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  1. promiseAll: Don't modify arguments in case of an error (details)
  2. PageWithTable: Show error status in case of an error (details)
Commit f3347eac6077deec3f93aa13b725d8bae0502de2 by Claudio Guglielmo
promiseAll: Don't modify arguments in case of an error

If asArray is set to true, only the arguments of the success function
should be transformed to an array, it is not expected in case of an
error because the arguments will be completely different.
The file was modified org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html/src/main/js/jquery/jquery-scout.js (diff)
Commit 347d3098b2d7762b0daca0f2bccbe6264f83e81a by Claudio Guglielmo
PageWithTable: Show error status in case of an error
The file was modified org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html/src/main/js/scout/table/Table.js (diff)
The file was modified org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html/src/main/js/scout/desktop/outline/pages/PageWithTable.js (diff)
The file was modified org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.html/src/main/js/scout/util/Status.js (diff)