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Started by timer
[Sat Jun 15 03:59:09 EDT 2024] Starting branch indexing...
03:59:10 Connecting to using 323154/****** (github-app-pde)
Examining eclipse-pde/eclipse.pde

  Checking branches...

  Getting remote branches...

    Checking branch master

  Getting remote pull requests...
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: master (still at c32168e47934163bbaa98ac7ca55c87008981208)

    Checking branch R1_0
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R2_1_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R3_0_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R3_1_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R3_2_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R3_3_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R3_4_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R3_5_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R3_6_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R3_7_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R3_8_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_10_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_11_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_12_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_13_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_14_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_15_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_16_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_17_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_18_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_19_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_20_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_21_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_22_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_23_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_24_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: R4_24_maintenance (still at f16e346b93ae5739fe6bb13fa8c92613fb4c9acc)

    Checking branch R4_25_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: R4_25_maintenance (still at 4da30fafbf7da59dc7bb1c90e515c7fd204cf407)

    Checking branch R4_26_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: R4_26_maintenance (still at fc645e8682da8e853f21451e9833cabd9918337e)

    Checking branch R4_27_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: R4_27_maintenance (still at 100ff6a7b394cb0857fa8769e61df2e3e40fc057)

    Checking branch R4_28_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: R4_28_maintenance (still at d325b4e58a63154e074062326a79fdb58668fbf1)

    Checking branch R4_29_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: R4_29_maintenance (still at 2a3e9e421dc866c29173cd6d3479a3f73abd605d)

    Checking branch R4_30_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: R4_30_maintenance (still at eeffb962b568b6208d1de4d8b897a78371a4eec2)

    Checking branch R4_31_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: R4_31_maintenance (still at d89028dc34adc31dfd3c100f61cd7d0c2a3026b1)

    Checking branch R4_32_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: R4_32_maintenance (still at d92416afbddfada08c0b3be5341e1e062f1bb7e0)

    Checking branch R4_3_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_4_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_5_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_6_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_7_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_8_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch R4_9_maintenance
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch layout-spy-category

    Checking branch progress-reporting

  44 branches were processed

  Checking pull-requests...

    Checking pull request #1302
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1302 (still at b86babbca85960b6ec1c4476a1e90d6fffdf4df4)

    Checking pull request #1300
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1300 (still at d2a82cf88a0a26cb36f895ea89ee28bcdc7fc79d)

    Checking pull request #1285
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1285 (still at 4d304ba667f27f9920cc503fc81788a344dbbcff)

    Checking pull request #1262
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1262 (still at 9df0cedd01651eb785652b4c8cd7f6185a8d5c6a)

    Checking pull request #1256
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1256 (still at afdb8e58a37e3c62f9046d5008565bc9cd5fbdb4)

    Checking pull request #1252
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
      Not mergeable, but will be built anyway
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1252 (still at dc7ca510a2bf0f3d14a7c7600905e6bc1ab36b93)

    Checking pull request #1245
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
      Not mergeable, but will be built anyway
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1245 (still at 42ebff65742f76a4785b05539664ee6e3d31fbc6)

    Checking pull request #1229
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1229 (still at 99c5a89cd167186260b476d030eafd4f2e21b5b4)

    Checking pull request #1197
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1197 (still at 3d80ca9f2a2193ba33ee7adb26aef675800a9763)

    Checking pull request #1196
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1196 (still at 53b1d4d1588f7e141cbd3a52126cd087411f5aaa)

    Checking pull request #1195
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1195 (still at 21e5af6892ad159c0fb3149027fda7453c4de697)

    Checking pull request #1175
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1175 (still at 7611627f5353ba3a539a6a4f1c4127be35fa7269)

    Checking pull request #1164
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
      Not mergeable, but will be built anyway
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1164 (still at c5b75fe31206295cc10b676eac953c6a6006d9f2)

    Checking pull request #1163
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
      Not mergeable, but will be built anyway
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1163 (still at 6e29ee01bd0007541569172ff9143ff703eb1923)

    Checking pull request #1061
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1061 (still at a13f7b8faebfabc1c8e854730ec86728822d8d73)

    Checking pull request #1034
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1034 (still at 21e6da99682f73b2899890d9104a725858749a8f)

    Checking pull request #1029
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1029 (still at a62f3b12d6603aca4d4b10e7daa6a4ca99dabc89)

    Checking pull request #1024
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
      Not mergeable, but will be built anyway
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1024 (still at 400a43fc2ca111b1a7753571dcaafd243c398931)

    Checking pull request #1000
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1000 (still at f53f8083aa0e071187b5824e002d4a5159ed8127)

    Checking pull request #941
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-941 (still at 5be7b7ddc9570ba584409ca7a93a1de7497b7dd2)

    Checking pull request #936
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
      Not mergeable, but will be built anyway
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-936 (still at 0ddb87f44db48a12a526d29339d40c45d6ae4862)

    Checking pull request #914
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
      Not mergeable, but will be built anyway
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-914 (still at aee286a31d12624686ea0c558f5735762e97248b)

    Checking pull request #904
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-904 (still at 9dbbe5268482337285194466a94023806f7f6c3c)

    Checking pull request #871
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-871 (still at 7564da5c4b3bed877b6a917669272a6c83a5b646)

    Checking pull request #868
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-868 (still at 333204f55abe286bc2e7db20cfbfcd8a042e34a4)

    Checking pull request #821
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-821 (still at efc8dc57d1db96b18cd275f1611d1a997e10ee3c)

    Checking pull request #678
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-678 (still at aabd31dbbc0d56d3ffd60b88e43f53017104147a)

    Checking pull request #644
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-644 (still at b7360c2291b09c8e7856534e5c5f91b9d1719f84)

    Checking pull request #573
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-573 (still at 44303479a239f3e8455754f95d71bdda399df4d6)

    Checking pull request #489
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-489 (still at 5000234a6161292a3832f7309584ab06e2632923)

    Checking pull request #9
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
      Not mergeable, but will be built anyway
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-9 (still at 099ba3d4e27c5d522fe43b479a898797c6856882)

  31 pull requests were processed

Finished examining eclipse-pde/eclipse.pde

[Sat Jun 15 04:00:04 EDT 2024] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 55 sec
Evaluating orphaned items in eclipse.pde
Will not remove PR-1299 as it is only #1 in the list
Will not remove PR-1296 as it is only #2 in the list
Will not remove PR-1298 as it is only #3 in the list
Will not remove PR-1295 as it is only #4 in the list
Will not remove PR-1293 as it is only #5 in the list
Will not remove PR-1282 as it is only #6 in the list
Will not remove PR-1292 as it is only #7 in the list
Will not remove PR-1290 as it is only #8 in the list
Will not remove PR-1291 as it is only #9 in the list
Will not remove PR-1287 as it is only #10 in the list
Will not remove PR-1286 as it is only #11 in the list
Will not remove PR-1284 as it is only #12 in the list
Will not remove PR-1279 as it is only #13 in the list
Will not remove PR-1277 as it is only #14 in the list
Will not remove PR-1276 as it is only #15 in the list
Will not remove PR-1299 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1296 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1298 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1295 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1293 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1282 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1292 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1290 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1291 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1287 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1286 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1284 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1279 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1277 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1276 because it is new
Finished: SUCCESS