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Started 1 mo 12 days ago
Took 42 sec on centos-7-fv8kl

#25 (Apr 22, 2024, 4:12:33 AM)

  1. [InstanceSpecification] Releng update to 2022-12 (details)
  2. [SUML] Releng update target platform to 2022-12 (details)
  3. [SUML] Add examples of use (details)
  4. Bug 566970 - [SUML] Make engine a specialization of UML timed engine (details)
  5. Bug 566971 - [SUML] Enable the capability for an engine to register a new locus adapter (details)
  6. Bug 566972 - [SUML] Enable a specializing locus adapter to access the context instance (details)

Started by user Pauline Deville

This run spent:

  • 6.5 sec waiting;
  • 42 sec build duration;
  • 48 sec total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 45a9c98995cd33ea3ee5aacf80fe5095be0b8c00
  • refs/remotes/origin/master