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+ cd /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/2_openmq-run-tck-against-staged-build/messaging-tck/bin
+ ant
Buildfile: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/2_openmq-run-tck-against-staged-build/messaging-tck/bin/build.xml
     [echo] ts.home = /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/2_openmq-run-tck-against-staged-build/messaging-tck/bin/xml/../..
    [mkdir] Created dir: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/2_openmq-run-tck-against-staged-build/messaging-tck/weblib
     [echo] In a bundle
     [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/2_openmq-run-tck-against-staged-build/messaging-tck/bin/xml/../../bin.
Trying to override old definition of datatype string
     [echo] ts.home = /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/2_openmq-run-tck-against-staged-build/messaging-tck/bin/xml/../..
     [echo] In a bundle
     [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/2_openmq-run-tck-against-staged-build/messaging-tck/bin/xml/../../bin.

    [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [echo] Echoing: imq.imqcmd.password=admin > /tmp/ripassword


     [echo] on unix



     [echo] Encode admin password in JMS RI or OpenMQ via (imqusermgr) ......
     [exec] Encoding file where:
     [exec] Source File    /tmp/ripassword
     [exec] Target File    /tmp/ripassword.encoded
     [exec] The file is successfully encoded
     [move] Moving 1 file to /tmp

     [echo] Start JMS RI or OpenMQ Broker via (imqbrokerd) .....
     [echo] Sleeping 10 seconds .....

     [echo] Create user j2ee in JMS RI or OpenMQ via (imqusermgr) ......
     [exec] User repository for broker instance: imqbroker
     [exec] User j2ee successfully added.
     [exec] [#|2020-12-01T14:50:51.667+0000|WARNING|6.0.0|imq.log.Logger|_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=main;|[S2004]: Log output channel com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.log.SysLogHandler is disabled: no imqutil in java.library.path|#]

     [echo] Create JMS Queue MY_QUEUE in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Queue object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description]    A Description for the Destination Object
     [exec] imqDestinationName [Destination Name]                  MY_QUEUE
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] MY_QUEUE
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS Queue MY_QUEUE2 in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Queue object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description]    A Description for the Destination Object
     [exec] imqDestinationName [Destination Name]                  MY_QUEUE2
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] MY_QUEUE2
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS Queue testQ0 in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Queue object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description]    A Description for the Destination Object
     [exec] imqDestinationName [Destination Name]                  testQ0
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] testQ0
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS Queue testQ1 in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Queue object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description]    A Description for the Destination Object
     [exec] imqDestinationName [Destination Name]                  testQ1
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] testQ1
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS Queue testQ2 in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Queue object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description]    A Description for the Destination Object
     [exec] imqDestinationName [Destination Name]                  testQ2
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] testQ2
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS Queue testQueue2 in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Queue object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description]    A Description for the Destination Object
     [exec] imqDestinationName [Destination Name]                  testQueue2
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] testQueue2
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS Queue Q2 in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Queue object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description]    A Description for the Destination Object
     [exec] imqDestinationName [Destination Name]                  Q2
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] Q2
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS Topic MY_TOPIC in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Topic object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description]    A Description for the Destination Object
     [exec] imqDestinationName [Destination Name]                  MY_TOPIC
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] MY_TOPIC
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS Topic MY_TOPIC2 in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Topic object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description]    A Description for the Destination Object
     [exec] imqDestinationName [Destination Name]                  MY_TOPIC2
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] MY_TOPIC2
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS Queue testT0 in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Topic object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description]    A Description for the Destination Object
     [exec] imqDestinationName [Destination Name]                  testT0
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] testT0
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS Queue testT1 in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Topic object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description]    A Description for the Destination Object
     [exec] imqDestinationName [Destination Name]                  testT1
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] testT1
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS Queue testT2 in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Topic object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description]    A Description for the Destination Object
     [exec] imqDestinationName [Destination Name]                  testT2
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] testT2
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS ConnectionFactory MyConnectionFactory in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Connection Factory object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqAbortOnPingAckTimeout [Abort connection on ping reply Timeout]                                     false
     [exec] imqAckOnAcknowledge [Message Service Acknowledgement of Client Acknowledgements]                      
     [exec] imqAckOnProduce [Message Service Acknowledgement of Produced Messages]                                
     [exec] imqAckTimeout [Message Service Acknowledgement Timeout (milliseconds)]                                0
     [exec] imqAddressList [Message Server Address List]                                                          
     [exec] imqAddressListBehavior [Address List Order]                                                           PRIORITY
     [exec] imqAddressListIterations [Number of Address List Iterations]                                          1
     [exec] imqAsyncSendCompletionWaitTimeout [Async Send Completion Wait Timeout (milliseconds)]                 180000
     [exec] imqBrokerHostName [Broker Host Name]                                                                  localhost
     [exec] imqBrokerHostPort [Broker Host Port]                                                                  7676
     [exec] imqBrokerServicePort [Broker Service Port]                                                            0
     [exec] imqConfiguredClientID [Configured Client ID]                                                          
     [exec] imqConnectionFlowCount [Connection Flow Count]                                                        100
     [exec] imqConnectionFlowLimit [Connection Flow Limit (Unconsumed Messages per Connection)]                   1000
     [exec] imqConnectionFlowLimitEnabled [Connection Flow Limit Enabled]                                         false
     [exec] imqConnectionType [Connection Type]                                                                   TCP
     [exec] imqConnectionURL [HTTP URL]                                                                           http://localhost/imq/tunnel
     [exec] imqConsumerFlowLimit [Consumer Flow Limit (Unconsumed Messages per Consumer)]                         1000
     [exec] imqConsumerFlowLimitPrefetch [Consumer Flow Limit Prefetch]                                           true
     [exec] imqConsumerFlowThreshold [Consumer Flow Threshold (Percent)]                                          50
     [exec] imqDefaultPassword [Default Password]                                                                 guest
     [exec] imqDefaultUsername [Default Username]                                                                 guest
     [exec] imqDisableSetClientID [Disable setClientID() JMS API]                                                 false
     [exec] imqJMSDeliveryMode [JMSDeliveryMode value]                                                            PERSISTENT
     [exec] imqJMSExpiration [JMSExpiration value]                                                                0
     [exec] imqJMSPriority [JMSPriority value]                                                                    4
     [exec] imqLoadMaxToServerSession [Load Up To Maximum Messages to ServerSessions]                             true
     [exec] imqOnMessageExceptionRedeliveryAttempts [OnMessage Exception Redelivery Attempts]                     1
     [exec] imqOnMessageExceptionRedeliveryIntervals [OnMessage Exception Redelivery Intervals (milliseconds)]    500
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSDeliveryMode [Override JMSDeliveryMode]                                                 false
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSExpiration [Override JMSExpiration]                                                     false
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSHeadersToTemporaryDestinations [Override Messages to Temporary Destinations]            false
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSPriority [Override JMSPriority]                                                         false
     [exec] imqPingAckTimeout [Ping reply Timeout (milliseconds)]                                                 0
     [exec] imqPingInterval [Connection Ping Interval (seconds)]                                                  30
     [exec] imqPortMapperSoTimeout [Port Mapper Client Socket Read Timeout (milliseconds)]                        -1
     [exec] imqQueueBrowserMaxMessagesPerRetrieve [Queue Browser Retrieve Size (# of messages)]                   1000
     [exec] imqQueueBrowserRetrieveTimeout [Queue Browser Retrieve Timeout (milliseconds)]                        60000
     [exec] imqReconnectAttempts [Number of Reconnect Attempts per Address]                                       0
     [exec] imqReconnectEnabled [Enable Auto-reconnect to Message Server]                                         false
     [exec] imqReconnectInterval [Reconnect Interval per Address (milliseconds)]                                  3000
     [exec] imqSSLIsHostTrusted [SSL Host Trusted]                                                                false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXAppID [Enable JMSXAppID Message Property]                                                   false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXConsumerTXID [Enable JMSXConsumerTXID Message Property]                                     false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXProducerTXID [Enable JMSXProducerTXID Message Property]                                     false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXRcvTimestamp [Enable JMSXRcvTimestamp Message Property]                                     false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXUserID [Enable JMSXUserID Message Property]                                                 false
     [exec] imqSocketConnectTimeout [TCP Socket Connection Timeout (milliseconds)]                                0
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] MyConnectionFactory
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS ConnectionFactory MyQueueConnectionFactory in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Queue Connection Factory object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqAbortOnPingAckTimeout [Abort connection on ping reply Timeout]                                     false
     [exec] imqAckOnAcknowledge [Message Service Acknowledgement of Client Acknowledgements]                      
     [exec] imqAckOnProduce [Message Service Acknowledgement of Produced Messages]                                
     [exec] imqAckTimeout [Message Service Acknowledgement Timeout (milliseconds)]                                0
     [exec] imqAddressList [Message Server Address List]                                                          
     [exec] imqAddressListBehavior [Address List Order]                                                           PRIORITY
     [exec] imqAddressListIterations [Number of Address List Iterations]                                          1
     [exec] imqAsyncSendCompletionWaitTimeout [Async Send Completion Wait Timeout (milliseconds)]                 180000
     [exec] imqBrokerHostName [Broker Host Name]                                                                  localhost
     [exec] imqBrokerHostPort [Broker Host Port]                                                                  7676
     [exec] imqBrokerServicePort [Broker Service Port]                                                            0
     [exec] imqConfiguredClientID [Configured Client ID]                                                          
     [exec] imqConnectionFlowCount [Connection Flow Count]                                                        100
     [exec] imqConnectionFlowLimit [Connection Flow Limit (Unconsumed Messages per Connection)]                   1000
     [exec] imqConnectionFlowLimitEnabled [Connection Flow Limit Enabled]                                         false
     [exec] imqConnectionType [Connection Type]                                                                   TCP
     [exec] imqConnectionURL [HTTP URL]                                                                           http://localhost/imq/tunnel
     [exec] imqConsumerFlowLimit [Consumer Flow Limit (Unconsumed Messages per Consumer)]                         1000
     [exec] imqConsumerFlowLimitPrefetch [Consumer Flow Limit Prefetch]                                           true
     [exec] imqConsumerFlowThreshold [Consumer Flow Threshold (Percent)]                                          50
     [exec] imqDefaultPassword [Default Password]                                                                 guest
     [exec] imqDefaultUsername [Default Username]                                                                 guest
     [exec] imqDisableSetClientID [Disable setClientID() JMS API]                                                 false
     [exec] imqJMSDeliveryMode [JMSDeliveryMode value]                                                            PERSISTENT
     [exec] imqJMSExpiration [JMSExpiration value]                                                                0
     [exec] imqJMSPriority [JMSPriority value]                                                                    4
     [exec] imqLoadMaxToServerSession [Load Up To Maximum Messages to ServerSessions]                             true
     [exec] imqOnMessageExceptionRedeliveryAttempts [OnMessage Exception Redelivery Attempts]                     1
     [exec] imqOnMessageExceptionRedeliveryIntervals [OnMessage Exception Redelivery Intervals (milliseconds)]    500
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSDeliveryMode [Override JMSDeliveryMode]                                                 false
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSExpiration [Override JMSExpiration]                                                     false
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSHeadersToTemporaryDestinations [Override Messages to Temporary Destinations]            false
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSPriority [Override JMSPriority]                                                         false
     [exec] imqPingAckTimeout [Ping reply Timeout (milliseconds)]                                                 0
     [exec] imqPingInterval [Connection Ping Interval (seconds)]                                                  30
     [exec] imqPortMapperSoTimeout [Port Mapper Client Socket Read Timeout (milliseconds)]                        -1
     [exec] imqQueueBrowserMaxMessagesPerRetrieve [Queue Browser Retrieve Size (# of messages)]                   1000
     [exec] imqQueueBrowserRetrieveTimeout [Queue Browser Retrieve Timeout (milliseconds)]                        60000
     [exec] imqReconnectAttempts [Number of Reconnect Attempts per Address]                                       0
     [exec] imqReconnectEnabled [Enable Auto-reconnect to Message Server]                                         false
     [exec] imqReconnectInterval [Reconnect Interval per Address (milliseconds)]                                  3000
     [exec] imqSSLIsHostTrusted [SSL Host Trusted]                                                                false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXAppID [Enable JMSXAppID Message Property]                                                   false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXConsumerTXID [Enable JMSXConsumerTXID Message Property]                                     false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXProducerTXID [Enable JMSXProducerTXID Message Property]                                     false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXRcvTimestamp [Enable JMSXRcvTimestamp Message Property]                                     false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXUserID [Enable JMSXUserID Message Property]                                                 false
     [exec] imqSocketConnectTimeout [TCP Socket Connection Timeout (milliseconds)]                                0
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] MyQueueConnectionFactory
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS ConnectionFactory MyTopicConnectionFactory in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Topic Connection Factory object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqAbortOnPingAckTimeout [Abort connection on ping reply Timeout]                                     false
     [exec] imqAckOnAcknowledge [Message Service Acknowledgement of Client Acknowledgements]                      
     [exec] imqAckOnProduce [Message Service Acknowledgement of Produced Messages]                                
     [exec] imqAckTimeout [Message Service Acknowledgement Timeout (milliseconds)]                                0
     [exec] imqAddressList [Message Server Address List]                                                          
     [exec] imqAddressListBehavior [Address List Order]                                                           PRIORITY
     [exec] imqAddressListIterations [Number of Address List Iterations]                                          1
     [exec] imqAsyncSendCompletionWaitTimeout [Async Send Completion Wait Timeout (milliseconds)]                 180000
     [exec] imqBrokerHostName [Broker Host Name]                                                                  localhost
     [exec] imqBrokerHostPort [Broker Host Port]                                                                  7676
     [exec] imqBrokerServicePort [Broker Service Port]                                                            0
     [exec] imqConfiguredClientID [Configured Client ID]                                                          
     [exec] imqConnectionFlowCount [Connection Flow Count]                                                        100
     [exec] imqConnectionFlowLimit [Connection Flow Limit (Unconsumed Messages per Connection)]                   1000
     [exec] imqConnectionFlowLimitEnabled [Connection Flow Limit Enabled]                                         false
     [exec] imqConnectionType [Connection Type]                                                                   TCP
     [exec] imqConnectionURL [HTTP URL]                                                                           http://localhost/imq/tunnel
     [exec] imqConsumerFlowLimit [Consumer Flow Limit (Unconsumed Messages per Consumer)]                         1000
     [exec] imqConsumerFlowLimitPrefetch [Consumer Flow Limit Prefetch]                                           true
     [exec] imqConsumerFlowThreshold [Consumer Flow Threshold (Percent)]                                          50
     [exec] imqDefaultPassword [Default Password]                                                                 guest
     [exec] imqDefaultUsername [Default Username]                                                                 guest
     [exec] imqDisableSetClientID [Disable setClientID() JMS API]                                                 false
     [exec] imqJMSDeliveryMode [JMSDeliveryMode value]                                                            PERSISTENT
     [exec] imqJMSExpiration [JMSExpiration value]                                                                0
     [exec] imqJMSPriority [JMSPriority value]                                                                    4
     [exec] imqLoadMaxToServerSession [Load Up To Maximum Messages to ServerSessions]                             true
     [exec] imqOnMessageExceptionRedeliveryAttempts [OnMessage Exception Redelivery Attempts]                     1
     [exec] imqOnMessageExceptionRedeliveryIntervals [OnMessage Exception Redelivery Intervals (milliseconds)]    500
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSDeliveryMode [Override JMSDeliveryMode]                                                 false
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSExpiration [Override JMSExpiration]                                                     false
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSHeadersToTemporaryDestinations [Override Messages to Temporary Destinations]            false
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSPriority [Override JMSPriority]                                                         false
     [exec] imqPingAckTimeout [Ping reply Timeout (milliseconds)]                                                 0
     [exec] imqPingInterval [Connection Ping Interval (seconds)]                                                  30
     [exec] imqPortMapperSoTimeout [Port Mapper Client Socket Read Timeout (milliseconds)]                        -1
     [exec] imqQueueBrowserMaxMessagesPerRetrieve [Queue Browser Retrieve Size (# of messages)]                   1000
     [exec] imqQueueBrowserRetrieveTimeout [Queue Browser Retrieve Timeout (milliseconds)]                        60000
     [exec] imqReconnectAttempts [Number of Reconnect Attempts per Address]                                       0
     [exec] imqReconnectEnabled [Enable Auto-reconnect to Message Server]                                         false
     [exec] imqReconnectInterval [Reconnect Interval per Address (milliseconds)]                                  3000
     [exec] imqSSLIsHostTrusted [SSL Host Trusted]                                                                false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXAppID [Enable JMSXAppID Message Property]                                                   false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXConsumerTXID [Enable JMSXConsumerTXID Message Property]                                     false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXProducerTXID [Enable JMSXProducerTXID Message Property]                                     false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXRcvTimestamp [Enable JMSXRcvTimestamp Message Property]                                     false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXUserID [Enable JMSXUserID Message Property]                                                 false
     [exec] imqSocketConnectTimeout [TCP Socket Connection Timeout (milliseconds)]                                0
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] MyTopicConnectionFactory
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.
     [echo] Create JMS ConnectionFactory DURABLE_SUB_CONNECTION_FACTORY in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imqobjmgr) .....
     [exec] Adding a Topic Connection Factory object with the following attributes:
     [exec] imqAbortOnPingAckTimeout [Abort connection on ping reply Timeout]                                     false
     [exec] imqAckOnAcknowledge [Message Service Acknowledgement of Client Acknowledgements]                      
     [exec] imqAckOnProduce [Message Service Acknowledgement of Produced Messages]                                
     [exec] imqAckTimeout [Message Service Acknowledgement Timeout (milliseconds)]                                0
     [exec] imqAddressList [Message Server Address List]                                                          
     [exec] imqAddressListBehavior [Address List Order]                                                           PRIORITY
     [exec] imqAddressListIterations [Number of Address List Iterations]                                          1
     [exec] imqAsyncSendCompletionWaitTimeout [Async Send Completion Wait Timeout (milliseconds)]                 180000
     [exec] imqBrokerHostName [Broker Host Name]                                                                  localhost
     [exec] imqBrokerHostPort [Broker Host Port]                                                                  7676
     [exec] imqBrokerServicePort [Broker Service Port]                                                            0
     [exec] imqConfiguredClientID [Configured Client ID]                                                          cts
     [exec] imqConnectionFlowCount [Connection Flow Count]                                                        100
     [exec] imqConnectionFlowLimit [Connection Flow Limit (Unconsumed Messages per Connection)]                   1000
     [exec] imqConnectionFlowLimitEnabled [Connection Flow Limit Enabled]                                         false
     [exec] imqConnectionType [Connection Type]                                                                   TCP
     [exec] imqConnectionURL [HTTP URL]                                                                           http://localhost/imq/tunnel
     [exec] imqConsumerFlowLimit [Consumer Flow Limit (Unconsumed Messages per Consumer)]                         1000
     [exec] imqConsumerFlowLimitPrefetch [Consumer Flow Limit Prefetch]                                           true
     [exec] imqConsumerFlowThreshold [Consumer Flow Threshold (Percent)]                                          50
     [exec] imqDefaultPassword [Default Password]                                                                 guest
     [exec] imqDefaultUsername [Default Username]                                                                 guest
     [exec] imqDisableSetClientID [Disable setClientID() JMS API]                                                 false
     [exec] imqJMSDeliveryMode [JMSDeliveryMode value]                                                            PERSISTENT
     [exec] imqJMSExpiration [JMSExpiration value]                                                                0
     [exec] imqJMSPriority [JMSPriority value]                                                                    4
     [exec] imqLoadMaxToServerSession [Load Up To Maximum Messages to ServerSessions]                             true
     [exec] imqOnMessageExceptionRedeliveryAttempts [OnMessage Exception Redelivery Attempts]                     1
     [exec] imqOnMessageExceptionRedeliveryIntervals [OnMessage Exception Redelivery Intervals (milliseconds)]    500
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSDeliveryMode [Override JMSDeliveryMode]                                                 false
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSExpiration [Override JMSExpiration]                                                     false
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSHeadersToTemporaryDestinations [Override Messages to Temporary Destinations]            false
     [exec] imqOverrideJMSPriority [Override JMSPriority]                                                         false
     [exec] imqPingAckTimeout [Ping reply Timeout (milliseconds)]                                                 0
     [exec] imqPingInterval [Connection Ping Interval (seconds)]                                                  30
     [exec] imqPortMapperSoTimeout [Port Mapper Client Socket Read Timeout (milliseconds)]                        -1
     [exec] imqQueueBrowserMaxMessagesPerRetrieve [Queue Browser Retrieve Size (# of messages)]                   1000
     [exec] imqQueueBrowserRetrieveTimeout [Queue Browser Retrieve Timeout (milliseconds)]                        60000
     [exec] imqReconnectAttempts [Number of Reconnect Attempts per Address]                                       0
     [exec] imqReconnectEnabled [Enable Auto-reconnect to Message Server]                                         false
     [exec] imqReconnectInterval [Reconnect Interval per Address (milliseconds)]                                  3000
     [exec] imqSSLIsHostTrusted [SSL Host Trusted]                                                                false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXAppID [Enable JMSXAppID Message Property]                                                   false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXConsumerTXID [Enable JMSXConsumerTXID Message Property]                                     false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXProducerTXID [Enable JMSXProducerTXID Message Property]                                     false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXRcvTimestamp [Enable JMSXRcvTimestamp Message Property]                                     false
     [exec] imqSetJMSXUserID [Enable JMSXUserID Message Property]                                                 false
     [exec] imqSocketConnectTimeout [TCP Socket Connection Timeout (milliseconds)]                                0
     [exec] Using the following lookup name:
     [exec] The object's read-only state:  false
     [exec] To the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Object successfully added.

     [echo] List JMS objects in JMS RI or OpenMQ object store via (imgobjmgr) ......
     [exec] Listing all administered objects in the object store specified by:
     [exec] java.naming.factory.initial    com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
     [exec] java.naming.provider.url       file:////tmp/ri_admin_objects
     [exec] Lookup Name                       Object Class Name
     [exec] DURABLE_SUB_CONNECTION_FACTORY    com.sun.messaging.TopicConnectionFactory
     [exec] MY_QUEUE                          com.sun.messaging.Queue
     [exec] MY_QUEUE2                         com.sun.messaging.Queue
     [exec] MY_TOPIC                          com.sun.messaging.Topic
     [exec] MY_TOPIC2                         com.sun.messaging.Topic
     [exec] MyConnectionFactory               com.sun.messaging.ConnectionFactory
     [exec] MyQueueConnectionFactory          com.sun.messaging.QueueConnectionFactory
     [exec] MyTopicConnectionFactory          com.sun.messaging.TopicConnectionFactory
     [exec] Q2                                com.sun.messaging.Queue
     [exec] testQ0                            com.sun.messaging.Queue
     [exec] testQ1                            com.sun.messaging.Queue
     [exec] testQ2                            com.sun.messaging.Queue
     [exec] testQueue2                        com.sun.messaging.Queue
     [exec] testT0                            com.sun.messaging.Topic
     [exec] testT1                            com.sun.messaging.Topic
     [exec] testT2                            com.sun.messaging.Topic
     [exec] Objects listed successfully.


Total time: 13 seconds