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  1. Introduce URI scheme 'binref' to allow referencing BinaryResource (details)
  2. No public constructor for BinaryRefs (details)
  3. TileTable & BooleanColumn improvements (details)
  4. Update maven master to 3.12.5 (details)
  5. Update maven master to 3.12.6 (details)
Commit 8e7357c11fd28f18487847f8817c3c82d0f7fd85 by Ralph Steiner
Introduce URI scheme 'binref' to allow referencing BinaryResource

An URI with scheme 'binref' identifies a BinaryResource. The utility
class BinaryRefs provides methods to get the BinaryResource reference by
such a URI. An application must create classes implementing
'IBinaryRefHandler' in order to load a BinaryResource for a URI. A
handler registers itself for a path. If a (prefix-)path of a binref URI
matches the registration path of a handler this handler is called to
load BinaryResource for this URI.

Change-Id: I16b333223fcf6ed0f1a23bf5ecca3e2362376684
Tested-by: Ralph Steiner <>
Reviewed-by: Ralph Steiner <>
Signed-off-by: Ralph Steiner <>
Tested-by: Scout Bot <>
The file was addedorg.eclipse.scout.rt.platform/src/main/java/org/eclipse/scout/rt/platform/resource/
The file was addedorg.eclipse.scout.rt.platform/src/main/java/org/eclipse/scout/rt/platform/resource/
The file was addedorg.eclipse.scout.rt.platform/src/main/java/org/eclipse/scout/rt/platform/resource/
The file was addedorg.eclipse.scout.rt.platform/src/main/java/org/eclipse/scout/rt/platform/resource/
The file was addedorg.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.test/src/test/java/org/eclipse/scout/rt/platform/resource/
Commit c5b4e136cb2c15a27459fce5215cdb6919d0f933 by Ralph Steiner
No public constructor for BinaryRefs

Change-Id: Ica15b4df9c410f5f8c54d9add07a4f025894c991
The file was modified org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform/src/main/java/org/eclipse/scout/rt/platform/resource/
The file was modified org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform/src/main/java/org/eclipse/scout/rt/platform/resource/
The file was modified org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.test/src/test/java/org/eclipse/scout/rt/platform/resource/
Commit 0b77351d438282a1720446f0bb0b3cf4b5fed451 by Ralf Muri
TileTable & BooleanColumn improvements

- add support for useUiHeight/Width using RowLayout
- improve grouping for empty values & icon columns

- Support grouping in JS
- add support for Tristate in JS


Signed-off-by: Ralf Muri <>
Change-Id: I1f9605e24be61d87a45689da882f5a38baad089d
Tested-by: Scout Bot <>
The file was modified eclipse-scout-core/src/table/columns/BooleanColumn.js
The file was modified eclipse-scout-core/src/table/TableTileGridMediator.js
The file was modified org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html/src/main/resources/org/eclipse/scout/rt/ui/html/texts/
The file was modified eclipse-scout-core/src/table/TableLayout.js
The file was modified eclipse-scout-core/src/table/TableFooter.less
The file was modified org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html/src/main/java/org/eclipse/scout/rt/ui/html/
The file was modified org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html/src/main/resources/org/eclipse/scout/rt/ui/html/texts/
The file was modified eclipse-scout-core/src/table/TableMatrix.js
Commit e1fdcad720699f3cd21ac27ad22d475fab789484 by Arthur van Dorp
Update maven master to 3.12.5
The file was modified org.eclipse.scout.rt/pom.xml
Commit 037806405a556660ec05bb9b1920b07261975354 by Arthur van Dorp
Update maven master to 3.12.6
The file was modified org.eclipse.scout.rt/pom.xml