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Start of Pipeline - (4 hr 14 min in block)
node - (4 hr 14 min in block)docker-build
node block - (7 min 27 sec in block)
timeout - (7 min 27 sec in block)
timeout block - (7 min 27 sec in block)
timestamps - (7 min 27 sec in block)
timestamps block - (7 min 27 sec in block)
stage - (3.9 sec in block)Clean workspace
stage block (Clean workspace) - (3.9 sec in block)
sh - (3.9 sec in self)#!/bin/bash -x docker images docker system prune -a -f cd ${WORKSPACE} rm -rf *
stage - (1 min 5 sec in block)Get Docker Files
stage block (Get Docker Files) - (1 min 5 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 5 sec in self) git clone -b master git clone -b master
stage - (4 min 20 sec in block)Build Docker Images
stage block (Build Docker Images) - (4 min 20 sec in block)
sh - (4 min 20 sec in self)#!/bin/bash -x cd ${WORKSPACE}/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/cje-production/dockerfiles/ chmod +x *.sh (./|tee centos8.log)& (./|tee swt_build.log)& (./|tee centos9.log)& (./|tee swt_9_build.log)& (./|tee ubuntu22.log)& (./|tee opensuse_leap.log)& cd ${WORKSPACE}/eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.core/docker/ chmod +x *.sh (./|tee ubuntuJikespg.log)& wait docker images
stage - (1 min 44 sec in block)Push docker image
stage block (Push docker image) - (1 min 44 sec in block)
withDockerRegistry - (1 min 44 sec in block)
withDockerRegistry block - (1 min 44 sec in block)
sh - (1 min 44 sec in self)#!/bin/bash -x cd ${WORKSPACE}/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/cje-production/dockerfiles/ chmod +x *.sh (./|tee push-centos8.log)& (./|tee push-swt_build.log)& (./|tee push-centos9.log)& (./|tee push-swt_9_build.log)& (./|tee push-ubuntu22.log)& (./|tee push-opensuse_leap.log)& cd ${WORKSPACE}/eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.core/docker/ chmod +x *.sh (./|tee push-ubuntuJikespg.log)& wait
stage - (10 sec in block)Clean Docker Images
stage block (Clean Docker Images) - (9.7 sec in block)
sh - (9.7 sec in self)#!/bin/bash -x docker images docker system prune -a -f docker images
stage - (2.2 sec in block)Declarative: Post Actions
stage block (Declarative: Post Actions) - (2.2 sec in block)
archiveArtifacts - (0.6 sec in self)**/*.log
emailext - (0.24 sec in self)