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Console Output

06:56:39 [2024-02-29T11:56:39.348Z] Executing sh script inside container custom of pod centos-unitpod17-zzh23-p84vg
06:56:39 [2024-02-29T11:56:39.645Z] Executing command: "pkill" "Xvnc" 
06:56:39 [2024-02-29T11:56:39.645Z] exit
06:56:39 [2024-02-29T11:56:39.657Z] Executing sh script inside container custom of pod centos-unitpod17-zzh23-p84vg
06:56:39 [2024-02-29T11:56:39.923Z] Executing command: "pkill" "Xrealvnc" 
06:56:39 [2024-02-29T11:56:39.923Z] exit
06:56:39 [2024-02-29T11:56:39.932Z] Executing sh script inside container custom of pod centos-unitpod17-zzh23-p84vg
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.195Z] Executing command: "sh" "-c" "rm -f /tmp/.X*-lock /tmp/.X11-unix/X*" 
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.195Z] exit
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.419Z] Executing sh script inside container custom of pod centos-unitpod17-zzh23-p84vg
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.669Z] Executing command: "Xvnc" "-help" 
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.670Z] exit
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] use: X [:<display>] [option]
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -a #                   default pointer acceleration (factor)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -ac                    disable access control restrictions
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -audit int             set audit trail level
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -auth file             select authorization file
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -br                    create root window with black background
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] +bs                    enable any backing store support
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -bs                    disable any backing store support
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -c                     turns off key-click
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] c #                    key-click volume (0-100)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -cc int                default color visual class
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -nocursor              disable the cursor
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -core                  generate core dump on fatal error
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -displayfd fd          file descriptor to write display number to when ready to connect
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -dpi int               screen resolution in dots per inch
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -dpms                  disables VESA DPMS monitor control
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -deferglyphs [none|all|16] defer loading of [no|all|16-bit] glyphs
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -f #                   bell base (0-100)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -fc string             cursor font
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -fn string             default font name
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -fp string             default font path
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -help                  prints message with these options
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] +iglx                  Allow creating indirect GLX contexts
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -iglx                  Prohibit creating indirect GLX contexts (default)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -I                     ignore all remaining arguments
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -ld int                limit data space to N Kb
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -lf int                limit number of open files to N
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -ls int                limit stack space to N Kb
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -nolock                disable the locking mechanism
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.683Z] -maxclients n          set maximum number of clients (power of two)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -nolisten string       don't listen on protocol
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -listen string         listen on protocol
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -noreset               don't reset after last client exists
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -background [none]     create root window with no background
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -reset                 reset after last client exists
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -p #                   screen-saver pattern duration (minutes)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -pn                    accept failure to listen on all ports
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -nopn                  reject failure to listen on all ports
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -r                     turns off auto-repeat
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] r                      turns on auto-repeat 
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -render [default|mono|gray|color] set render color alloc policy
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -retro                 start with classic stipple and cursor
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -s #                   screen-saver timeout (minutes)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -seat string           seat to run on
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -t #                   default pointer threshold (pixels/t)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -terminate             terminate at server reset
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -to #                  connection time out
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -tst                   disable testing extensions
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] ttyxx                  server started from init on /dev/ttyxx
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] v                      video blanking for screen-saver
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -v                     screen-saver without video blanking
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -wm                    WhenMapped default backing-store
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -wr                    create root window with white background
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -maxbigreqsize         set maximal bigrequest size 
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] +xinerama              Enable XINERAMA extension
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -xinerama              Disable XINERAMA extension
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -dumbSched             Disable smart scheduling and threaded input, enable old behavior
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -schedInterval int     Set scheduler interval in msec
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -sigstop               Enable SIGSTOP based startup
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] +extension name        Enable extension
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -extension name        Disable extension
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -query host-name       contact named host for XDMCP
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -broadcast             broadcast for XDMCP
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -multicast [addr [hops]] IPv6 multicast for XDMCP
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -indirect host-name    contact named host for indirect XDMCP
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -port port-num         UDP port number to send messages to
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -from local-address    specify the local address to connect from
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -once                  Terminate server after one session
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -class display-class   specify display class to send in manage
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -cookie xdm-auth-bits  specify the magic cookie for XDMCP
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -displayID display-id  manufacturer display ID for request
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] [+-]accessx [ timeout [ timeout_mask [ feedback [ options_mask] ] ] ]
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z]                        enable/disable accessx key sequences
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -ardelay               set XKB autorepeat delay
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -arinterval            set XKB autorepeat interval
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] 
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] Xvnc TigerVNC 1.13.1 - built Feb  7 2024 12:58:01
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] Copyright (C) 1999-2022 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.rst)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] See for information on TigerVNC.
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] Underlying X server release 12011000
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] 
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -pixdepths list-of-int support given pixmap depths
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] +/-render		   turn on/off RENDER extension support(default on)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -geometry WxH          set screen 0's width, height
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -depth D               set screen 0's depth
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -pixelformat fmt       set pixel format (rgbNNN or bgrNNN)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -inetd                 has been launched from inetd
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -noclipboard           disable clipboard settings modification via vncconfig utility
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -verbose [n]           verbose startup messages
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -quiet                 minimal startup messages
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] -version               show the server version
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] 
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] VNC parameters:
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] 
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] Parameters can be turned on with -<param> or off with -<param>=0
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] Parameters which take a value can be specified as -<param> <value>
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] Other valid forms are <param>=<value> -<param>=<value> --<param>=<value>
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] Parameter names are case-insensitive.  The parameters are:
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] 
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z] Global Parameters:
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z]   ZlibLevel      - Zlib compression level (default=-1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z]   ImprovedHextile - Use improved compression algorithm for Hextile encoding
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z]                    which achieves better compression ratios by the cost of
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z]                    using more CPU time (default=1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z]   pam_service    - Alias for PAMService
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z]   PAMService     - Service name for PAM password validation (default=vnc)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z]   PlainUsers     - Users permitted to access via Plain security type (including
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z]                    TLSPlain, X509Plain etc.) or RSA-AES security types (RA2,
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.684Z]                    RA2ne, RA2_256, RA2ne_256) (default=)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   GnuTLSPriority - GnuTLS priority string that controls the TLS session’s
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    handshake algorithms (default=)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   QueryConnect   - Prompt the local user to accept or reject incoming
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    connections. (default=0)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   AcceptSetDesktopSize - Accept set desktop size events from clients.
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    (default=1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   SendCutText    - Send clipboard changes to clients. (default=1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   AcceptCutText  - Accept clipboard updates from clients. (default=1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   AcceptPointerEvents - Accept pointer press and release events from clients.
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    (default=1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   AcceptKeyEvents - Accept key press and release events from clients.
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    (default=1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   DisconnectClients - Disconnect existing clients if an incoming connection is
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    non-shared. If combined with NeverShared then new
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    connections will be refused while there is a client active
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    (default=1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   NeverShared    - Never treat incoming connections as shared, regardless of
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    the client-specified setting (default=0)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   AlwaysShared   - Always treat incoming connections as shared, regardless of
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    the client-specified setting (default=0)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   Protocol3.3    - Always use protocol version 3.3 for backwards compatibility
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    with badly-behaved clients (default=0)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   FrameRate      - The maximum number of updates per second sent to each client
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    (default=60)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   CompareFB      - Perform pixel comparison on framebuffer to reduce
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    unnecessary updates (0: never, 1: always, 2: auto)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    (default=2)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   MaxIdleTime    - Terminate after s seconds of user inactivity (default=0)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   MaxConnectionTime - Terminate when a client has been connected for s seconds
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    (default=0)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   MaxDisconnectionTime - Terminate when no client has been connected for s
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]                    seconds (default=0)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.685Z]   IdleTimeout    - The number of seconds after which an idle VNC connection
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    will be dropped (zero means no timeout) (default=0)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   MaxCutText     - Maximum permitted length of an incoming clipboard update
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    (default=262144)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   RemapKeys      - Comma-separated list of incoming keysyms to remap.  Mappings
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    are expressed as two hex values, prefixed by 0x, and
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    separated by -> (default=)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   BlacklistTimeout - The initial timeout applied when a host is first
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    black-listed. The host cannot re-attempt a connection until
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    the timeout expires. (default=10)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   BlacklistThreshold - The number of unauthenticated connection attempts
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    allowed from any individual host before that host is
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    black-listed (default=5)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   UseBlacklist   - Temporarily reject connections from a host if it repeatedly
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    fails to authenticate. (default=1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   Log            - Specifies which log output should be directed to which
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    target logger, and the level of output to log. Format is
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    <log>:<target>:<level>[, ...]. (default=)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   UseIPv6        - Use IPv6 for incoming and outgoing connections. (default=1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   UseIPv4        - Use IPv4 for incoming and outgoing connections. (default=1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   QueryConnectTimeout - Number of seconds to show the Accept Connection dialog
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    before rejecting the connection (default=10)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   RawKeyboard    - Send keyboard events straight through and avoid mapping them
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    to the current keyboard layout (default=0)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   SendPrimary    - Send the PRIMARY as well as the CLIPBOARD selection
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    (default=1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   SetPrimary     - Set the PRIMARY as well as the CLIPBOARD selection
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    (default=1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   AllowOverride  - Comma separated list of parameters that can be modified
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    using VNC extension.
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]                    (default=desktop,AcceptPointerEvents,SendCutText,AcceptCutText,SendPrimary,SetPrimary)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.686Z]   AvoidShiftNumLock - Avoid fake Shift presses for keys affected by NumLock.
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]                    (default=1)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   interface      - listen on the specified network address (default=all)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   localhost      - Only allow connections from localhost (default=0)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   desktop        - Name of VNC desktop (default=)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   rfbunixmode    - Unix socket access mode (default=384)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   rfbunixpath    - Unix socket to listen for RFB protocol (default=)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   rfbport        - TCP port to listen for RFB protocol (default=0)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z] Server Parameters:
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   RequireUsername - Require username for the RSA-AES security types (default=0)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   RSAKey         - Path to the RSA key for the RSA-AES security types in PEM
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]                    format (default=)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   X509Key        - Path to the key of the X509 certificate in PEM format
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]                    (default=)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   X509Cert       - Path to the X509 certificate in PEM format (default=)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   Password       - Obfuscated binary encoding of the password which clients
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]                    must supply to access the server (default=)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   rfbauth        - Alias for PasswordFile
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   PasswordFile   - Password file for VNC authentication (default=)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]   SecurityTypes  - Specify which security scheme to use (None, VncAuth, Plain,
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]                    TLSNone, TLSVnc, TLSPlain, X509None, X509Vnc, X509Plain,
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z]                    RA2, RA2ne, RA2_256, RA2ne_256) (default=TLSVnc,VncAuth)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.687Z] Starting xvnc
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.693Z] Executing sh script inside container custom of pod centos-unitpod17-zzh23-p84vg
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.941Z] Executing command: "Xvnc" ":29" "-geometry" "1024x768" "-depth" "24" "-ac" "-SecurityTypes" "none" "-noreset" 
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.942Z] exit
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.957Z] 
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.957Z] Xvnc TigerVNC 1.13.1 - built Feb  7 2024 12:58:01
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.957Z] Copyright (C) 1999-2022 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.rst)
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.957Z] See for information on TigerVNC.
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.957Z] Underlying X server release 12011000
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.957Z] 
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.957Z] 
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.957Z] Thu Feb 29 11:56:40 2024
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.957Z]  vncext:      VNC extension running!
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.958Z]  vncext:      Listening for VNC connections on all interface(s), port 5929
06:56:40 [2024-02-29T11:56:40.958Z]  vncext:      created VNC server for screen 0