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  1. Bug 579959: [Build] Remove JBoss references from pom.xml to fix jobs in errors (details)
  2. Bug 579917: [Matrix][Expression] The dialog used to edit Stereotype expression filter doesn't work (details)
  3. Bug 579414 - [Releng] 2022-06 M3 (details)
Commit 198e6dab16d19ad9fa7ba6492b720bf4d1bee0b8 by vincent lorenzo
Bug 579959: [Build] Remove JBoss references from pom.xml to fix jobs in errors

Change-Id: I0599febb80b050fafad446f6a94e7d8f32b85868
Signed-off-by: Vincent Lorenzo <>
The file was modified releng/toolsmiths/site/pom.xml
The file was modified releng/main/site/pom.xml
The file was modified releng/pom.xml
Commit 8267bf8607003e74a329644c5043ddef69b6e09d by vincent lorenzo
Bug 579917: [Matrix][Expression] The dialog used to edit Stereotype expression filter doesn't work

Change-Id: Ie30ddbe6bbc6addd44e612430b4f0d91af2e52a2
Signed-off-by: Vincent Lorenzo <>
The file was modified plugins/uml/properties/
The file was modified plugins/uml/properties/
The file was modified plugins/uml/properties/
Commit cadc094eba2f9a546fd31f888bdda40291529d08 by Quentin Le Menez
Bug 579414 - [Releng] 2022-06 M3

Change-Id: Ie546e20d2c0d8868c2c32650423279247254d19a
Signed-off-by: Quentin Le Menez <>
The file was modified releng/toolsmiths/targetPlatform/
The file was modified releng/main/targetPlatform/org.eclipse.papyrus.main.targetplatform.tpd
The file was modified releng/rcp/targetPlatform/org.eclipse.papyrus.rcp.targetplatform.tpd
The file was modified releng/toolkit/relengplatform/
The file was modified releng/tests/main-tests/targetPlatform/
The file was modified releng/rcp/targetPlatform/
The file was modified releng/tests/main-tests-with-cdo/targetPlatform/org.eclipse.papyrus.main.tests.cdo.targetplatform.tpd
The file was modified releng/main/targetPlatform/
The file was modified releng/tests/main-tests-with-cdo/targetPlatform/
The file was modified releng/toolsmiths/targetPlatform/org.eclipse.papyrus.toolsmiths.targetplatform.tpd