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  1. Updating unit test groovy files since I moved collectResults to a central location. Changing runtests2.xml to use JOB_BASE_NAME instead of JOB_NAME since the latter includes the jenkins folder while JOB_BASE_NAME is just the job name, and should work for both the new tests and the old ones. (details)
  2. Build input for build I20221012-1800 (details)
  3. Build input for build I20221013-0150 (details)
Commit 34d07c02deb45101d4cfbd4ed45b854083a871b0 by Samantha Dawley
Updating unit test groovy files since I moved collectResults to a central location. Changing runtests2.xml to use JOB_BASE_NAME instead of JOB_NAME since the latter includes the jenkins folder while JOB_BASE_NAME is just the job name, and should work for both the new tests and the old ones.
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep425Y_unit_win32_java11.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_macM1_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_win32_java11.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep425Y_unit_mac64_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep425Y_unit_macM1_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java11.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_mac64_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java19.groovy (diff)
The file was modified production/testScripts/runTests2.xml (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep426I_unit_cen64_gtk3_java17.groovy (diff)
The file was modified JenkinsJobs/AutomatedTests/ep425Y_unit_cen64_gtk3_java11.groovy (diff)
Commit 9a936b8d525fbb9193be84d0c27a1d74d0834f7c by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221012-1800
The file was modified eclipse.platform (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.common (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.pde (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.debug (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.text (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.core (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
Commit 83a94972c60d54a38e67821b9d4e48a9e0bbc5f4 by Eclipse Releng Bot
Build input for build I20221013-0150
The file was modified eclipse.platform.ui (diff)
The file was modified equinox (diff)
The file was modified eclipse.jdt.ui (diff)