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Started 3 mo 27 days ago
Took 37 sec on basic-968dw

#140 (Jan 11, 2024, 9:23:15 AM)

  1. Bump org.testcontainers:postgresql from 1.17.6 to 1.19.1 (commit: a672098) (details)
  2. Fixed timescale-provider project configuration (commit: 910327e) (details)
Changes in dependency
  1. SensiNact core API #139#140 (detail)
  2. SensiNact core implementation #139#140 (detail)
  3. SensiNact GeoJSON mapping types #139#140 (detail)
  4. SensiNact core Annotations #139#140 (detail)
  5. SensiNact Provider Model #139#140 (detail)
  6. SensiNact internal Metadata Model #139#140 (detail)
  7. history-api #139#140 (detail)
  8. SensiNact core API with EMF dependencies #139#140 (detail)