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Start of Pipeline - (54 min in block)
echo - (2 ms in self)[WARNING] label option is deprecated. To use a static pod template, use the 'inheritFrom' option.
podTemplate - (54 min in block)
podTemplate block - (54 min in block)
node - (54 min in block)aggrbuild-pod
node block - (7 min 51 sec in block)
container - (7 min 51 sec in block)container
container block - (7 min 51 sec in block)
withEnv - (7 min 51 sec in block)MAVEN_OPTS, PATH, CJE_ROOT, logDir
withEnv block - (7 min 51 sec in block)
timeout - (7 min 50 sec in block)
timeout block - (7 min 50 sec in block)
timestamps - (7 min 50 sec in block)
timestamps block - (7 min 50 sec in block)
stage - (1 sec in block)Clean Workspace
stage block (Clean Workspace) - (0.92 sec in block)
container - (0.73 sec in block)jnlp
container block - (0.72 sec in block)
sh - (0.66 sec in self) cd $WORKSPACE rm -rf *
stage - (7.5 sec in block)Setup intial configuration
stage block (Setup intial configuration) - (7.5 sec in block)
container - (7.5 sec in block)jnlp
container block - (7.4 sec in block)
sshagent - (6.2 sec in block)
sshagent block - (3.2 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep - (3.2 sec in block)
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.PushdStep block - (3.2 sec in block)
sh - (3 sec in self) git clone -b R4_23_maintenance
sh - (1.2 sec in self) cd ${WORKSPACE}/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/cje-production chmod +x mbscripts/* mkdir -p $logDir
stage - (0.68 sec in block)Genrerate environment variables
stage block (Genrerate environment variables) - (0.65 sec in block)
container - (0.63 sec in block)jnlp
container block - (0.6 sec in block)
sh - (0.53 sec in self) cd ${WORKSPACE}/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/cje-production/mbscripts cp ../P-build/buildproperties.txt ../buildproperties.txt ./ $CJE_ROOT/buildproperties.shsource 2>&1 | tee $logDir/ if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]] then echo "Failed in Genrerate environment variables stage" exit 1 fi
stage - (1.4 sec in block)Export environment variables stage 1
stage block (Export environment variables stage 1) - (1.4 sec in block)
container - (1.1 sec in block)jnlp
container block - (1.1 sec in block)
script - (1.1 sec in block)
script block - (1.1 sec in block)
sh - (0.54 sec in self)echo $(source $CJE_ROOT/buildproperties.shsource;echo $BUILD_TYPE$TIMESTAMP)
sh - (0.53 sec in self)echo $(source $CJE_ROOT/buildproperties.shsource;echo $RELEASE_VER)
stage - (3 min 35 sec in block)Clone Repositories
stage block (Clone Repositories) - (3 min 35 sec in block)
container - (3 min 35 sec in block)jnlp
container block - (3 min 35 sec in block)
sshagent - (3 min 35 sec in block)
sshagent block - (3 min 34 sec in block)
sh - (3 min 34 sec in self) git config --global "" git config --global "Eclipse Releng Bot" cd ${WORKSPACE}/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/cje-production/mbscripts ./ $CJE_ROOT/buildproperties.shsource 2>&1 | tee $logDir/ if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]] then echo "Failed in Clone Repositories stage" exit 1 fi
stage - (12 sec in block)Tag Build Inputs
stage block (Tag Build Inputs) - (12 sec in block)
container - (12 sec in block)jnlp
container block - (12 sec in block)
sshagent - (12 sec in block)
sshagent block - (10 sec in block)
sh - (10 sec in self) git config --global "" git config --global "Eclipse Releng Bot" cd ${WORKSPACE}/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/cje-production/mbscripts bash -x ./ $CJE_ROOT/buildproperties.shsource 2>&1 | tee $logDir/ if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]] then echo "Failed in Tag Build Inputs stage" exit 1 fi
stage - (0.62 sec in block)Copy build scripts for P-build
stage block (Copy build scripts for P-build) - (0.6 sec in block)
container - (0.56 sec in block)jnlp
container block - (0.55 sec in block)
sh - (0.54 sec in self)
stage - (3 min 34 sec in block)Aggregator maven build
stage block (Aggregator maven build) - (3 min 34 sec in block)
container - (3 min 34 sec in block)jnlp
container block - (3 min 34 sec in block)
tool - (10 ms in self)openjdk-jdk11-latest
withEnv - (3 min 34 sec in block)JAVA_HOME
withEnv block - (3 min 34 sec in block)
sh - (3 min 34 sec in self) cd ${WORKSPACE}/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/cje-production/mbscripts unset JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS unset _JAVA_OPTIONS ./ $CJE_ROOT/buildproperties.shsource 2>&1 | tee $logDir/ if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]] then echo "Failed in Aggregator maven build stage" exit 1 fi
stage - (3.5 sec in block)Gather Eclipse Parts
stage block (Gather Eclipse Parts) - (3.5 sec in block)
container - (3.4 sec in block)jnlp
container block - (3.4 sec in block)
tool - (0.11 sec in self)openjdk-jdk11-latest
withEnv - (3.3 sec in block)JAVA_HOME
withEnv block - (3.3 sec in block)
withAnt - (3.2 sec in block)
withAnt block - (0.54 sec in block)
sh - (0.53 sec in self) cd ${WORKSPACE}/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/cje-production/mbscripts bash -x ./ $CJE_ROOT/buildproperties.shsource 2>&1 | tee $logDir/ if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]] then echo "Failed in Gather Eclipse Parts stage" exit 1 fi
stage - (1.2 sec in block)Export environment variables stage 2
stage block (Export environment variables stage 2) - (1.2 sec in block)
container - (1.2 sec in block)jnlp
container block - (1.2 sec in block)
script - (1.2 sec in block)
script block - (1.1 sec in block)
sh - (0.53 sec in self)echo $(source $CJE_ROOT/buildproperties.shsource;echo $BUILD_TYPE$TIMESTAMP)
sh - (0.6 sec in self)echo $(source $CJE_ROOT/buildproperties.shsource;echo $RELEASE_VER)
stage - (5.5 sec in block)Archive artifacts
stage block (Archive artifacts) - (5.5 sec in block)
archiveArtifacts - (5.5 sec in self)**/siteDir/**
stage - (5.1 sec in block)Promote Update Site
stage block (Promote Update Site) - (5.1 sec in block)
container - (5.1 sec in block)jnlp
container block - (5.1 sec in block)
sshagent - (5 sec in block)
sshagent block - (3.8 sec in block)
sh - (3.7 sec in self) cd ${WORKSPACE}/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/cje-production/mbscripts ./ $CJE_ROOT/buildproperties.shsource
stage - (0.19 sec in block)Declarative: Post Actions
stage block (Declarative: Post Actions) - (0.18 sec in block)
emailext - (0.15 sec in self)