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  1. Bug 581382 - [SysML 1.6] Direction of FlowAttributes is not reflected in diagrams (details)
Commit e5ccc1bfeed95e96a8c7d836c8cfc2f2e8112d30 by Ansgar Radermacher
Bug 581382 - [SysML 1.6] Direction of FlowAttributes is not reflected in diagrams

- Add Java code for calculating the port direction:
  In case of FlowPorts:
    - evaluate the direction of atomic flow ports.
    - if typed with a flow specification, evaluate the flow-properties: if there is a common direction, return it, return inout otherwise
  In case of ProxyPorts or FullPorts:
    - if typed with a class, evaluate the flow-properties: if there is a common direction, return it, return inout otherwise

- Adapt CSS of internal block diagram

Signed-off-by: aradermache <>
The file was modified plugins/diagram/org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml16.diagram.internalblock/resources/style/internalBlockDiagram.css
The file was modified plugins/diagram/org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml16.diagram.common/src/org/eclipse/papyrus/sysml16/diagram/common/css/dom/