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  1. Build input for build I20221013-0410 (details)
  2. Build input for build I20221013-1800 (details)
  3. Update target platform to bouncycastle 1.72 (details)
  4. Update snakeyaml to 1.33 (details)
  5. Update jarsigner to 1.3.4 (details)
  6. Update mockito and friends (details)
  7. Fix performance test location in I-builds, change the collect results jobs to use JOB_BASE_NAME since JOB_NAME includes folder. (details)
  8. Fix job name of CollectResults so it's in the Releng folder. (details)
  9. Build input for build I20221014-1800 (details)
  10. Update I_build.groovy (details)
  11. Build input for build I20221015-1800 (details)
  12. Use webtools 3.28.0 p2 repo in setup because 3.27.0 is removed (#632) (details)
  13. Build input for build I20221017-1800 (details)
  14. Fis: Unit tests should send JOB_BASE_NAME instead of JOB_NAME. Moving Y and P builds and tests to a new folder so that we can only add those jobs when we need them. (details)
  15. Update Batik to 1.15 (details)
  16. Build input for build I20221018-0740 (details)
  17. Build input for build I20221018-1800 (details)
  18. Update webtools repo to 3.27 (details)
  19. Use https links in JenkinsJobs (details)
  20. Build input for build I20221019-0810 (details)
  21. updating ecj compiler (details)
  22. Build input for build I20221019-1800 (details)
  23. Orbit update for 4.26 M2 (details)
  24. Build input for build I20221020-1800 (details)
  25. Update ECJ compiler for 4.26 M2 (details)
  26. Update sshAgent to use IDs so jobs are configured correctly. (details)
  27. Update I build to use tests in the AutomatedTests Folder, which should in turn use Releng/Collect Results then Releng/Update Index. (details)
  28. Build input for build I20221021-1800 (details)
  29. Perf hasn't been migrated yet (details)
  30. Adding SmokeTests and folder (details)
  31. Build input for build I20221022-1800 (details)
  32. Build input for build I20221023-1800 (details)
  33. Build input for build I20221024-1800 (details)
  34. add Java 20 tests (details)
  35. Build input for build I20221025-1800 (details)
  36. Update collect results job to use java17 with ant and new job structure (#647) (details)
  37. Build input for build I20221026-1800 (details)
  38. Build with Tycho 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT (details)
  39. Update Batik to 1.16 (details)
  40. Build input for build I20221027-0910 (details)
  41. Build input for build I20221027-1800 (details)
  42. Build input for build I20221028-1800 (details)
  43. Build input for build I20221029-1800 (details)
  44. Build input for build I20221030-1800 (details)
  45. Build input for build I20221031-1800 (details)
  46. Build input for build I20221101-1800 (details)
  47. Build input for build I20221102-0750 (details)
  48. Build input for build I20221102-0910 (details)
  49. Build input for build I20221102-1800 (details)
  50. Build input for build I20221103-0530 (details)
  51. Manage version of maven-toolchains-plugin. (details)
  52. Build input for build I20221103-1800 (details)
  53. Build input for build I20221104-1200 (details)
  54. Build input for build I20221104-1800 (details)
  55. Build input for build I20221105-1800 (details)
  56. Add metatype annotation to target (details)
  57. Build input for build I20221106-2230 (details)
  58. Add BND lib to the target (details)
  59. Build input for build I20221107-1920 (details)
  60. Update to ECF 3.14.34 (details)
  61. Build input for build I20221108-0650 (details)
  62. Build input for build I20221108-1800 (details)
  63. fix(deps): bump spotbugs-maven-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent (details)
  64. Update to Orbit 2022-12 M3 (details)
  65. Deploy platform-parent pom pom  and eclipse-sdk target in 'master' build (details)
  66. Build input for build I20221109-0600 (details)
  67. Build input for build I20221109-1850 (details)
  68. Deploy platform-parent-pom/eclipse-sdk-target in 'maintance' build too (details)
  69. Update compiler for 4.26 M3 (details)
  70. Build input for build I20221111-1800 (details)
  71. Update jenkins jobs to use centos-latest instead of migration. Add Java 20 tests to I-builds now that they're working. (details)
  72. Enable collectResults by default. (details)
  73. Build input for build I20221113-1800 (details)
  74. Build input for build I20221114-1800 (details)
  75. Big changes so results collection can be run/tested locally out of the box (details)
  76. Moving files to cje-production/scripts (details)
  77. Update CollectResults and tests to use new parameters. (details)
  78. Update icu4j to latest 72.1 (details)
  79. Update collectResults.groovy (details)
  80. Switch to milestone build schedule (details)
  81. Update to latest Orbit (details)
  82. Build input for build I20221117-0540 (details)
  83. Update helper.xml to use new publish.xml location. (details)
  84. Fix: Id is ID (details)
  85. Force PGP signatures of old Orbit bundles unsigned in LST Java versions (#675) (details)
  86. Fix: updathing path in publish.xml (details)
  87. Build input for build I20221118-1800 (details)
  88. Build input for build I20221119-0600 (details)
  89. fix: add publishingFiles/ to testManifest.xml path (details)
  90. Build input for build I20221120-0600 (details)
  91. Update to ECF 3.14.27. (details)
  92. Build input for build I20221121-0600 (details)
  93. Update to EMF 2.32 release (details)
  94. Fix: Updating publish.xml to use a variable instead of relying on current directory (details)
  95. Build input for build I20221122-0600 (details)
  96. Updates to Jenkins jobs for RC2 (details)
  97. Update (details)
  98. Add missing \ (details)
  99. Update to Orbit 2022-12 (details)
  100. Update links in release documentation for milestones (details)
  101. Build input for build I20221123-1800 (details)
  102. Fix for #668 (details)
  103. Fix git branch --set-upstream no longer recognized (details)
  104. Change command to --set-upstream-to origin branchName (details)
  105. Make branch creation a loop (details)
  106. Fix grep in createMaintenanceBranches (details)
  107. Build input for build I20221128-1800 (details)
  108. Add deployPlatformParentPom.groovy (details)
  109. Critical info was missing (details)
  110. Add SDK build (details)
  111. Enable both 4.26 and 4.27 streams (details)
  112. Updating I build and unit tests to build new jobs from json (details)
  113. Fix BRANCH variable definition (details)
  114. Adding Performance Tests (details)
  115. adding new script (details)
  116. Script updates (details)
  117. Update documentation to be more readable and have current instructions for setting up a new release. (details)
  118. Disabling milestone schedule and adding regular schedule (details)
  119. removing 4.26 as it is creating a enabled job (details)
  120. Build input for build I20221130-0600 (details)
  121. Bump versions for 4.27 stream (details)
  122. Fix perf build location. (details)
  123. Update previous release version to 4.26RC2 (details)
  124. Build input for build I20221130-1800 (details)
  125. Update cleanup script for 4.27 (details)
  126. Update check composites script to verify 4.27 repos (details)
  127. Update Comparator repo and eclipse run repo to 4.27-I-builds repo (details)
  128. Build input for build I20221201-0500 (details)
  129. Version bumps for 4.27 stream (details)
  130. Remove special qualifier format (details)
  131. fix(deps): bump maven-dependency-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent (details)
  132. Build input for build I20221201-1110 (details)
  133. Update (details)
  134. Build input for build I20221201-1210 (details)
  135. Update previous location for tests to 4.26RC2 (details)
  136. Build input for build I20221201-1430 (details)
  137. Fixed ecj bundle location / name (details)
  138. Build input for build I20221201-1800 (details)
  139. Fix maven publish jobs. Move release tagging to after promotion. (details)
  140. Build input for build I20221202-1800 (details)
  141. Use correct names for secret keys (details)
  142. Build input for build I20221203-0210 (details)
  143. Build input for build I20221203-0400 (details)
  144. Build input for build I20221203-1800 (details)
  145. Build input for build I20221204-1800 (details)
  146. Build input for build I20221205-0050 (details)
  147. Build input for build I20221205-0710 (details)
  148. Use the tycho-apitools-plugin to generate the api description file (details)
  149. Build input for build I20221205-1800 (details)
  150. Update GSon to 2.10 (details)
  151. Build input for build I20221206-1800 (details)
  152. Update Apache sshd osgi to 2.9.2 (details)
  153. Some more details about publication to Maven (details)
  154. Use 4.26 GA as previous release version (details)
  155. Build input for build I20221207-1800 (details)
  156. Fix checkComposites script (details)
  157. Update Mockito to 4.9.0 (details)
  158. Build input for build I20221208-1800 (details)
  159. [Build] add Jenkins timestamps and improve format (details)
  160. Use the new location of the cbi p2repo-analyzers product (details)
  161. Update target platform to RedDeer 4.4.0 (details)
  162. Build input for build I20221209-0520 (details)
  163. Properly exclude native libs from source tarball (details)
  164. Add official jakarta bundles from Central to TP (details)
  165. Reduce smote tests (details)
  166. Build input for build I20221209-1800 (details)
  167. Build input for build I20221210-1800 (details)
  168. Build input for build I20221211-1800 (details)
  169. Test for more detailed error output (details)
  170. Move to latest Orbit I-build (details)
  171. Build input for build I20221212-1800 (details)
  172. Update the target platform's Maven dependencies to the latest available (details)
  173. Build input for build I20221213-0110 (details)
  174. Build input for build I20221213-0200 (details)
  175. Stop running tests on Java 11 on Linux (details)
  176. Update the target platform's slf4j-api from 2.0.3 to 2.0.6 (#763) (details)
  177. [SDK-TP] Remove javax.servlet.jsp from Eclipse-Orbit (details)
  178. Use older jakarta.el version (details)
  179. Build input for build I20221213-1800 (details)
  180. Build input for build I20221214-0610 (details)
  181. Fixing performance tests, updating cleanup script. (details)
  182. Build input for build I20221214-1800 (details)
  183. Add Lucene 9.4.2 to target platform (details)
  184. Remove lucene 8.4.1 from target platform (details)
  185. Build input for build I20221215-0320 (details)
  186. Update net.bytebuddy and org.mockito to the latest version (details)
  187. Build input for build I20221215-0720 (details)
  188. Build input for build I20221215-0840 (details)
  189. Update tycho-build to 3.0.1 (details)
  190. Remove javax.el from Orbit (details)
  191. Add org.glassfish.web.javax.servlet.jsp to TP (details)
  192. Build input for build I20221215-1800 (details)
  193. Build input for build I20221216-1800 (details)
  194. Add ECF httpclientjava feature to the target for P2 (details)
  195. Build input for build I20221217-1800 (details)
  196. Build input for build I20221219-0820 (details)
  197. Build input for build I20221219-1800 (details)
  198. Build input for build I20221220-1800 (details)
  199. Build input for build I20221221-1800 (details)
  200. Build input for build I20221222-1800 (details)
  201. Build input for build I20221223-1800 (details)
  202. Build input for build I20221225-1800 (details)
  203. Build input for build I20221227-1800 (details)
  204. Build input for build I20221229-1800 (details)
  205. Build input for build I20221230-1800 (details)
  206. Build input for build I20230101-1800 (details)
  207. Build input for build I20230102-1800 (details)
  208. Late Update to I_build.groovy for milestone schedule. (details)
  209. Update Orbit for 4.27 M1 (details)
  210. Build input for build I20230103-1800 (details)
  211. Update EMF dependencies to EMF 2.33 M1 (details)
  212. Build input for build I20230104-0600 (details)
  213. Update Readme with the fact Java 17 is required for the build (details)
  214. Build input for build I20230104-1800 (details)
  215. Move daily clean job into the Cleanup folder. Update path in collectPerfResults. (details)
  216. Build input for build I20230106-1800 (details)
  217. Fix EMF dependencies setup's source locator to look for nests projects (#788) (details)
  218. Build input for build I20230109-0410 (details)
  219. OOmph fails "No repository found webtools/CI/3.28.0 (#83) (details)
  220. Build input for build I20230109-0600 (details)
  221. Update the target platform's Maven dependencies to the latest available (#791) (details)
  222. Update I-build schedule for 2023-03 (details)
  223. Disable signing except for master and maintenance branches (details)
  224. Build input for build I20230109-1800 (details)
  225. Fix: Move tag parameter from makeVisible to renameAndPromote (details)
  226. Build input for build I20230110-1800 (details)
  227. Update target platform's Maven OSGi dependencies to the latest available (#798) (details)
  228. Update target platform's junit dependencies to the latest available (#799) (details)
  229. Build input for build I20230111-1800 (details)
  230. Update pmd and checkstyle maven plugins (details)
  231. Run windows tests with Java 17 (details)
  232. Run windows tests with Java 17 (details)
  233. Build input for build I20230112-0730 (details)
  234. Build input for build I20230112-1800 (details)
  235. Update the java paths using 8dot3 notation (#808) (details)
  236. Update target platform's bytebuddy dependencies to the latest available (#807) (details)
  237. Add asm-analysis to target (details)
  238. Build input for build I20230113-1800 (details)
  239. Update I_unit_win32_java17.groovy (#810) (details)
  240. includeAllSources for repository (details)
  241. Build input for build I20230114-1800 (details)
  242. Build input for build I20230115-1800 (details)
  243. Build input for build I20230116-1800 (details)
  244. Build input for build I20230117-0430 (details)
  245. Build input for build I20230117-1800 (details)
  246. Build input for build I20230118-0200 (details)
  247. fix(deps): bump maven-dependency-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent (details)
  248. fix(deps): bump maven-surefire-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent (details)
  249. Build input for build I20230118-1800 (details)
  250. Replace jxpath by upstream one from Maven Central (details)
  251. Build input for build I20230119-1800 (details)
  252. Build input for build I20230120-1020 (details)
  253. Revert "Replace jxpath by upstream one from Maven Central" (details)
  254. Update Y and P builds for BETA_JAVA20 branch (details)
  255. Build input for build I20230120-1340 (details)
  256. Build input for build I20230120-1800 (details)
  257. Build input for build I20230121-1800 (details)
  258. Build input for build I20230122-0330 (details)
  259. Build input for build I20230122-1800 (details)
  260. Build input for build I20230123-1800 (details)
  261. Revert "Revert "Replace jxpath by upstream one from Maven Central"" (details)
  262. Build input for build I20230124-0530 (details)
  263. Update EMF dependencies to EMF 2.33 M2 (#816) (details)
  264. Since jdt ui doesnot have Beta java 20 branch, using the code from master (#817) (details)
  265. Build input for build I20230124-1040 (details)
  266. Update to Mockito 5.0 (details)
  267. Build input for build I20230124-1210 (details)
  268. Add java20patch folder to eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder (details)
  269. Update to ECJ from M1 (details)
  270. Build input for build I20230125-0250 (details)
  271. Build input for build I20230125-1800 (details)
  272. Added test jobs location (details)
  273. Trying to fix Windows test execution (#190) (details)
  274. Update Orbit for 4.27 M2 (details)
  275. small fix for collect results (details)
  276. Update smoketests (details)
  277. Set eclipse.jdt.ui to master since there is no BETA_JAVA20, fixes for P-Build. (details)
  278. Build input for build I20230126-1800 (details)
  279. Fix JDT version for P-builds, fix name of ybuild test (details)
  280. Fix slashes in smoke_test_win32.groovy (details)
  281. Build input for build I20230127-0410 (details)
  282. Build input for build I20230127-1750 (details)
  283. Build input for build I20230128-1800 (details)
  284. Update to JNA 5.13.0 (details)
  285. Update to assertj 3.24.2 (details)
  286. Update Jackson to 2.14.2 (details)
  287. Build input for build I20230129-0610 (details)
  288. Build input for build I20230129-1800 (details)
  289. Update felix scr to 2.2.6 (details)
  290. Build input for build I20230130-0920 (details)
  291. Build input for build I20230130-1110 (details)
  292. Build input for build I20230130-1230 (details)
  293. Build input for build I20230130-1330 (details)
  294. Build input for build I20230130-1800 (details)
  295. Build input for build I20230131-0150 (details)
  296. Don't trigger Java 20 tests (details)
  297. Use temurin-jdk17-latest to run the verificaton build (details)
  298. Formatting resulted in an extra space at the top of the script in Jenkins which broke the arm64 and ppcle builds (details)
  299. Build input for build I20230131-1800 (details)
  300. fix(deps): bump maven-enforcer-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent (details)
  301. Update Mockito to 5.1.1 (details)
  302. Build input for build I20230201-1800 (details)
  303. Updates for P-build (details)
  304. Update AddToPComposite.groovy (details)
  305. Build input for build I20230202-1800 (details)
  306. Build input for build I20230203-1800 (details)
  307. Build input for build I20230204-1800 (details)
  308. Build input for build I20230205-1800 (details)
  309. Add M2 specifics to Adding file with info on how the jenkins builds work and setting up Y and P-Builds. (details)
  310. Fix formatting of java section (details)
  311. Add Sravan's clarifications (details)
  312. Build input for build I20230206-1800 (details)
  313. Update target platform's bytebuddy dependencies to the latest available (#843) (details)
  314. Build input for build I20230207-1800 (details)
  315. Build input for build I20230208-0150 (details)
  316. Build input for build I20230208-1800 (details)
  317. Update Platform.setup to create a Java 17 JRE. (#847) (details)
  318. YBuild Index.Template Renamed to java20 (details)
  319. YBuild Jenkins Job Changes Done by adding JobDSL.json, instead of adding (details)
  320. YBuild Changes: (details)
  321. Email Id Added (details)
  322. Migrate the javadoc config from equinox > platform-parent (details)
  323. Fix for "Releng JIPP not connecting to svc cluster" (details)
  324. Build input for build I20230209-1800 (details)
  325. Comment out m2e's nature and builder from ECF projects. (#852) (details)
  326. Build input for build I20230210-1800 (details)
  327. Stop generating OSGi headers from source (details)
  328. Build input for build I20230211-0330 (details)
  329. Build input for build I20230211-1800 (details)
  330. Build input for build I20230212-0600 (details)
  331. Build input for build I20230213-0600 (details)
  332. Update byte-buddy to 1.13.0 (#855) (details)
  333. Use in the setup configuration. (#856) (details)
  334. Update commons-fileupload to 1.5 (#857) (details)
  335. Build input for build I20230213-1800 (details)
  336. Build input for build I20230214-0600 (details)
  337. Update EMF dependencies to EMF 2.33 M3 (#859) (details)
  338. Build input for build I20230214-1800 (details)
  339. fix(deps): bump maven-surefire-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent (details)
  340. Update to Orbit 2023-03 M3 (details)
  341. Build input for build I20230215-0610 (details)
  342. Bug 570471 - Add utilities for perspectives persistence and migration (details)
  343. Build input for build I20230215-1800 (details)
  344. Fix: #827 update jenkins url in test results (details)
  345. Adding SmokeTest for Java 19 ppcle and Java 20 #868 (details)
  346. Update beanutils to 1.9.4 (details)
  347. Add a profile to bump versions (details)
  348. Build input for build I20230218-1800 (details)
  349. Run the p2analyze report using the latest JustJ Java 17 JRE (details)
  350. Build input for build I20230219-0600 (details)
  351. Update byte-buddy to 1.14.0 and jsoup to 1.15.4 (#874) (details)
  352. Build input for build I20230219-1800 (details)
  353. Force PGP sign org.jdom and org.jdom.source. (#878) (details)
  354. Deploy the poms also on branches that are preparing a release (details)
  355. Add a workflow to prepare the next release cycle (details)
  356. Update tycho-build to 3.0.3 (details)
  357. Build input for build I20230220-0600 (details)
  358. Removes from aggregator build (details)
  359. Build input for build I20230220-0620 (details)
  360. Build input for build I20230220-0640 (details)
  361. Fix the setup to deal with the merged-in tools projects (#881) (details)
  362. Build input for build I20230220-0800 (details)
  363. Build input for build I20230220-0920 (details)
  364. Add a reusable workflow to update the sub-project to the next release (details)
  365. Stop generating source tarballs (details)
  366. Stop generating source tarballs during y-builds (details)
  367. Build input for build I20230221-0600 (details)
  368. Retire generation of source tar ball (details)
  369. Build input for build I20230221-1800 (details)
  370. Use a recursive glob pattern to include all pom and manifest changes (details)
  371. add an extra include for the root pom.xml (details)
  372. Build input for build I20230222-1800 (details)
  373. Update jarsigner plugin to 1.4.2 (details)
  374. fix(deps): bump maven-assembly-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent (details)
  375. fix(deps): bump spotbugs-maven-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent (details)
  376. Update cbi-ecj-version with JDT compiler from M3 (details)
  377. Build input for build I20230225-0350 (details)
  378. fix(deps): bump spotbugs-maven-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent (details)
  379. Update the target platform to the EMF 2.33.0 release versions (#905) (details)
  380. Build input for build I20230228-1800 (details)
  381. Update documentation to reflect the current release process. (details)
  382. Build input for build I20230302-0300 (details)
  383. Update Orbit to permanent R url for 4.27 (details)
  384. Update check composites script to verify 4.28 (details)
  385. Update builds and repo cleanup scripts for 4.28 (details)
  386. Update builds and repo cleanup scripts for 4.28 (details)
  387. Prepare Release 4.28 (details)
  388. Update product version number to 4.28 across build scripts #921 (details)
  389. Update product version number to 4.28 across build scripts (details)
  390. Update product version number to 4.28 across build scripts (details)
  391. Update product version number to 4.28 across build scripts (details)
  392. Move previous version to 4.27RC2 across build scripts #931 (details)
  393. Cleanup approved API changes (details)
  394. Update Parent pom and target sdk deployment jobs for R4_27_maintenance (details)
  395. POM and product version changes for 4.28 release (details)
  396. Build input for build I20230307-0620 (details)
  397. Build input for build I20230307-0740 (details)
Commit 5ae258334710ddaef5747663365e90ef6becbcbe by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221013-0410
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
Commit 9f546c8c0b326df38cf5dd9c3d75232a80a5f77a by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221013-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
Commit 9a35ac0e5fbd53adc8f30f54f10acdc59058447e by Alexander Kurtakov
Update target platform to bouncycastle 1.72

Makes sure target platform is not using older version than Orbit.
See for details.
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 2655acf5ec1de98e0dc1c9b38c33040ed58f5411 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update snakeyaml to 1.33

Version 1.27 we have in target platform has the following CVEs:
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 1d5e5917ef8656c7f1a0e923ed783ce7a5916834 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update mockito and friends

Use latest versions for all of them.
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 0fefed8d12575f4ed0ef5ee6b05c075c367f6a9c by Samantha Dawley
Fix performance test location in I-builds, change the collect results jobs to use JOB_BASE_NAME since JOB_NAME includes folder.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectYbuildResults.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
Commit 3e9360a7e054127ace3c160df73cdf8863c58b3c by Samantha Dawley
Fix job name of CollectResults so it's in the Releng folder.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
Commit d170d5fc52015322bb064a2de271fd66fb9de5c9 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221014-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
Commit bc778a1b1f78d658a82ef51f6dad6b6654c2be8c by Samantha Dawley
Update I_build.groovy

Switch back to old unit tests. New Results collection still needs more work.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
Commit 4d95f0b581f153d5ee979a05fb861e70d3947854 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221015-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
Commit 96ea326542654350746552112b7c7c134dab05f6 by GitHub
Use webtools 3.28.0 p2 repo in setup because 3.27.0 is removed (#632)

The file was modified oomph/Platform.setup (diff)
Commit 1fb9c644d1719ded7bfd316ea98fcb39d67aec79 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221017-1800
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 2fbf146448aa09ad57a1818b0cd6aa9ff6bb5cc5 by Samantha Dawley
Fis: Unit tests should send JOB_BASE_NAME instead of JOB_NAME. Moving Y and P builds and tests to a new folder so that we can only add those jobs when we need them.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_mac64_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/Builds/P_build.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/P_build.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/Builds/Y_build.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/Releng/collectYbuildResults.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_win32_java11.groovy (diff)
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_mac64_java17.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep425Y_unit_macM1_java17.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy (diff)
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/collectYbuildResults.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep425Y_unit_mac64_java17.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_macM1_java17.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java11.groovy (diff)
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_build.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep425Y_unit_win32_java11.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java11.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java11.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_macM1_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_win32_java11.groovy
Commit 9ebfb554faaaf8dadd457e1e7b94388eafe1a7cf by Alexander Kurtakov
Update Batik to 1.15

Fixes the following CVEs:
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit f0327b61cfa179f5a7eb73b983692ac959175bde by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221018-0740
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
Commit 6f47ef743201b9145ca84ae1153ecca845f31a9e by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221018-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 2cd88211af387c21c1236b81c29e12c69ce8c985 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update webtools repo to 3.27
The file was modified cje-production/buildproperties.txt (diff)
Commit 5c13405d4122e048105a27fd71cf07c0cdbd40ba by Alexander Kurtakov
Use https links in JenkinsJobs
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_mac64_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_win32_java11.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_macM1_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java11.groovy (diff)
Commit a8bc5f9f0cbef5070882869fc222f60ac9b25be1 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221019-0810
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit abf5e2001f9abebee03e301cd4c772b32cd7d8d5 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221019-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit d7600c25ed824075415f25e13754430c5eddae88 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221020-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
Commit 1045a740611a15608479d8f984f489e6aefc46fc by Samantha Dawley
Update ECJ compiler for 4.26 M2
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit a0bd49c8889c8ed1f25e7605cc21cde27da23867 by Samantha Dawley
Update sshAgent to use IDs so jobs are configured correctly.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/PublishPlatformToMaven.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/cleanupReleaseArtifacts.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/PublishJDTtoMaven.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/createMaintenanceBranch.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/updateIndex.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/CBIaggregator.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Cleanup/cleanupDLsite.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/newStreamRepos.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/renameAndPromote.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/checkCompositesValidity.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/tagEclipseRelease.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/markStable.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Cleanup/cleanupReleaseArtifacts.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/PublishPDEToMaven.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Cleanup/dailyCleanOldBuilds.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/makeVisible.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/markUnstable.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/collectYbuildResults.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/createGenericComposites.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/AddToPComposite.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
Commit f8f5f217dd1b36ea58133900bb7be24829c0eab0 by Samantha Dawley
Update I build to use tests in the AutomatedTests Folder, which should in turn use Releng/Collect Results then Releng/Update Index.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
Commit 986f5e9eddb72627b8db836df77961e57b030dce by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221021-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit ed9de97187044c66ae4a0f086177a7795441cb57 by Samantha Dawley
Perf hasn't been migrated yet
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
Commit 115e484cc1e7d5b130159ebd10a63849e8b4d010 by Samantha Dawley
Adding SmokeTests and folder
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/FOLDER.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_centos9.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_ubuntuLatest.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_ubuntu20.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_win32.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_ubuntu22.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_centos8.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_arm64.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_opensuse_leap.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_centos7.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_ppcle.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_ubuntu18.groovy
Commit b2faa2f43c2b46a38ae7174a0c990a9bb5ee397a by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221022-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit ed5c78a2bac56c039735e0d63689b1cb36178e68 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221023-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
Commit 74192930ffa187015d9656ac3dff7159eafc16c5 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221024-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java20.groovy
Commit 5d3edf0126f7b5fa773978504d2d9ce3b43d430e by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221025-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
Commit 3602e91877ea43aeb3e932e11500ab90b4747e3e by GitHub
Update collect results job to use java17 with ant and new job structure (#647)

* Update to collect results job to use java 17 with ant

* Update the results paths to use new test job structure

* correcting mistake in the condition statement

If performance test old path needs to be used. and for others new path
to be used
The file was modified cje-production/scripts/collectTestResults.xml (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
Commit 7bdf9f667eb8a371cae012538895cfcd23ecbb4a by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221026-1800
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
Commit 8be760f4eba34a56081e7076f08cf99674c61752 by Alexander Kurtakov
Build with Tycho 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 8b769d96bf125ec67cd4ef205e44d5d35acd2e5d by Alexander Kurtakov
Update Batik to 1.16

* CVE-2022-42890
* CVE-2022-41704
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 88aba74a18513a4df0ac017b00d7eabaefd02ff3 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221027-0910
The file was modified eclipse.platform.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit e0b6bdfb195659c1fc784cc3a1885869108f0b91 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221027-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
Commit 65a4b4410b029d10bcf60916450f048c41502328 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221028-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit c0aab82ca0bfa870b9777d898bd7dff530c36b1a by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221029-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 7868b9c8098b9b7b3897652ffb74265cc197b1be by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221030-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
Commit 6a7d6b6b70522457b3b161742019b1691a85a6cd by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221031-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
Commit dced64c95b83074d4b3a1f6b21a2c5ca00ef0c67 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221101-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit 090c71b54540e8114b0352e6b8fa9b4fda534644 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221102-0750
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
Commit 561cbf466ba7167366409d90fa60364b2a094158 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221102-0910
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
Commit d0b0ca6bf0a21efe90f4bcb895eac35a14f06d45 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221102-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
Commit e7f7ab119e15c1cb926549076577cfc1310e91c1 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221103-0530
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.binaries (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit a596de795f23cfc0158c302ba10d57be7dd292d2 by Alexander Kurtakov
Manage version of maven-toolchains-plugin.

It's used for running tests in jdt.core and jdt.debug but all at
different version.
This is first step towards standardizing.
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 4a343fe62be9070d66504a9481f27450b46c6fec by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221103-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
Commit b443208d51d473626f029825ebc2c1c7bcdf46a7 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221104-1200
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit 31b64584f7c43cf5118cc5137793200be7ba62f2 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221104-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
Commit 8149f43ed702d32b4ae1cc6ce5f2b102a9dcaa15 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221105-1800
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
Commit 7c7ed647a97904874c7c5775c1cafbe236654506 by Christoph Läubrich
Add metatype annotation to target
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 2721ffaa3f75c3fe6e8fe9fd27c931b0cee5568f by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221106-2230
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 43b44a4b625cb18b0f7e2db64c25561352d2adc0 by Alexander Kurtakov
Add BND lib to the target

m2eclipse already uses BND for a while to generate missing manifest for
maven dependencies and PDE can (re-)use BND as well for different tasks.

This also moves the bnd annotations to the new BND section and adds
org.osgi.service.repository API bundle as it is a dependency of BND lib.
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 9c81149733b13c669c7571b690a47c4adafd2512 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221107-1920
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
Commit e8aa60f1e588738a99c270b8366607048a3995dc by Alexander Kurtakov
Update to ECF 3.14.34

Tracked in
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 984c26a577b8c1bbe8c6b6dad0288cbc3571cb98 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221108-0650
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit 5493816de13687a82136c146460f95ad3df3fddf by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221108-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
Commit 5617d44a8f7e8676e91a9fcce986148266ef4e3a by Alexander Kurtakov
fix(deps): bump spotbugs-maven-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent

Bumps [spotbugs-maven-plugin]( from to
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit d6a990ff0590ff746c0627a4e83dfb138a88f1ee by Alexander Kurtakov
Update to Orbit 2022-12 M3

Tracked in
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit dcebab9ea40933de348e7e83d806362c981ddfa7 by Alexander Kurtakov
Deploy platform-parent pom pom  and eclipse-sdk target in 'master' build
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit b200a3fa10cbf3c495e62ac86430cd0f14658233 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221109-0600
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit 3ce3f66308eb3b531600b8e948d5f17d7e823bae by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221109-1850
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit f46f5aa6c5964634a092ef2347f494d7189e9ccb by Hannes Wellmann
Deploy platform-parent-pom/eclipse-sdk-target in 'maintance' build too
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit b3b9150ef31e004f7d03382751739252bb7106c0 by Samantha Dawley
Update compiler for 4.26 M3
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit f1f06365938128f5ca2d39b2ea5cc82e30346b93 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221111-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
Commit e05efefca1eb582d5f59d1d1d8d1c616b8552e56 by Samantha Dawley
Update jenkins jobs to use centos-latest instead of migration. Add Java 20 tests to I-builds now that they're working.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java20.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/PublishJDTtoMaven.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/newStreamRepos.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/PublishPDEToMaven.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/CBIaggregator.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/tagEclipseRelease.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/PublishPlatformToMaven.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/createMaintenanceBranch.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Cleanup/cleanupDLsite.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Cleanup/dailyCleanOldBuilds.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/renameAndPromote.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Cleanup/cleanupReleaseArtifacts.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/AddToPComposite.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/cleanupReleaseArtifacts.groovy (diff)
Commit 938b1a2d72d4821e6092be8fed70291102a00234 by Samantha Dawley
Enable collectResults by default.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
Commit c8c04ecd682f1378cce014d7f10495968b418472 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221113-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit b423d3122e928cf1d369b47d90b2338e73f0bccb by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221114-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit a0c40fbe0a0f3ac6322a33ec164573740d33d199 by Samantha Dawley
Big changes so results collection can be run/tested locally out of the box
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modified cje-production/scripts/collectTestResults.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/buildScripts/publish.xml (diff)
Commit 38670267144ea50ada590bde8e5e2fbee6b4a144 by Samantha Dawley
Moving files to cje-production/scripts
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/collectYbuildResults.groovy (diff)
The file was removedcje-production/Y-build/publish2.xml
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/buildScripts/publish.xml
The file was removedproduction/testScripts/genTestIndexes.xml
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/buildScripts/publish2.xml
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
The file was addedcje-production/scripts/publish.xml
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/buildScripts/addToComposite.xml
Commit 38e97e54909c25db027ab848d9384cb88cc9ed5b by Samantha Dawley
Update CollectResults and tests to use new parameters.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_win32_java11.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java11.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_macM1_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_mac64_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
Commit f63ab5a4a1b3ffd9e4ca37afb5fcd744492f5a3a by Alexander Kurtakov
Update icu4j to latest 72.1
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 666f3a6e36f715d79cdcf38fae3fc8edb9fd3f10 by Samantha Dawley
Update collectResults.groovy

switch genTestIndexes.xml to publish.xml
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
Commit 3ef04311828570837e3c042416ebba221123936f by Samantha Dawley
Switch to milestone build schedule
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
Commit 22bfead31e2fdc4ec3e54dc2a192e988b310c879 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update to latest Orbit

Contains a number of bundle rebuilds for resigning purposes. Tracked in
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit e1890a45cf78e4c6c034edb0726400a99c0fda2b by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221117-0540
The file was modified eclipse.jdt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
Commit 05d0eb2a9315494c923c9ac519115cfee6c6b96b by Samantha Dawley
Update helper.xml to use new publish.xml location.
The file was modified cje-production/mbscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/helper.xml (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/mbscripts/ (diff)
Commit e60f9ca9d1c2ffbe98238e99a9910fe7b34e2e05 by GitHub
Force PGP signatures of old Orbit bundles unsigned in LST Java versions (#675)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 2ac41af2027bb2d69cdf58e51689907ed438d9f5 by Samantha Dawley
Fix: updathing path in publish.xml

Signed-off-by: sdawley <>
The file was modified cje-production/scripts/publish.xml (diff)
Commit d766fe0686c70ae6d030bf592afa11a8f3081a4a by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221118-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
Commit e25d192a5ed113015b2dcd4d421c1d4e66c67529 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221119-0600
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit 5a0e1699925434f3fa2c6beb10c6a9f6c8762d8c by Samantha Dawley
fix: add publishingFiles/ to testManifest.xml path
The file was modified cje-production/scripts/publish.xml (diff)
Commit 14aaa17d96a6a84dd3351fa850c0ac61958afdd1 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221120-0600
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 6073ea5ae38cb0108753a197e2aeb20daf05e0b2 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221121-0600
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
Commit 915c5897744ce4b453049a4fe1ad0460c976c271 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update to EMF 2.32 release

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit c616d0e7d431de6258b467318c2fffac629dcd62 by Alexander Kurtakov
Fix: Updating publish.xml to use a variable instead of relying on current directory
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/scripts/publish.xml (diff)
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
Commit a0e5ba7f517ed3686f63d5621f4f0f9f44592447 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221122-0600
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
Commit f1421be0eab0dde65377c96888cb26b7ac31d8ae by Samantha Dawley
Updates to Jenkins jobs for RC2
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/tagEclipseRelease.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/makeVisible.groovy (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/promotion/ (diff)
Commit f483a780ee6e488cd8650f047a73133963417382 by Samantha Dawley

add newline
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
Commit 19aef054d0d4d92183ca48eb1eb84f1877f751e1 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update to Orbit 2022-12

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 46d4dc2f300f3eb1ed09d7dea5d3083feb25e879 by Samantha Dawley
Update links in release documentation for milestones
The file was modified (diff)
Commit fea7be48997326725a3379a0425bdcfaedb94a02 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221123-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/scripts/collectTestResults.xml (diff)
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
Commit c775d08d4f51021908fd85ed2f3f47c14814102a by Alexander Kurtakov
Fix git branch --set-upstream no longer recognized

The new parameter name is --set-upstream-to.
Remove useless parts of the script while at it.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/createMaintenanceBranch.groovy (diff)
Commit e6c4f9fe2d5013b09c4bd458bcd0025a67f698d0 by Samantha Dawley
Change command to --set-upstream-to origin branchName
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/createMaintenanceBranch.groovy (diff)
Commit 8075e4dc7150b2201945223fa05d941790a623c8 by Samantha Dawley
Make branch creation a loop
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/createMaintenanceBranch.groovy (diff)
Commit e83bf8ff38e1d8841d18f63509667f3fe45e114e by Samantha Dawley
Fix grep in createMaintenanceBranches
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/createMaintenanceBranch.groovy (diff)
Commit 4cebcf76a4641f3118dad215b5451ee30950bd1f by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221128-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit daa8c6db0565175e16e033fe832327e7d4e60bd5 by Samantha Dawley
Add deployPlatformParentPom.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/Releng/deployPlatformParentPom.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/deployPlatformParentPom.groovy (diff)
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/Releng/deploySdkPom.groovy
Commit 0b11ec6051ec28dc4885591789335a280085b3a3 by Alexander Kurtakov
Enable both 4.26 and 4.27 streams
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/JobDSL.json (diff)
Commit 60273ee69b83acc3537684feefea037a34462fb6 by Samantha Dawley
Updating I build and unit tests to build new jobs from json
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java20.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java11.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_win32_java11.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_macM1_java17.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java20.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_macM1_java17.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_mac64_java17.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java11.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_mac64_java17.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_win32_java11.groovy
Commit e3640a515adedb1f8713368744320e8413ae48ac by Samantha Dawley
Fix BRANCH variable definition
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_win32_java11.groovy (diff)
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/PerformanceTests/ILR_perf_lin64_baseline.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/Releng/collectPerfResults.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/PerformanceTests/ILR_perf_lin64.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/PerformanceTests/FOLDER.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java20.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java11.groovy (diff)
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/PerformanceTests/I_perf_lin64_baseline.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_macM1_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/PerformanceTests/I_perf_lin64.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_mac64_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
The file was addedscripts/
The file was addedscripts/
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
Commit 988bf2342614b1a8f68213705dc741c13d183ff2 by Samantha Dawley
Update documentation to be more readable and have current instructions for setting up a new release.
The file was modified (diff)
Commit f55134794a569c8f3ff4f22dc68a8a6d256a28f7 by Alexander Kurtakov
Disabling milestone schedule and adding regular schedule
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
Commit 69a00170d71fa40c57fde4847cdae1919e42c5bf by Alexander Kurtakov
removing 4.26 as it is creating a enabled job
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/JobDSL.json (diff)
Commit b3a4b64fde5eb7045bc5a8513ff64644fb19bfc1 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221130-0600
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
Commit f97bfa71c08e3d43ebfd4243a073a6f07d095d86 by Alexander Kurtakov
Bump versions for 4.27 stream

Tracked in
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/rcp.config/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified production/testScripts/configuration/ (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/buildproperties.txt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/sdk.p2.inf (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/rcp.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java19patch/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/sdk.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/eclipse.releng.repository.java19patch/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/equinox-sdk/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/platform.product (diff)
The file was modified pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/platform.p2.inf (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/rcp.sdk.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/equinox.starterkit.product/EclipseRTOSGiStarterKit.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/equinox.starterkit.product/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt.dummy/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified production/testScripts/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/eclipse-junit-tests.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/rcp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/equinox-sdk/equinox-sdk.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/platform.sdk.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse-platform-sources/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/platform.sdk.p2.inf (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
Commit ccd8e3ce70adb964fadf7909a993ac7c27eff62b by Samantha Dawley
Update previous release version to 4.26RC2
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/src/main/resources/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/src/main/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified production/testScripts/ (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/buildproperties.txt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified production/testScripts/configuration/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/src/main/resources/ (diff)
Commit 6b61fecd8793693faf226a75096fc50dd2c042ea by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221130-1800
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core.binaries (diff)
Commit adbd9d7f4588fcf6e0aa5ba20b35f8ffa81a8b07 by Samantha Dawley
Update cleanup script for 4.27
The file was modified cje-production/cleaners/ (diff)
Commit 2adce1e89c871f9a0b4d9406a90dd86bd133b31e by Alexander Kurtakov
Update check composites script to verify 4.27 repos
The file was modified cje-production/scripts/checkComposites/ (diff)
Commit 054c21703fcb7f00b71a5e280733fc8d3395b531 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update Comparator repo and eclipse run repo to 4.27-I-builds repo

The file was modified cje-production/Y-build/buildproperties.txt (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/buildproperties.txt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit f63cd0d65046b0b1f1ef711f42c58f38d93e65a1 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221201-0500
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit bbe396e9a486b3140835a56491efd16ec47207a1 by Alexander Kurtakov
Version bumps for 4.27 stream

Tracked in
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/rcp.config/config.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/rcp.config/feature.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/rcp.config/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 19866f2fd88a784295fd8ae1d763e4d485359afb by Alexander Kurtakov
Remove special qualifier format

As there is version bump qualifier format can change and upgrade path
still works.
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/rcp.config/pom.xml (diff)
Commit b5b2410907392a36a6bcee5f0d6f490f904360d3 by Alexander Kurtakov
fix(deps): bump maven-dependency-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent

Bumps [maven-dependency-plugin]( from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 5131075acd2cb99ed909fee2c9e7a1ade4a61c98 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221201-1110
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit 07c970aaa0de7009852fcae680ae52ad3608a0df by Alexander Kurtakov

Added IBuilds job & download links
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 84d0c0d709d24ff152b228c25cb4620a5a01e8ca by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221201-1210
The file was modified eclipse.jdt (diff)
Commit 7e0d747722c9890f0af551cfcfc7d3443a0e6326 by Samantha Dawley
Update previous location for tests to 4.26RC2
The file was modified production/testScripts/configuration/ (diff)
Commit 0a01d71045ac12b5fb50dc50af7397ddb59e6cad by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221201-1430
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
Commit 622088d5e07817e5dda3fb5ff2194b07059bebe2 by Andrey Loskutov
Fixed ecj bundle location / name

The file was modified cje-production/mbscripts/ (diff)
Commit ca54a610960d52750efe3cc442ca4d6a29756ade by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221201-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
Commit 9e6be4c2514c46599e3cef83c4295edaf4df328f by Samantha Dawley
Fix maven publish jobs. Move release tagging to after promotion.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/makeVisible.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/PublishJDTtoMaven.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/PublishPDEToMaven.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/renameAndPromote.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/PublishPlatformToMaven.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/CBIaggregator.groovy (diff)
Commit d8dd71769e2809db45e326cc46f665bdd96cddf4 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221202-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
Commit cb94893b038973462fbaf379a73451696a0018b6 by Samantha Dawley
Use correct names for secret keys
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/PublishPDEToMaven.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/PublishJDTtoMaven.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/PublishPlatformToMaven.groovy (diff)
Commit a57dc029d4ac2634f74f9a6180822d0eefdc9ae0 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221203-0210
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit 97a777da8a9c135b106a4136875ed02b02e47c2d by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221203-0400
The file was modified eclipse.jdt (diff)
Commit 3082a1be133d730d1cd5e6505d6ce0d8d7d10f74 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221203-1800
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
Commit b2cbb328986cd314ee302fb661a441852493c3c1 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221204-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
Commit 6012ade9717db039c7e6f89e6b2da08be8c431de by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221205-0050
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit 4034ab42038121cf4a35881b89e3a9cd74746d9a by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221205-0710
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
Commit f86b83fa043ed0f182507cc7916129cac69a6bfe by Mickael Istria
Use the tycho-apitools-plugin to generate the api description file
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 2c92d238289239f8471c8fa7d7cf445ffb2f593a by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221205-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 72ac598502a6e6a1f727ab046167fa9044b01b38 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221206-1800
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 977ead10001baec3ea92af3275f70f5ff0da5484 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update Apache sshd osgi to 2.9.2
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit ab4014406cac6f2937de86b08f3b572a697d2179 by Samantha Dawley
Some more details about publication to Maven
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 5dbd92b9d85a2d0a90a993249c63c2e109fed220 by Samantha Dawley
Use 4.26 GA as previous release version
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/src/main/resources/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/src/main/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/src/main/resources/ (diff)
The file was modified production/testScripts/configuration/ (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/buildproperties.txt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified production/testScripts/ (diff)
Commit cb3caaa7f5a0d6f3b87f856b2796e122c6d596a5 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221207-1800
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
Commit 997a79263a737e22ce557ddd0771644827635b93 by Alexander Kurtakov
Fix checkComposites script

Only 4.27 and 4.27-I-builds exist and are in development so nothing else
should be checked.
The file was modified cje-production/scripts/checkComposites/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 9c43bf49345894fe5f1bb02296142c2459813746 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221208-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
Commit a2b52500ad8df5d3860883aa6035f0f40c019fad by Hannes Wellmann
[Build] add Jenkins timestamps and improve format
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 13ef4ce6a8d86731430b50087c544ca788d89d14 by Alexander Kurtakov
Use the new location of the cbi p2repo-analyzers product
The file was modified cje-production/mbscripts/ (diff)
Commit 74c925124dedcf2a06311d31fd1ae6c1267f3f96 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update target platform to RedDeer 4.4.0

Moves targetJRE to Java 17 as this version requires it.
First step towards
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 64165acf3577bf5037767501c7f8a6cf14b0ef9a by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221209-0520
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
Commit 7ce04a749f32575b0bfc36405302f56c8f6189f6 by Alexander Kurtakov
Properly exclude native libs from source tarball

Should have been done long ago when repos were merged.
The file was modified eclipse-platform-sources/sources.xml (diff)
Commit 2a9995af426570b5545d59c1dfecf43531f6e6f6 by Mickael Istria
Add official jakarta bundles from Central to TP

To progressively replace older javax ones from Orbit
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 863aa0c1d9cfac1387bb6f605118265dbc8dd1ad by Alexander Kurtakov
Reduce smote tests

Load on releng JIPP gets pretty high after build and tests get delayed
thus smoke tests are no longer run on Java 11.
Groovy files no longer used like centos7 and ubuntu 18 and 20 are
removed too.
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_centos7.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_ubuntu20.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/StartSmokeTests.groovy (diff)
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_ubuntu18.groovy
Commit 1e7a4ba6e3906e5f47dc4fa7349e06e83d123760 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221209-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
Commit affbb3a6d1fecebae0f55a5ae9fa9137f9c37d34 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221210-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit b1e242406a5bd81a0e321c65ca5621425f3bdeb0 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221211-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit b8406ea3e19e29a3150c055699bad92042a7a26f by Alexander Kurtakov
Test for more detailed error output
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit ec12ccdbb252b61d7d56d2cdc7fa75f3e8015084 by Alexander Kurtakov
Move to latest Orbit I-build

So changes due to Orbit rebuilds are separated from dependency updates.
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 015944bff2176911456a2f17a864a118ff87d2cf by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221212-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
Commit 6e5005a14a6a6eb61d237a61f9065b94986680d7 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update the target platform's Maven dependencies to the latest available
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit b891b8d13b5309c9f7b12a33443888fa136603be by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221213-0110
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit 2a8dc25d710d3f4e73892b5ab38f3de117e4eaec by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221213-0200
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit d874f80e0b95a16c3161351e1e11407b6d7416f7 by Alexander Kurtakov
Stop running tests on Java 11 on Linux

Tracked in
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java11.groovy
The file was modified cje-production/Y-build/publish.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/publishingFiles/staticDropFiles/testConfigs.php (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/Y-build/testConfigs.php (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/scripts/collectTestResults.xml (diff)
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java11.groovy
The file was modified cje-production/scripts/publish.xml (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_build.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectResults.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/collectYbuildResults.groovy (diff)
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
Commit 31c8dcbeb802758fe66b89d3633c0da584b81277 by GitHub
Update the target platform's slf4j-api from 2.0.3 to 2.0.6 (#763)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 412c481c0543609e25cedd9fedc21568c71f05be by Mickael Istria
[SDK-TP] Remove javax.servlet.jsp from Eclipse-Orbit

A more recent javax.servlet.jsp from Maven-Central was added in
so the old one from Eclipse-Orbit is obsolete.
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit bc6cab8c1517eb193fdfb1d787f4adc946017894 by Mickael Istria
Use older jakarta.el version

The package names are still javax.el in older version, so keeping the
package name will facilitate a milestone.
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit f1a81dffa9d734e368e46721bcfe9241431d00dc by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221213-1800
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
Commit 292cd04f39289a6ea22ce03f6a05d68cb3ff0b01 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221214-0610
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
Commit 1f37c18e489fbe26c78eda0c8016e5d9ff0cbe06 by Samantha Dawley
Fixing performance tests, updating cleanup script.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/PerformanceTests/I_perf_lin64_baseline.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectPerfResults.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/PerformanceTests/ILR_perf_lin64_baseline.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/PerformanceTests/ILR_perf_lin64.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Cleanup/cleanupReleaseArtifacts.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/PerformanceTests/I_perf_lin64.groovy (diff)
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/Releng/cleanupReleaseArtifacts.groovy
Commit 01878c94b5fd004dc512d198ae0fa24a029c8b95 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221214-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit aa9ccdca21c191c1db38deff379ba86cc30bfda4 by Alexander Kurtakov
Add Lucene 9.4.2 to target platform

To allow building against it.
Tracked in
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit dbdea52357c7c3ba391c2a28af672dfc06f77e8d by Alexander Kurtakov
Remove lucene 8.4.1 from target platform

Tracked in
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 8fe4b435dfc5b84876becd8c48a081b19ec22642 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221215-0320
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
Commit 75198050ac4888bfd0d92137740418e06e280e46 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update net.bytebuddy and org.mockito to the latest version
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit b2feb627c00664bf4d86f2a2365635056e365bd8 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221215-0720
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit fe17608995bd09a877b66080f6564a15490df33e by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221215-0840
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
Commit 482027e65a897955d88e4c4a50e06e93c0d4c163 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update tycho-build to 3.0.1
The file was modified .mvn/extensions.xml (diff)
Commit bfd6f8fdd506bb1ca3a74893728f5b715916f1f2 by Mickael Istria
Remove javax.el from Orbit
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 668f5375210b3ae56e1edd9745712f1952114b35 by Mickael Istria
Add org.glassfish.web.javax.servlet.jsp to TP

to progressively replace Orbit's org.apache.jasper.glassfish
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 2be1ecb806ebe542e40b62d14e848bca8fce78bd by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221215-1800
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit b4f0958a7265d97ecc4a0a1e75e0e6bdec93ffc3 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221216-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit d22fd0a8ea7458000531451baa8c6cb4e2b5bc39 by Christoph Läubrich
Add ECF httpclientjava feature to the target for P2

See eclipse-equinox/p2#205
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 9fe949ad04f08db9116e40b742b948eeb581db5c by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221217-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
Commit b96c3058ff4e90c373ac209abb42a3901b24f561 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221219-0820
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 1089bb87308f48c944eb3364f238d7a9934e934f by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221219-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 972a3fb82880f41845e8c433b4687ca44d18c6af by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221220-1800
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 73db8ef6d684a1213be473c7f0625f3a15fa80ff by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221221-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit a6f4de6c068df12728ebf3bd0b63500881c0f15d by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221222-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit a33243d6f16ed3f2e31d555bddddb3be7065fcde by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221223-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 73fdf213f7133d7f1c5544a775d2b26847edc821 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221225-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit 0835e1264142cb8fd64d7a6f801669d7587004ee by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221227-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
Commit b119eac1cb98fe56350767c7e5242e823ddfb153 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221229-1800
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit b1de97a1a35a50c643583b7d674af4d6165a8639 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221230-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit da121ded1da8a311c4c1e1331f5516e1a949d477 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230101-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
Commit e251fedbd7595b7ad3a9762afb7dd84f49c6a28c by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230102-1800
The file was modified equinox (diff)
Commit c2c0b2e1f87c239d1d784d6c6094f85dd7401453 by Samantha Dawley
Late Update to I_build.groovy for milestone schedule.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit a01015fd0110eb9b5b4325795ef544c43eab0e01 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230103-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
Commit 4d0fb3bd88a7bbd0ad461bed6e47cc4b318b2d35 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update EMF dependencies to EMF 2.33 M1
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 2bc59fd30c9a36dd3451860ef8d9ff92a4e1b0b9 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230104-0600
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
Commit 15eb79df4c9455dfd5e280e17c1feec0b9a6e911 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update Readme with the fact Java 17 is required for the build

This has been the case for a while now but readme was not adjusted.
The file was modified (diff)
Commit cc2ff12e12569a791abc71266e5c9390c8632738 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230104-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 8f0266db956acea9aa13213e2a57a42cbe563845 by Samantha Dawley
Move daily clean job into the Cleanup folder. Update path in collectPerfResults.

Signed-off-by: sdawley <>
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectPerfResults.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Cleanup/dailyCleanOldBuilds.groovy (diff)
Commit b3dd8235cd293e51192c645802faf86707599508 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230106-1800
The file was modified equinox (diff)
Commit 2231217c18dfd7b8008712ab1f73a90cc94e8521 by GitHub
Fix EMF dependencies setup's source locator to look for nests projects (#788)

The file was modified oomph/Platform.setup (diff)
Commit e045496485b7d8f55421bc54df64d6107f860718 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230109-0410
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 66a703cd6ee9d75d6680fe380d0b2b0de13aca4a by Andrey Loskutov
OOmph fails "No repository found webtools/CI/3.28.0 (#83)

Use webtools/CI/3.29.0/I-latest repo, 3.28.0 is gone now

The file was modified oomph/Platform.setup (diff)
Commit 5bfc43a7b5f3ea97821c1dc77e95bbc3b447f301 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230109-0600
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
Commit 6494940e3ddf8313e0f9fc9d3333fb331d459cc8 by GitHub
Update the target platform's Maven dependencies to the latest available (#791)

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit ee80ebed69c323e504cd8943ff06452eefe897e2 by Samantha Dawley
Update I-build schedule for 2023-03
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
Commit 780aaa85f864fee8d8dfb7e03ad9491757b41277 by Alexander Kurtakov
Disable signing except for master and maintenance branches
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 158ec1a4369c44c687e7bb91425d7eb0de36dd61 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230109-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
Commit f797a60e9348a24a4fd877bfd8dca5b636b60de7 by Samantha Dawley
Fix: Move tag parameter from makeVisible to renameAndPromote
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/renameAndPromote.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/makeVisible.groovy (diff)
Commit 2cf0b71f717619089229f96a588e2cbb88ba55c6 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230110-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
Commit 2d0062e9a6a8f313ad7a38371cc10fe40b46b227 by GitHub
Update target platform's Maven OSGi dependencies to the latest available (#798)

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit bacd23b6772deb12431d210bfe070fc7704984a0 by GitHub
Update target platform's junit dependencies to the latest available (#799)

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit cd3942d90542ce3c8281dc16d58c7d4d380170ef by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230111-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit 46eedc68fe7c09c2cd63ba1784f49fef9dd10d84 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update pmd and checkstyle maven plugins
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 05e8921fef0ba7ac30213a53d56b0507bdf1ba1d by Alexander Kurtakov
Run windows tests with Java 17
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/publishingFiles/staticDropFiles/testConfigs.php (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/scripts/publish.xml (diff)
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_win32_java11.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_win32_java17.groovy
Commit a9eb30da24c05b9a9eb1077ba3c199b63c559cdc by Alexander Kurtakov
Run windows tests with Java 17

Extra changes not done in first batch.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_win32_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
Commit 18cd03d9d5de31c78a16dbf130704162c7675854 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230112-0730
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
Commit 5ae4a9875d078126326490ccfc6a2e05e36573c5 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230112-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit fc8e9218b1d679f0d7d79a2743cb2f18c486b07a by GitHub
Update the java paths using 8dot3 notation (#808)

tracked in
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_win32_java17.groovy (diff)
Commit 7ee7669e5e08529d2f463f04ce5d5039f0dc7710 by GitHub
Update target platform's bytebuddy dependencies to the latest available (#807)

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 77436130450765290743e27ada88f947de804db0 by Andrey Loskutov
Add asm-analysis to target

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 912050379fe34746d76b0233cee23095abd14b6d by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230113-1800
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit a012ce589472077f5bcc177bff3f73b8bd1e647e by GitHub
Update I_unit_win32_java17.groovy (#810)

The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_win32_java17.groovy (diff)
Commit 55031feeae66a0ba2dea8e60128a95eceb884f1e by Mickael Istria
includeAllSources for repository

So we may start omitting (content from) source features
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 4b015ef3299c556a210c01c8c791f50a4c5fb367 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230114-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit c8748c424eab63cdfd74318004aa79da27d8cc3e by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230115-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
Commit 0d1091511a9b1262f48804a368f0d68b1d46f672 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230116-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
Commit cd71f211623665d5af9d740dba5ea8970e638429 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230117-0430
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit bc9046d0908e19359d5a1b8fb6741e3e2b29b7e8 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230117-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit 4bdcea6339c8795302594a72c7d30f39d482d9cd by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230118-0200
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit 08b3189217383e7e0ef63bb2a0d8cb6312a8567c by Alexander Kurtakov
fix(deps): bump maven-dependency-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent

Bumps [maven-dependency-plugin]( from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 57f03ae23bbeb6cc7917ee258a80c0ecb0759148 by Alexander Kurtakov
fix(deps): bump maven-surefire-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent

Bumps [maven-surefire-plugin]( from 3.0.0-M7 to 3.0.0-M8.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 8659a5597c1fbd575aa2716c2d42f18c30eaf4da by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230118-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit 644c8ab54506ec0c1333d74eb3ad7a0c37abe3c3 by Mickael Istria
Replace jxpath by upstream one from Maven Central
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit b4296cd3792a0e306fa842e0b7eacd17343057ed by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230119-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
Commit def2a3e9c55cd4163eb95261b69e2bc8bd94bcd8 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230120-1020
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
Commit cd659acf75ce18b5ee79dfe0a7bdf1fa0f9a9e82 by Andrey Loskutov
Revert "Replace jxpath by upstream one from Maven Central"

This reverts commit 644c8ab54506ec0c1333d74eb3ad7a0c37abe3c3.

This commit breaks SDK building with error

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-assemble-repository) on project eclipse.platform.repository:
Could not assemble p2 repository: Mirroring failed: Messages while
mirroring artifact descriptors.: [Failed to transfer artifact packed:
osgi.bundle,org.jdom.source,1.1.1.v201101151400.: [Download of
osgi.bundle,org.jdom.source,1.1.1.v201101151400 failed on repository

See discussion on
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 565dc6f8774786067836276aac212dea5c337dc3 by Samantha Dawley
Update Y and P builds for BETA_JAVA20 branch

Signed-off-by: sdawley <>
The file was removedcje-production/streams/repositories_java19.txt
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/Y-build/testConfigs.php (diff)
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_win32_java17.groovy
The file was modified cje-production/Y-build/publish.xml (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/Y-build/buildproperties.txt (diff)
The file was addedcje-production/scripts/testScripts/runTests2.xml
The file was addedcje-production/scripts/testScripts/getEBuilder.xml
The file was addedcje-production/streams/repositories_java20.txt
The file was addedcje-production/streams/repositories_java20patch.txt
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java20.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_macM1_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/P-build/buildproperties.txt (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_build.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/P-build/ (diff)
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_win32_java11.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_mac64_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was removedcje-production/streams/repositories_java19patch.txt
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/P_build.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/collectYbuildResults.groovy (diff)
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/FOLDER.groovy
Commit 86be5b774cf64ad40f618c2ce8b3c6195bf9bc70 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230120-1340
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 1bb5ea6f00862bedceb529238baab0d9467ed213 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230120-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
Commit 2d29d7ece28557affcdc0e9b40f87f6fd398bae6 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230121-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 98a763fdc459b22be370db9949cee3e0a41661d9 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230122-0330
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
Commit 3c319878c2d3696069deab2bdb7791046dfa4a9c by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230122-1800
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
Commit 0edeba35e1018ed6ef605b39616b4faefbb67686 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230123-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
Commit 20c49d33496e2f2db731589b98bee4ecb0ec7d01 by Mickael Istria
Revert "Revert "Replace jxpath by upstream one from Maven Central""

This reverts commit cd659acf75ce18b5ee79dfe0a7bdf1fa0f9a9e82.i
Now that jxpath isn't directly included anymore (comes transitively)
and Tycho issues are resolved, we can finally re-try this.
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 4cce6ae6f562923146d50d67858c705665bd80c2 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230124-0530
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
Commit 6646cf09b9fdc68d1976bca3274e481788989e04 by GitHub
Update EMF dependencies to EMF 2.33 M2 (#816)

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit fe24024f4461ed4f5066f469494171074de99f28 by GitHub
Since jdt ui doesnot have Beta java 20 branch, using the code from master (#817)

The file was modified cje-production/streams/repositories_java20.txt (diff)
Commit 8ace1844edfe4579e54f4e816a2bdd7cbe51705b by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230124-1040
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 895d6aed526b95dfc843007db7771d5ca572bcb0 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230124-1210
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit f986e8c589dd23120832d13b6e2feead8fd1c2db by Samantha Dawley
Add java20patch folder to eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/eclipse.releng.repository.java20patch/antrunbuild.xml
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java20patch/forceQualifierUpdate.txt
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.dummy/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.dummy/
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java20patch/
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/eclipse.releng.repository.java20patch/pom.xml
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java20patch/feature.xml
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/eclipse.releng.repository.java20patch/category.xml
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/forceQualifierUpdate.txt
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/eclipse.releng.repository.java20patch/patchMatchVersion.xsl
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java20patch/pom.xml
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/feature.xml
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/pom.xml
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java20patch/sourceTemplateFeature/p2.inf
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.dummy/pom.xml
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java20patch/sourceTemplateFeature/
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/pom.xml
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.dummy/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java20patch/
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/.settings/org.eclipse.core.runtime.prefs
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 47e3451a73cc65e50ad95a5f60f9e08fa6d19b3c by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230125-0250
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit 86a77af632cf736d5ed2276b90153aeb4be1c85f by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230125-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
Commit 53d82cd525ede39f2dc9b6880c39c4ad821ae1d3 by Andrey Loskutov
Added test jobs location

Added link to
The file was modified (diff)
Commit a9a735fe77dd083784b7ce015f6d65ee93b16b31 by Andrey Loskutov
Trying to fix Windows test execution (#190)

- removed quotes around set JAVA_HOME, that broke java startup from Ant
- removed duplicated PATH entries (cleanup only)

The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_win32_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 88a4137906bc9a761dc0d9ce22f8f930d5554e92 by Samantha Dawley
small fix for collect results
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/collectPerfResults.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/StartSmokeTests.groovy (diff)
Commit 43f0ced2525f8c519908e82601d0b24e09f05775 by Samantha Dawley
Set eclipse.jdt.ui to master since there is no BETA_JAVA20, fixes for P-Build.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/P_build.groovy (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/streams/repositories_java20patch.txt (diff)
Commit dda12c350bf3b4b893c40b1306536c43168fee44 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230126-1800
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 6f921fe78136854f319f0df86d87d7b211a9a23f by Samantha Dawley
Fix JDT version for P-builds, fix name of ybuild test
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/feature.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java20patch/feature.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java20.groovy (diff)
Commit 57da05d7b0c46af8deee358e0641a15d914f1cb5 by Samantha Dawley
Fix slashes in smoke_test_win32.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_win32.groovy (diff)
Commit b0a744661b1ebd08090cc9b5aa157d7ae8f49209 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230127-0410
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit 33b1aadedfb1f5058cd4a8922d1b44ac52c8e157 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230127-1750
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit 3d15be047fc5bdd79909e0efc151d3fb8646a1dc by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230128-1800
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 9bce749259fc45f80b16df9f74d2b462143f4c49 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230129-0610
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit 2ec5d33000f20aed19a1e4b88df2f3594df72ada by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230129-1800
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 06b897e392c175c829fdeaf411227d8a60fd84b9 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230130-0920
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 754f0b33e61eb2795b29199da59b82a7b04b00de by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230130-1110
The file was modified equinox (diff)
Commit ce0ab02fbaf88d844ee204e089df643a94e8b90a by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230130-1230
The file was modified equinox (diff)
Commit e37b42fe523af2951b81985dbf43155d57598bc9 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230130-1330
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit cbd16af5bc02436f5169adc165f68502cf71be05 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230130-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit bc840f2c6ee62389deedeecd0b5a332e79a80e2a by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230131-0150
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit 2843f926fee1b3adb45af1266ddd92bf6445ad9f by Alexander Kurtakov
Don't trigger Java 20 tests

Java 20 work is going in a branch and these tests can't succeed until
this branch is merged in master.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
Commit a01b07368a950f1be039a0f6e4b378b06acb2f42 by Alexander Kurtakov
Use temurin-jdk17-latest to run the verificaton build

As suggested at .
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 709ba47d9c9a5f5f82ec651ecd8b737a9cc8f0b1 by Samantha Dawley
Formatting resulted in an extra space at the top of the script in Jenkins which broke the arm64 and ppcle builds
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_ppcle.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_arm64.groovy (diff)
Commit 7490fe8f99c78ea5f9c02cf964d2d2fc8b8b1126 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230131-1800
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
Commit 4b7e357d98c1d72be6cfdd9478c846f43101e163 by Alexander Kurtakov
fix(deps): bump maven-enforcer-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent

Bumps [maven-enforcer-plugin]( from 3.1.0 to 3.2.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-enforcer-plugin
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit ca17618ba9eefd2891bb4ba4cb3692cd6f4811ab by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230201-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
Commit 3c5444f62c2339d20ffbc3c76f722cbf994bfb59 by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Updates for P-build

Changes done:
1. Created java20patch maven profile
2. targetted M1 repositoru with jdt feature version from M1

The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt.dummy/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/feature.xml (diff)
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/.settings/org.eclipse.core.runtime.prefs
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java20patch/ (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/P_build.groovy (diff)
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/eclipse.releng.repository.java19patch/pom.xml
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/pom.xml (diff)
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java19patch/
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/eclipse.releng.repository.java19patch/patchMatchVersion.xsl
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/feature.xml
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/forceQualifierUpdate.txt
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java19patch/sourceTemplateFeature/p2.inf
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java20patch/feature.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/pom.xml (diff)
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java19patch/sourceTemplateFeature/
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/eclipse.releng.repository.java19patch/category.xml
The file was modified cje-production/P-build/buildproperties.txt (diff)
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/pom.xml
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt.dummy/
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java19patch/forceQualifierUpdate.txt
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/eclipse.releng.repository.java19patch/antrunbuild.xml
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt.dummy/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java19patch/
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java20patch/sourceTemplateFeature/ (diff)
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java19patch/pom.xml
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java19patch/feature.xml
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/org.eclipse.jdt.dummy/pom.xml
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java19patch/pom.xml
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/AddToPComposite.groovy (diff)
Commit afb178486b5b3f4d72ba93de5c305a07029279c4 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230202-1800
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 771fb288a06bbb7a07f1e745300aad43c6ed1ca7 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230203-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit d3d324fa046a534e0557d3b8336748dedacb29ef by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230204-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 1fbe9f12023e812afe1d38d1974f0aa9add9092a by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230205-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit e857cd4ada8759a90098905ed4ae13bf08433ccb by Samantha Dawley
Add M2 specifics to Adding file with info on how the jenkins builds work and setting up Y and P-Builds.
The file was modified (diff)
The file was
Commit b29bb7825f8132345b1b535f8bd36b16a5918f1e by Samantha Dawley
Fix formatting of java section
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 208e8d606cfe24572f93f2bf280e379e0aede5aa by Samantha Dawley
Add Sravan's clarifications
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 91418ed3c59154693d03996b2cfe3f33e2764c1c by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230206-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 5f9581aab20b1a32a3f94a6ad56cb52fa81baa8f by GitHub
Update target platform's bytebuddy dependencies to the latest available (#843)

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 418bb0bf4b18dee5fa18c9b4a1c3c57c458f056a by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230207-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit b023de450b14986c288fb2008c7f23047fe9ac32 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230208-0150
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit a0423e3fa325f762bcaa7932b55016e0fcb0a452 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230208-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
Commit e8337a5f7861d4d3c48f273874d41731c8787841 by GitHub
Update Platform.setup to create a Java 17 JRE. (#847)

Also specify Java 17 in the launch configuration.
The file was modified oomph/PlatformSDKConfiguration.setup (diff)
The file was modified oomph/Platform.setup (diff)
Commit 9f9e2e0411ae0cc68e101eb5c48cad0f35479b1c by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
YBuild Index.Template Renamed to java20

File name changed :
index.template_java19.php to index.template_java20.php
The file was removedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/publishingFiles/templateFiles/index.template_java19.php
The file was addedeclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/publishingFiles/templateFiles/index.template_java20.php
Commit 5d55712aac35a856f7675124832c67ea66f6f6f6 by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
YBuild Jenkins Job Changes Done by adding JobDSL.json, instead of adding
hardcoded version number.

File Changes :

1. Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17 : change pipelineJob ep425 to JobDSL
2. Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19 : change pipelineJob ep425 to JobDSL
3. Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java20 : change pipelineJob ep425 to JobDSL
4. Y_unit_macM1_java17 : change pipelineJob ep425 to JobDSL versioning
5. Y_unit_mac64_java17 : change pipelineJob ep425 to JobDSL versioning
6. Y_build : added modified containers 'Trigger tests'
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_mac64_java17.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_build.groovy (diff)
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java20.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_macM1_java17.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_mac64_java17.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_macM1_java17.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_win32_java17.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java20.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_win32_java17.groovy
The file was removedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy
The file was addedJenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy
Commit e0f89b9ed139e36f6991688046fd867918cb569b by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
YBuild Changes:

1. Y_Build file : Added proper Naming for y Build by adding a dash
eg: Y-build-4.27

2. closed for loop in 7 files
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_win32_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_build.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java20.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_mac64_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_macM1_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy (diff)
Commit bf0510ca1e479fbdf6f7ba2c124a2b18a4c52620 by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Email Id Added
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_build.groovy (diff)
Commit 33d0777ee55047f76512a4757d6532dd20f6c449 by Alexander Kurtakov
Migrate the javadoc config from equinox > platform-parent
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit f916aefc69e32a17d05de9dcaf7a7ce232a9189c by Andrey Loskutov
Fix for "Releng JIPP not connecting to svc cluster"

Increased memory requested by Linux container to avoid container startup
issues / aborted jobs on Linux.

The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java20.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java20.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy (diff)
Commit 866851f1387fb36b7eef62c2a30c9aa6ac049928 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230209-1800
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
Commit 659c47ff7e6664d0d9e806537688b67ba12912d2 by GitHub
Comment out m2e's nature and builder from ECF projects. (#852)
The file was modified oomph/Platform.setup (diff)
Commit 4a3017d5ea06d97bd934b9ab7b89f736c64582cd by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230210-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit fdbaeb0d708c4345a5821a9079f3dbfedc3e3fef by Alexander Kurtakov
Stop generating OSGi headers from source

Temporary disable as we are late in 2022-03 stream and a some things are
still work in progress on Tycho and PDE side.
for details.
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 4fc31eeae9d2e41b15c314e9b255a3ba7429bd7f by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230211-0330
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 1e229123f6380a649e7fef551d6367ee8df605e7 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230211-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
Commit 7ad9a8643f2619247a12b0577dc84a591b14595a by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230212-0600
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 2a1d8b11518eea7e4565e023143e61028eb5752f by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230213-0600
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit 9a419715708c3be451e261a7ac282abb08ab17ad by GitHub
Update byte-buddy to 1.13.0 (#855)

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 6c91daf7123af302d4f7e4e87fff0be0f5a11859 by GitHub
Use in the setup configuration. (#856)

The file was modified oomph/PlatformSDKConfiguration.setup (diff)
Commit 98d74cedff84ea52b6e1743f0f7d16e8fb06dc46 by GitHub
Update commons-fileupload to 1.5 (#857)

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 4ab1c15b2eb0a5fd4b444dfd049410bcbd8c95a9 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230213-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit 9a931557a656d138b65fc7cd38efad47490afc08 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230214-0600
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit 7eae6cea30ec03f4f924052d05980f636e4da372 by GitHub
Update EMF dependencies to EMF 2.33 M3 (#859)

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit d2abbf144dfe720d249c086341bebc4aeb4a2c75 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230214-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit 368fb3bc8252d91ba353ff8da239643bcd4c39b4 by Alexander Kurtakov
fix(deps): bump maven-surefire-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent

Bumps [maven-surefire-plugin]( from 3.0.0-M8 to 3.0.0-M9.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit b2bbf873ece8c8c7a6c6daa9dbff02784883949b by Alexander Kurtakov
Update to Orbit 2023-03 M3

Tracked in
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit c2cb4ec4b47aa622cc261ff3bd39160b6a06e91c by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230215-0610
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit 152713baf6fe90e4a10b8e18250b7624a7d10571 by Andrey Loskutov
Bug 570471 - Add utilities for perspectives persistence and migration

Add new feature to be published.
Also add feature to oomph configuration.
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/category.xml (diff)
The file was modified oomph/Platform.setup (diff)
Commit d1967396e969011945569ce19a1c8e2746cff642 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230215-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit cf3349ea3dd8f72b9f1aec38ae20c31d27f5153e by Samantha Dawley
Fix: #827 update jenkins url in test results
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/publishingFiles/staticDropFiles/testResultsTablesPending.html (diff)
Commit 7538dfb1cd1b1e934e8e6343fdef76d478b6757e by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Adding SmokeTest for Java 19 ppcle and Java 20 #868

1. Added Java 19 ppcle job (Centos 8.x ppc64le Java19')
2. Java 20 Smoke Test Job(Ubuntu 22.04 Java20,Opensuse Leap
Java20,Centos 9.x Java20,Centos 8 arm64 Java20).
3. Added Email in Different Failure and success.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/StartSmokeTests.groovy (diff)
Commit 7a0061f678f247252a81cf7e37ec3be1e81f5db3 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update beanutils to 1.9.4

Multiple CVEs are fixed compared to 1.8.0 used and it removes one more
dependency from ancient Orbit that had to special treated to get signed.
Tracked in
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 4625620851c12928b37d682435604284e47474dc by Alexander Kurtakov
Add a profile to bump versions
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 6995bd85dfd0b20c9d6b69891baf79c3a6786b27 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230218-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit c5643762e9f4a4f25aa2580a4e3d468aa897ff14 by Alexander Kurtakov
Run the p2analyze report using the latest JustJ Java 17 JRE

This is a Temurin-derived JRE and is same JRE that is used with all the
SimRel products.  Using this URL avoids rate limits that often affect
direct Temurin JREs.
The file was modified cje-production/mbscripts/ (diff)
Commit 00083fb1d1ac6f52b2c13aef15c1e281283f6a60 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230219-0600
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit bfd740f31735c7386f0e17027f25a080c130a6f3 by GitHub
Update byte-buddy to 1.14.0 and jsoup to 1.15.4 (#874)

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 9301324f9a15a57f44fbfb826174fce3993df284 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230219-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit 6c1ae52a5015e928026d7d163406f7b5a7a84cac by GitHub
Force PGP sign org.jdom and org.jdom.source. (#878)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 3f3811958d4ce32da904215252b9297ad5c4190c by Christoph Läubrich
Deploy the poms also on branches that are preparing a release

This adds a new condition where poms are deployed when the branch start
with the prefix 'prepare_R' and skip the build in such case.
The file was modified Jenkinsfile (diff)
Commit 9331ab8aaf522f4f97d0b56ff0aac4e068a82e2a by Christoph Läubrich
Add a workflow to prepare the next release cycle

This workflow is triggered by the milestone creation and automatically
performs the updates of the master pom and target to be prepared for
usage in the submodules and creates a PR. This PR will then trigger the
deploy of the changed xmls, so it can be used immediatly to adjust the
The file was added.github/workflows/prepareRelease.yml
Commit 043e1c6570e6fd61ddb902cc74f94741fc539d6d by Alexander Kurtakov
Update tycho-build to 3.0.3

Fixes build when using Maven 3.9.0
The file was modified .mvn/extensions.xml (diff)
Commit 29e5aba31e055678401857aac872b2d45884cdd0 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230220-0600
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 339840b45fdc07860a3e76a232862e583b12515f by Lars Vogel
Removes from aggregator build was merged into eclipse.platform.ui so we can
remove it from the aggregator build.
The file was modified pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/streams/repositories_master.txt (diff)
The file was
The file was modified .gitmodules (diff)
Commit 56aa1ebf237831f92e0d8ef15e08c8208f26af9c by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230220-0620
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
Commit e3b0bceb485d5a319fcdd138d29640463be86ca5 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230220-0640
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 041f4a493471d5dc2c423fbd48ba4e24affe9de5 by GitHub
Fix the setup to deal with the merged-in tools projects (#881)
The file was modified oomph/Platform.setup (diff)
The file was modified oomph/PlatformSDKConfiguration.setup (diff)
Commit bbd9bc5c7f0c7b3aafd154936f996934cddd11b8 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230220-0800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit efaa1ae8259f586171f23ffb016446c48a814989 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230220-0920
The file was modified eclipse.platform.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
Commit f192e41ef63b1b5f4f43d9d55a7b645ef797f052 by Christoph Läubrich
Add a reusable workflow to update the sub-project to the next release

Currently updating to the next release is a manual step, this adds a new
reuasable workflow that can be used to automate the required steps that

- update the project version and child modules
- update the parent version
- run a build and look for required version bumps
The file was added.github/workflows/updateRelease.yml
Commit 6ae4af45762833eea7d894bf92a6e08c294afda0 by Alexander Kurtakov
Stop generating source tarballs

No one seems to be using them and they didn't work out of the box.
The file was modified cje-production/mbscripts/ (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
The file was removedcje-production/mbscripts/
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/publishingFiles/testManifest.xml (diff)
Commit c4ebc5d90c363735ec2628e59fefd1f8e7cdfd94 by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Stop generating source tarballs during y-builds

The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_build.groovy (diff)
Commit acbe35cca4f8ec75f7a302a1cc96c0096d18d1f3 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230221-0600
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 05e57115d8ac0847c160a9ed499493b271b5fe21 by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Retire generation of source tar ball

added generation of eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-${HASH}.zip file

The file was addedcje-production/mbscripts/
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/YBuilds/Y_build.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Builds/I_build.groovy (diff)
Commit e0d2b433e8d775c199285c29285e3fd68a8a0894 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230221-1800
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
Commit 068be83d8621c68373dacee9047b4f35aa44b646 by Christoph Läubrich
Use a recursive glob pattern to include all pom and manifest changes
The file was modified .github/workflows/updateRelease.yml (diff)
Commit bd9a407d8261f2c9ea0680c5b7cd3f40272cdff8 by Christoph Läubrich
add an extra include for the root pom.xml
The file was modified .github/workflows/updateRelease.yml (diff)
Commit 224642e6cd8176a428276f7939272bc9cfe0bf26 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230222-1800
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.debug (diff)
Commit 1051013d2a29a547041404836f70e8e07830215e by Alexander Kurtakov
Update jarsigner plugin to 1.4.2
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 6b2f1d50d02b77efb54a44c9eb7fc4c79ce3ec39 by Alexander Kurtakov
fix(deps): bump maven-assembly-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent

Bumps [maven-assembly-plugin]( from 3.4.2 to 3.5.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 3d645675d5343ba833bdd6600e0e9759704d0667 by Alexander Kurtakov
fix(deps): bump spotbugs-maven-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent

Bumps [spotbugs-maven-plugin]( from to
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 01021891ef1f267c1e1d5bf79e4774880c992bc4 by Alexander Kurtakov
Update cbi-ecj-version with JDT compiler from M3
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 5f1fefa95954da1b523ca1c672783ba4bf9c7020 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230225-0350
The file was modified equinox (diff)
Commit efe2e6c63ad53f2cde38e584ec490501a8065b65 by Alexander Kurtakov
fix(deps): bump spotbugs-maven-plugin in /eclipse-platform-parent

Bumps [spotbugs-maven-plugin]( from to
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 4d9f2c28711a5b9cbf2c4fee1ab26223bb60563c by GitHub
Update the target platform to the EMF 2.33.0 release versions (#905)

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 3c7f27285bcf7dde5d566cf888a6e370622e6b4b by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230228-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
Commit c58aa4eb2c6d4c9874a6fe7ec48a3f5828620aec by Samantha Dawley
Update documentation to reflect the current release process.
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
Commit 8f71d8f5ed80e88c167ffbef752bf7bab14e0379 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230302-0300
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
Commit 8113df69c91981c441b8424dc74c24904ecb14a2 by Samantha Dawley
Update Orbit to permanent R url for 4.27
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/ (diff)
Commit 321b185281aa8e8333cf3c29d1e7ffcc2e7d9a64 by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Update check composites script to verify 4.28

The file was modified cje-production/scripts/checkComposites/ (diff)
Commit 49fd6d2b2288e0ea973222a9d833a96ca8d1145e by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Update builds and repo cleanup scripts for 4.28

The file was modified cje-production/cleaners/ (diff)
Commit f8b99fc69959a2dcef24e1bc6bc8a095f2e483d3 by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Update builds and repo cleanup scripts for 4.28

The file was modified cje-production/cleaners/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.prereqs.sdk/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 82acd57a798f7b1f9403a6b2491b6762ea8d9790 by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Update product version number to 4.28 across build scripts #921

Fixes :
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/platform.sdk.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/platform.p2.inf (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/equinox-sdk/equinox-sdk.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/platform.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/rcp.sdk.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/equinox.starterkit.product/EclipseRTOSGiStarterKit.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/sdk.p2.inf (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/sdk.product (diff)
The file was modified production/testScripts/configuration/ (diff)
The file was modified production/testScripts/ (diff)
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified cje-production/buildproperties.txt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/platform.sdk.p2.inf (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/JobDSL.json (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/eclipse-junit-tests.product (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/rcp.product (diff)
Commit b4673f7f0b28798302d1c837c69f6e0ec87a4c74 by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Update product version number to 4.28 across build scripts

The file was modified cje-production/buildproperties.txt (diff)
Commit 5ce72cb562aad5476493a3b154cc5672222bcca1 by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Update product version number to 4.28 across build scripts

The file was modified cje-production/buildproperties.txt (diff)
Commit 00ea506964cb73ba26fed91cd96a6009a5e0e1c9 by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Update product version number to 4.28 across build scripts

The file was modified cje-production/buildproperties.txt (diff)
Commit f5091941c1374914b7a4d075b1a775e28ab4c27d by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Move previous version to 4.27RC2 across build scripts #931

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/src/main/scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/src/main/resources/ (diff)
The file was modified production/testScripts/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified scripts/ (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/src/main/resources/ (diff)
Commit 1e80e87da36dbc85d48cdb406f2e4f58149bcd65 by Alexander Kurtakov
Cleanup approved API changes

None but changing the version for the sake of readability although I
believe this is useless step nowadays.
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse/apiexclude/exclude_list.txt (diff)
Commit 0e76d91d152d21715f4e334e8b6bdd2a85e68760 by Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti
Update Parent pom and target sdk deployment jobs for R4_27_maintenance

The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/deployPlatformParentPom.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/Releng/deploySdkPom.groovy (diff)
Commit 6c0c78077ab8d8ef326b55f0a9191f3dc93c93e9 by Alexander Kurtakov
POM and product version changes for 4.28 release

- Releng

The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse-junit-tests/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/rcp.config/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/equinox-sdk/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/rcp/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/equinox.starterkit.product/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt-feature-dummy/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.java20patch/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/eclipse.releng.repository.java20patch/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/org.eclipse.jdt.dummy/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse-platform-sources/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/java20patch/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/pom.xml (diff)
Commit a91fda16a4499545792f03951f6a3a129ae25c93 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230307-0620
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.debug (diff)
The file was modified rt.equinox.p2 (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.releng (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
Commit 6a2b7260e127ef020394d7ae22edb7336cfba3a3 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20230307-0740
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)