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Started 9 yr 0 mo ago
Took 38 min on built-in

#234 (Jun 11, 2015, 12:01:22 AM)

  1. Bug 469073: [All Diagrams] XY-Compartment scroll should respect snap to (details)
  2. Bug 442157: [LinkLF]: Allow to dynamically enable LinkLF mode for (details)
  3. [Releng] Fix (details)
  4. [Releng] Fix (details)
  5. 469841: [Performances - PropertiesView] Performance issue when trying to (details)
  6. 469850: [Activity Diagram] Size of the ReadSelfAction OutputPin is (details)
  7. [Releng] Update Tycho to 0.23 to hopefully solve signing issues (details)
  8. bug 469829: [Tree Table] Paste is broken in TreeTable (details)
  9. Bug 469830: [Profiles] Mars Regression - Do not rename selected/named (details)
  10. Bug 469830: [Test] Mars Regression - Do not rename selected/named (details)
  11. Papyrus/CDO documentation update (details)
  12. [Releng] Disable Pack200 (details)
  13. [Releng] Restore Pack200 and use Jarsigner 1.1.2 (details)

Started by timer

Revision: a5a78ac95a9d97b7790370fa763ec303f1f5ec00
  • origin/master
Test Result (73 failures / ±0)Show all failed tests >>>