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#94 (Jan 20, 2021, 1:03:34 PM)

  1. feature: Using generic backing element type for floating point. — Michael Masterson / detail
  2. feature: Added functionality for Button Verification — Leonel Pena / detail
  3. bug: Updating verifier unit test — Michael Masterson / detail
  4. feature: Adding simulated script and timer controls — Michael Masterson / detail
  5. feature: Update ote.dependencies.p2 to not have external dependencies — Andy Jury / detail
  6. feature: Checking for message destroyed — Michael Masterson / detail

#93 (Oct 15, 2020, 6:45:18 PM)

  1. feature: Implement mask tracking for mux messages — Dominic Guss / detail
  2. feature: Adding status board as a Test Env listener — Michael Masterson / detail
  3. feature: Adding OteVerifier API — Michael Masterson / detail
  4. feature: Creating new OTE Api classes — Michael Masterson / detail
  5. feature: Force Unix style line endings and Java 1.8 compiler on startup — Dominic Guss / detail
  6. feature: Adding unset method for messages and elements — Michael Masterson / detail

STABLE_BUILD (Sep 10, 2020, 1:15:28 AM)

  1. feature: Adding simple mux reader example — Michael Masterson / detail
  2. feature: Updates to get the Simple OTE-IDE to build with Photon. — Andy Jury / detail
  3. bug: Add two bundles to loading list. — Andy Jury / detail