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#15 (Jun 12, 2024, 3:26:35 AM)

  1. Update docker images with labels — Frederic Gurr / githubweb

#13 (Mar 13, 2024, 11:27:56 AM)

  1. Fix dockerfile syntax for ARGs and LABELs — Frederic Gurr / githubweb

#12 (Mar 13, 2024, 9:54:49 AM)

  1. Fix build-args — Frederic Gurr / githubweb

#11 (Mar 13, 2024, 9:34:02 AM)

  1. Update banner of second latest info center to say "past release" — Frederic Gurr / githubweb
  2. Add opencontainers labels to Dockerfile — Frederic Gurr / githubweb

#10 (Mar 13, 2024, 8:04:46 AM)

  1. Add infocenter 2024-03, remove oldest infocenter — Frederic Gurr / githubweb
  2. Update latest route — Frederic Gurr / githubweb

#10 (Mar 13, 2024, 8:04:46 AM)

  1. Add infocenter 2024-03, remove oldest infocenter — Frederic Gurr / githubweb
  2. Update latest route — Frederic Gurr / githubweb
  3. Fix helm uninstall and git rm — Frederic Gurr / githubweb

#9 (Mar 13, 2024, 7:01:31 AM)

  1. Update banner of second latest info center to say "past release" — Frederic Gurr / githubweb
  2. Add latest release to Jenkins build job parameter — Frederic Gurr / githubweb

#8 (Dec 6, 2023, 9:44:14 AM)

  1. Add infocenter 2023-12, remove oldest infocenter — Frederic Gurr / githubweb
  2. Update latest route — Frederic Gurr / githubweb
  3. Update script to work with helm charts — Frederic Gurr / githubweb
  4. Remove k8s files and scripts, add helm charts — Frederic Gurr / githubweb