap
sprotty:     ✓ paddingFactor
sprotty:   ShapeView.isVisible
sprotty:     ✓ should return true when an element intersects the canvas bounds
sprotty:     ✓ should return false when the viewport is panned away
sprotty:     ✓ should return false when the viewport is zoomed away
sprotty:     ✓ should return true when rendered in a hidden context
sprotty:   ContextMenuProviderRegistry
sprotty:     ✓ should return no items if there are no providers
sprotty:     ✓ should return no items with empty list of providers
sprotty:     ✓ should return the union of elements of all providers
sprotty:     ✓ should restructure items accoriding to parent IDs
sprotty:   IntersectionFinder
sprotty:     ✓ finds no intersection between two horizontally parallel lines
sprotty:     ✓ finds no intersection between two vertically parallel lines
sprotty:     ✓ finds no intersection between two lines with the same starting point
sprotty:     ✓ finds no intersection between two lines with the same end point
sprotty:     ✓ finds an intersection between two polylines with one segment
sprotty:     ✓ finds three intersection between two polylines with three segments, each crossing
sprotty:     ✓ finds an intersection among three polylines whereas only two segments intersect ("1" and "3" at (2,2))
sprotty:   ExportSvgCommand
sprotty:     ✓ execute() clears selection
sprotty:     ✓ execute() removes hover feedback
sprotty:     ✓ execute() resets viewport
sprotty:   hover
sprotty:     mouseover result
sprotty:       ✓ is empty on hovering over non-hoverable elements
sprotty:       ✓ contains HoverFeedbackAction on hovering over an hoverable element
sprotty:       ✓ resets the hover feedback on hovering over another element
sprotty:       ✓ contains SetPopupModelAction if popup is open and hovering over an non-hoverable element
sprotty:       ✓ resets the hover feedback when moving out of another element
sprotty:       ✓ contains SetPopupModelAction and Promise if popup is open and previous target is not the same
sprotty:       ✓ contains nothing if popup is open and previous target is the same
sprotty:   move
sprotty:     ✓ execute() works as expected (64ms)
sprotty:     ✓ undo() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ redo() works as expected
sprotty:   getAbsoluteRouteBounds
sprotty:     ✓ should compute the absolute bounds of a routable element
sprotty:   RoutableView.isVisible
sprotty:     ✓ should return true when an element intersects the canvas bounds
sprotty:     ✓ should return false when the viewport is panned away
sprotty:     ✓ should return false when the viewport is zoomed away
sprotty:     ✓ should return true when rendered in a hidden context
sprotty:   SelectCommand
sprotty:     ✓ execute() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ undo() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ redo() works as expected
sprotty:   SelectAllCommand
sprotty:     ✓ execute() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ undo() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ redo() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ execute() works as expected with deselect
sprotty:     ✓ undo() works as expected with deselect
sprotty:     ✓ redo() works as expected with deselect
sprotty:   ModelMatcher
sprotty:     ✓ finds new elements
sprotty:     ✓ finds deleted elements
sprotty:     ✓ matches elements with equal id
sprotty:   UpdateModelCommand
sprotty:     ✓ replaces the model if animation is suppressed
sprotty:     ✓ undo() returns the previous model
sprotty:     ✓ redo() returns the new model
sprotty:     ✓ fades in new elements
sprotty:     ✓ fades out deleted elements
sprotty:     ✓ moves relocated elements
sprotty:     ✓ combines fade and move animations
sprotty:     ✓ applies a given model diff
sprotty:     ✓ morphs edge
sprotty:     ✓ #190 removes relocated elements before adding them { animate: false }
sprotty:     ✓ #190 removes relocated elements before adding them { animate: true }
sprotty:     ✓ #190 removes container element and adds contained element { animate: false } (68ms)
sprotty:     ✓ #190 removes container element and adds contained element { animate: true }
sprotty:   BoundsAwareViewportCommand
sprotty:     ✓ execute() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ undo() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ redo() works as expected
sprotty:   BringToFrontCommand
sprotty:     ✓ execute() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ undo() works as expected
sprotty:     ✓ redo() works as expected
sprotty:   SEdge
sprotty:     ✓ computes a simple route
sprotty:     ✓ skips a routing handle that is dragged for removal
sprotty:   SGraphIndex
sprotty:     ✓ tracks outgoing edges of a node
sprotty:     ✓ tracks incoming edges of a node
sprotty:     ✓ does not contain outgoing or incoming edges after removing them
sprotty:   anchor computation
sprotty:     ✓ correctly translates edge source position
sprotty:     ✓ correctly translates edge target position
sprotty:     ✓ correctly translates edge source to target position
sprotty:   graph views
sprotty:     ✓ render an empty graph
sprotty:     ✓ render a straight edge
sprotty:     ✓ render a circle node
sprotty:     ✓ render a whole graph
sprotty:   PolylineEdgeView
sprotty:     ✓ correctly translates edge source and target position
sprotty:     ✓ correctly translates edge target and source position
sprotty:   JSX
sprotty:     ✓ should set namespace even for empty svg elements with no attributes
sprotty:     ✓ should convert prefixes of the jsx attribute to the key of the vnode
sprotty:   virtualize (happy path)
sprotty:     ✓ should convert a single node with no children
sprotty:     ✓ should convert a node with text node
sprotty:     ✓ should convert nodes with children
sprotty:     ✓ should convert xml document
sprotty:     ✓ should convert a single node with attributes
sprotty:     ✓ should ignore empty attributes
sprotty:     ✓ should handle control characters in attribute values
sprotty:     ✓ should handle entities in attribute values
sprotty:     ✓ should ignore comments
sprotty:   virtualize (bad path)
sprotty:     ✓ should return null when given null or empty string
sprotty:     ✓ should return parser error when given a single text node
sprotty:     ✓ should return parser error when gives multiple top-level nodes
sprotty:   LocalModelSource
sprotty:     ✓ sets the model in fixed mode
sprotty:     ✓ requests bounds in dynamic mode
sprotty:     ✓ adds and removes elements
sprotty:     ✓ resolves promises in fixed mode
sprotty:     ✓ resolves promises in dynamic mode
sprotty:   PointToPointLine
sprotty:     angle
sprotty:       ✓ computes a 45° angle correctly
sprotty:       ✓ computes a 90° angle correctly
sprotty:       ✓ computes a 180° angle correctly
sprotty:     intersection
sprotty:       ✓ finds intersection of crossing lines
sprotty:       ✓ returns `undefined` for parallel lines
sprotty:     direction
sprotty:       ✓ correctly defines line to north
sprotty:       ✓ correctly defines line to north-east
sprotty:       ✓ correctly defines line to east
sprotty:       ✓ correctly defines line to south-east
sprotty:       ✓ correctly defines line to south
sprotty:       ✓ correctly defines line to south-west
sprotty:       ✓ correctly defines line to west
sprotty:       ✓ correctly defines line to north-west
sprotty:   FluentIterableImpl
sprotty:     ✓ iterates elements
sprotty:     ✓ filters elements
sprotty:     ✓ maps elements
sprotty:     ✓ filters and maps elements
sprotty:   ProviderRegistry
sprotty:     ✓ creates instances of registered classes
sprotty:     ✓ does not contain deregistered classes
sprotty:   InstanceRegistry
sprotty:     ✓ returns the registered values
sprotty:     ✓ does not contain deregistered classes
sprotty:   185 passing (916ms)
sprotty: =============================== Coverage summary ===============================
sprotty: Statements   : 66.2% ( 4390/6631 )
sprotty: Branches     : 39.9% ( 1067/2674 )
sprotty: Functions    : 57.53% ( 676/1175 )
sprotty: Lines        : 64.69% ( 3785/5851 )
sprotty: ================================================================================
lerna success run Ran npm script 'test' in 3 packages in 40.5s:
lerna success - sprotty-elk
lerna success - sprotty-protocol
lerna success - sprotty
Done in 41.27s.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Deploy (master only))
Stage "Deploy (master only)" skipped due to when conditional
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] junit
Recording test results
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[Pipeline] archiveArtifacts
Archiving artifacts
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // podTemplate
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline

GitHub has been notified of this commit’s build result

Finished: SUCCESS