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#169 (Apr 18, 2024, 2:29:31 PM)

  1. Make the sensiNact build more CI friendly (commit: 75ebfda) — Tim Ward / detail

#151 (Jan 31, 2024, 11:41:00 PM)

  1. Reduce the verbosity of integration test logging (commit: aa0e8fc) — Tim Ward / detail

#150 (Jan 31, 2024, 9:39:40 AM)

  1. Replace slf4j-simple with logback (v1.4.14) (commit: 8d7cbbe) — David Leangen / detail
  2. Reverted version of JE runtime to JavaSE-11 in all bndrun files. (commit: b5c6c79) — David Leangen / detail
  3. Added ability to configure logging (via logback) for JUnit tests in all projects that currently have tests. (commit: a165d94) — David Leangen / detail

#149 (Jan 30, 2024, 11:36:48 AM)

  1. Bumped slf4j to v2.0.11 (Issue #328) (commit: 27f4420) — David Leangen / detail

#148 (Jan 29, 2024, 3:32:38 PM)

  1. bumped geckoEMF and EMF (commit: 6ace9f7) — Jürgen Albert / detail

#146 (Jan 25, 2024, 8:17:52 PM)

  1. Update the osgi-test version to 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT (commit: 0a4ee42) — Tim Ward / detail
  2. Update JUnit and Mockito versions (commit: 70db733) — Tim Ward / detail

#145 (Jan 24, 2024, 1:12:51 PM)

  1. Package regsitration and Model Package Uri (commit: b36801f) — Jürgen Albert / detail

#144 (Jan 19, 2024, 2:58:03 PM)

  1. Update Jackson to 2.16.1 (commit: 1d643b4) — Tim Ward / detail

#142 (Jan 16, 2024, 9:44:24 PM)

  1. Update all the bndruns using the dependabot profile (commit: e29c217) — Tim Ward / detail

#140 (Jan 11, 2024, 9:23:15 AM)

  1. Bump org.testcontainers:postgresql from 1.17.6 to 1.19.1 (commit: a672098) — GitHub / detail
  2. Fixed timescale-provider project configuration (commit: 910327e) — Tim Ward / detail

#137 (Dec 10, 2023, 8:12:38 PM)

  1. EMF can provide a prepared model (commit: ffdeeba) — Jürgen Albert / detail

#124 (Sep 7, 2023, 4:06:02 AM)

  1. Timescale: don't fail if tables already exist and log errors (commit: 61527d6) — Thomas Calmant / detail
  2. Timescale: Use a single container for all integration tests (commit: 253cd0a) — Thomas Calmant / detail

#122 (Sep 4, 2023, 11:56:43 AM)

  1. Rename PrototypePush (commit: f150b8f) — Tim Ward / detail