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[INFO] --------------< org.eclipse.rdf4j:rdf4j-lucene-testsuite >--------------
[INFO] Building RDF4J: Lucene Sail Tests 5.1.0-SNAPSHOT               [102/115]
[INFO]   from testsuites/lucene/pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.3.2:clean (default-clean) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] --- enforcer:3.4.1:enforce (enforce-maven-3) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] --- enforcer:3.4.1:enforce (enforce-logging-dependencies) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] Rule 0: org.apache.maven.enforcer.rules.dependency.BannedDependencies passed
[INFO] --- enforcer:3.4.1:enforce (enforce-javaee-provided) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] Rule 0: org.apache.maven.enforcer.rules.dependency.BannedDependencies passed
[INFO] --- enforcer:3.4.1:enforce (enforce-ban-duplicate-classes) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] Adding ignore: module-info
[INFO] Adding ignore: META-INF/versions/*/module-info
[INFO] Adding ignore: org.junit.*
[INFO] Adding ignore: org.slf4j.*
[INFO] Adding ignore: org.opentest4j.*
[INFO] Rule 0: org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.BanDuplicateClasses passed
[INFO] --- formatter:2.23.0:format (default) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] Formatting is skipped
[INFO] --- impsort:1.9.0:sort (default) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] Skipping execution of impsort-maven-plugin
[INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:resources (default-resources) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] Copying 1 resource from src/main/resources to target/classes
[INFO] --- xml-format:3.3.1:xml-format (default) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] [xml-format] Skipped
[INFO] --- compiler:3.12.1:compile (default-compile) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] Recompiling the module because of changed dependency.
[INFO] Compiling 3 source files with javac [debug release 11] to target/classes
[INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:testResources (default-testResources) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/rdf4j-develop-deploy/testsuites/lucene/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- compiler:3.12.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- surefire:3.2.5:test (default-test) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
[INFO] --- jar:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/rdf4j-develop-deploy/testsuites/lucene/target/rdf4j-lucene-testsuite-5.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] --- failsafe:3.2.5:integration-test (integration-tests) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
[INFO] --- failsafe:3.2.5:verify (verify) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[WARNING]  Parameter 'encoding' (user property 'encoding') is deprecated: since of 2.20.1
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
[INFO] --- japicmp:0.18.3:cmp (default) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] Skipping execution because parameter 'skip' was set to true.
[INFO] --- install:3.1.1:install (default-install) @ rdf4j-lucene-testsuite ---
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/rdf4j-develop-deploy/testsuites/lucene/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/rdf4j/rdf4j-lucene-testsuite/5.1.0-SNAPSHOT/rdf4j-lucene-testsuite-5.1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/rdf4j-develop-deploy/testsuites/lucene/target/rdf4j-lucene-testsuite-5.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/rdf4j/rdf4j-lucene-testsuite/5.1.0-SNAPSHOT/rdf4j-lucene-testsuite-5.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for Eclipse RDF4J 5.1.0-SNAPSHOT:
[INFO] Eclipse RDF4J ...................................... SUCCESS [ 13.523 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Assembly Descriptors ........................ SUCCESS [  3.022 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Core ........................................ SUCCESS [  1.999 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: common ...................................... SUCCESS [  1.145 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: common annotation ........................... SUCCESS [  2.374 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Model API ................................... SUCCESS [  7.070 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: common exception ............................ SUCCESS [  1.485 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: common IO ................................... SUCCESS [  3.061 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: common order ................................ SUCCESS [  1.564 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: common iterators ............................ SUCCESS [  3.376 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: common text ................................. SUCCESS [  1.747 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: RDF Vocabularies ............................ SUCCESS [  1.830 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Model ....................................... SUCCESS [  9.677 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: common transaction .......................... SUCCESS [  1.991 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: common XML .................................. SUCCESS [  1.630 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: SparqlBuilder ............................... SUCCESS [  4.071 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio ......................................... SUCCESS [  1.005 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - API ................................... SUCCESS [  4.217 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - Languages ............................. SUCCESS [  2.115 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - Datatypes ............................. SUCCESS [  2.140 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query ....................................... SUCCESS [  3.049 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - Binary ................................ SUCCESS [  2.223 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - N-Triples ............................. SUCCESS [  2.342 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - HDT ................................... SUCCESS [  2.279 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - JSON-LD 1.0 (legacy) .................. SUCCESS [  3.246 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - JSON-LD ............................... SUCCESS [  3.476 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - Turtle ................................ SUCCESS [  2.856 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - N3 (writer-only) ...................... SUCCESS [  2.150 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - N-Quads ............................... SUCCESS [  2.406 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - RDF/JSON .............................. SUCCESS [  2.426 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - RDF/XML ............................... SUCCESS [  2.545 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - TriX .................................. SUCCESS [  2.206 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio - TriG .................................. SUCCESS [  2.457 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query algebra ............................... SUCCESS [  0.999 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query algebra - model ....................... SUCCESS [  4.706 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Collection Factory that may be shared ....... SUCCESS [  0.989 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Collection Factory - API .................... SUCCESS [  2.027 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Sail ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.995 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Sail API .................................... SUCCESS [  5.199 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query result IO ............................. SUCCESS [  1.007 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query result IO - API ....................... SUCCESS [  2.261 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Test Suites ................................. SUCCESS [  0.890 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: QueryResultIO testsuite ..................... SUCCESS [  2.147 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query result IO - binary .................... SUCCESS [  2.172 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query result IO - SPARQL/JSON ............... SUCCESS [  2.563 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query result IO - SPARQL/XML ................ SUCCESS [  2.363 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query result IO - plain text booleans ....... SUCCESS [  2.750 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Repository .................................. SUCCESS [  1.051 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Repository - API ............................ SUCCESS [  5.947 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: HTTP ........................................ SUCCESS [  1.012 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: HTTP protocol ............................... SUCCESS [  2.365 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: HTTP client ................................. SUCCESS [  4.633 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query parser ................................ SUCCESS [  1.018 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query parser - API .......................... SUCCESS [  2.082 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query parser - SPARQL ....................... SUCCESS [  8.418 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: SPARQL Repository ........................... SUCCESS [  2.886 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query algebra - evaluation .................. SUCCESS [ 11.099 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Repository API testsuite .................... SUCCESS [  3.628 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: SailRepository .............................. SUCCESS [  2.869 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Repository - event (wrapper) ................ SUCCESS [  2.213 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: HTTPRepository .............................. SUCCESS [  4.648 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Repository manager .......................... SUCCESS [  4.299 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Sail base implementations ................... SUCCESS [  3.008 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Sail API testsuite .......................... SUCCESS [  2.767 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: MemoryStore ................................. SUCCESS [  6.328 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query algebra - GeoSPARQL ................... SUCCESS [  3.003 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Query Rendering ............................. SUCCESS [  4.078 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: DatasetRepository (wrapper) ................. SUCCESS [  2.275 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Repository - context aware (wrapper) ........ SUCCESS [  2.542 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Model API testsuite ......................... SUCCESS [  1.683 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Sail Model .................................. SUCCESS [  2.497 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Collection Factory - Map DB v3 backed ....... SUCCESS [  9.927 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: NativeStore ................................. SUCCESS [  8.895 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Inferencer Sails ............................ SUCCESS [  4.766 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: LmdbStore ................................... SUCCESS [  7.866 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: SHACL ....................................... SUCCESS [ 18.418 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Lucene Sail API ............................. SUCCESS [  3.734 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Lucene Sail Index ........................... SUCCESS [  4.200 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Solr Sail Index ............................. SUCCESS [ 22.289 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Elastic Search Sail Index ................... SUCCESS [  5.268 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Extensible Store ............................ SUCCESS [  6.369 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Elasticsearch Store ......................... SUCCESS [ 15.283 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: SPIN ........................................ SUCCESS [  4.031 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Client Libraries ............................ SUCCESS [  1.909 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Storage Libraries ........................... SUCCESS [  4.540 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Collection Factory - Map DB backed .......... SUCCESS [  2.517 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Tools ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.971 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: application configuration ................... SUCCESS [  1.608 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: HTTP server - core .......................... SUCCESS [  8.084 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: SPARQL compliance test suite ................ SUCCESS [  5.777 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Federation .................................. SUCCESS [  9.642 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Console ..................................... SUCCESS [  4.678 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: HTTP server ................................. SUCCESS [ 11.455 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Workbench ................................... SUCCESS [  7.044 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Runtime ..................................... SUCCESS [  4.992 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Runtime - OSGi .............................. SUCCESS [ 16.014 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Spring components ........................... SUCCESS [  1.360 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Spring boot component for a HTTP sparql server SUCCESS [  9.467 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Spring ...................................... SUCCESS [ 10.914 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Spring Demo ................................. SUCCESS [  6.626 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio compliance test suite ................... SUCCESS [  3.432 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Lucene Sail Tests ........................... SUCCESS [  2.777 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: GeoSPARQL compliance test suite ............. SUCCESS [  2.481 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: benchmarks .................................. SUCCESS [ 13.344 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Compliance tests ............................ SUCCESS [  0.917 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Repository compliance tests ................. SUCCESS [  9.070 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Rio compliance tests ........................ SUCCESS [  2.598 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Model compliance tests ...................... SUCCESS [  3.267 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: SPARQL query parser compliance tests ........ SUCCESS [ 11.346 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Lucene Sail Tests ........................... SUCCESS [  2.932 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Solr Sail Tests ............................. SUCCESS [  5.845 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Elasticsearch Sail Tests .................... SUCCESS [  5.734 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: GeoSPARQL compliance tests .................. SUCCESS [  2.586 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: Code examples ............................... SUCCESS [  4.963 s]
[INFO] RDF4J: BOM ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.600 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  10:08 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-06-29T19:37:30Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data