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+      <h1>OpenCert for Privacy Assurance, Thanks to the PDP4E Project</h1>
+  <p>Assurance was one key aspect of the <a href="">PDP4E project</a> (Privacy and Data Protection for Engineering) H2020 European Project No 787034.</p>
+<p>In this project, it was demonstrated the feasibility to use Eclipse OpenCert also for privacy assurance through the modelling of privacy reference frameworks, mapping models and privacy assurance patterns.</p>
+<p>The public PDP4E knowledge base for privacy assurance is currently at the “release/2.0” branch in the “examples/privacy” folder. This branch also contains the initial contribution for OpenCert 2.0 where several improvements and new functionalities were developed thanks to the PDP4E project and its application in the privacy-related use cases.</p>
+<p><em>Blog Post by <strong>Jabier Martinez Perdiguero</strong>, Tecnalia</em></p>
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+  <a href=" /opencert/news/2021-03-31-opencert_for_privacy_assurance/" class="media media-link match-height-item">
+    <p class="media-date">Wednesday, Mar 31, 2021</p>
+    <h4 class="media-heading">OpenCert for privacy assurance, thanks to the PDP4E project</h4>
+    <p class="media-text">Assurance was one key aspect of the PDP4E project (Privacy and Data Protection for Engineering) H2020 European Project No 787034.
+In this project, it was demonstrated the feasibility to use Eclipse OpenCert also for privacy assurance through the modelling of privacy reference frameworks, mapping models and privacy assurance patterns.
+The public PDP4E knowledge base for privacy assurance is currently at the “release/2.0” branch in the “examples/privacy” folder. This branch also contains the initial contribution for OpenCert 2.</p>
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+  <a href=" /opencert/news/2019-01-24-security_blog/" class="media media-link match-height-item">
+    <p class="media-date">Thursday, Jan 24, 2019</p>
+    <h4 class="media-heading">Considerations about open source and security</h4>
+    <p class="media-text"><p>Security and openness are two orthogonal issues and the AMASS Open Tool Platform is certainly not a liability for the development of CPS</p></p>
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+  <a href=" /opencert/news/2018-12-05-download_p2_preview/" class="media media-link match-height-item">
+    <p class="media-date">Wednesday, Dec 5, 2018</p>
+    <h4 class="media-heading">Download the new version of the AMASS open platform!</h4>
+    <p class="media-text"><p>AMASS partners just published their latest version of the AMASS open tools platform.</p></p>
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+  <a href=" /opencert/news/2018-06-25-epf-presentation-at-ec-france/" class="media media-link match-height-item">
+    <p class="media-date">Monday, Jun 25, 2018</p>
+    <h4 class="media-heading">Back from EclipseCon France 2018</h4>
+    <p class="media-text"><p>AMASS was present on stage during the plenary session. Atif explains the process to migrate EPF to the latest version of the Eclipse platform.</p></p>
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+  <a href=" /opencert/news/2018-06-01-meet-amass-ec-france/" class="media media-link match-height-item">
+    <p class="media-date">Friday, Jun 1, 2018</p>
+    <h4 class="media-heading">Meet AMASS at EclipseCon France 2018</h4>
+    <p class="media-text"><p>The AMASS project will participate again to the Open Research lab booth at EclipseCon France 2018 on June 13th-14th.</p></p>
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+  <a href=" /opencert/news/2018-03-22-new-content/" class="media media-link match-height-item">
+    <p class="media-date">Thursday, Mar 22, 2018</p>
+    <h4 class="media-heading">New content on the OpenCert website</h4>
+    <p class="media-text"><p>To accompany their new prototype, the AMASS partners updated the web site with new content.</p></p>
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+  <a href=" /opencert/news/2018-03-09-new-prototype/" class="media media-link match-height-item">
+    <p class="media-date">Friday, Mar 9, 2018</p>
+    <h4 class="media-heading">New integrated prototype built by the AMASS project team</h4>
+    <p class="media-text"><p>The AMASS project partners invested tons of energy to build the new prototype of the AMASS Open Platform.</p></p>
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+    <p class="media-date">Monday, Jan 15, 2018</p>
+    <h4 class="media-heading">New YouTube channel</h4>
+    <p class="media-text"><p>Subscribe to the OpenCert Youtube</p></p>
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+  <a href=" /opencert/news/2017-06-07-hello-world/" class="media media-link match-height-item">
+    <p class="media-date">Wednesday, Jun 7, 2017</p>
+    <h4 class="media-heading">Building the website</h4>
+    <p class="media-text"><p>In 2017 spring, we are starting to build a website for the Eclipse OpenCERT project.</p></p>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
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+  <channel>
+    <title>News on Eclipse Opencert</title>
+    <link></link>
+    <description>Recent content in News on Eclipse Opencert</description>
+    <generator>Hugo --</generator>
+    <managingEditor> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</managingEditor>
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+    <lastBuildDate>Wed, 31 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000</lastBuildDate><atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
+    <item>
+      <title>OpenCert for privacy assurance, thanks to the PDP4E project</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Wed, 31 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>Assurance was one key aspect of the PDP4E project (Privacy and Data Protection for Engineering) H2020 European Project No 787034.
+In this project, it was demonstrated the feasibility to use Eclipse OpenCert also for privacy assurance through the modelling of privacy reference frameworks, mapping models and privacy assurance patterns.
+The public PDP4E knowledge base for privacy assurance is currently at the “release/2.0” branch in the “examples/privacy” folder. This branch also contains the initial contribution for OpenCert 2.</description>
+    </item>
+    <item>
+      <title>Considerations about open source and security</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Thu, 24 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>&lt;p&gt;Security and openness are two orthogonal issues and the AMASS Open Tool Platform is certainly not a liability for the development of CPS&lt;/p&gt;</description>
+    </item>
+    <item>
+      <title>Download the new version of the AMASS open platform!</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Wed, 05 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>&lt;p&gt;AMASS partners just published their latest version of the AMASS open tools platform.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
+    </item>
+    <item>
+      <title>Back from EclipseCon France 2018</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Mon, 25 Jun 2018 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>&lt;p&gt;AMASS was present on stage during the plenary session. Atif explains the process to migrate EPF to the latest version of the Eclipse platform.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
+    </item>
+    <item>
+      <title>Meet AMASS at EclipseCon France 2018</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Fri, 01 Jun 2018 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>&lt;p&gt;The AMASS project will participate again to the Open Research lab booth at EclipseCon France 2018 on June 13th-14th.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
+    </item>
+    <item>
+      <title>New content on the OpenCert website</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Thu, 22 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>&lt;p&gt;To accompany their new prototype, the AMASS partners updated the web site with new content.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
+    </item>
+    <item>
+      <title>New integrated prototype built by the AMASS project team</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Fri, 09 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>&lt;p&gt;The AMASS project partners invested tons of energy to build the new prototype of the AMASS Open Platform.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
+    </item>
+    <item>
+      <title>New YouTube channel</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Mon, 15 Jan 2018 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>&lt;p&gt;Subscribe to the OpenCert Youtube&lt;/p&gt;</description>
+    </item>
+    <item>
+      <title>Building the website</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Wed, 07 Jun 2017 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>&lt;p&gt;In 2017 spring, we are starting to build a website for the Eclipse OpenCERT project.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
+    </item>
+  </channel>
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+      <h1>Documentation</h1>
+  <p>Access to the documentation of the current OpenCert package produced by the AMASS partners - code name Prototype P2.</p>
+<p><a href="AMASS-Platform-P2-User-Manual_23112018.pdf">User Manual</a></p>
+<p><a href="AMASS-Platform-P2-Developers-Guide_23112018.pdf">Developer Manual</a></p>
+<h3 id="related-documentation">Related documentation</h3>
+<li>AMASS Project Deliverables: <a href=""></a></li>
+<li>CHESS User Guide: <a href=""></a></li>
+<li>EPF User Manual: <a href=""></a></li>
+<li>Structured Assurance Case Metamodel™ (SACM™) Standard: <a href=""></a></li>
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+      <h1>Getting Started With OpenCert</h1>
+  <p>This section guides the end-user through the its initial use of OpenCert.</p>
+<p>It needs to be upgraded to take into account the new prototype.</p>
+<h2 id="installation">Installation</h2>
+<p>It must be noted that the pre-existing OpenCert tools are designed to follow client-server architecture approach:</p>
+<li>OpenCert server - installed in a central host machine</li>
+<li>One or many OpenCert clients - each of which installed on specific user machines</li>
+<p>This installation relates to a standalone version of OpenCert, including Papyrus/CHESS, EPF Composer and BVR plugins.</p>
+<h3 id="client-bundle-download">Client bundle download</h3>
+<p>It is required to have installed (minimum) <strong>Java Environment 1.8</strong>.</p>
+<p>To install the OpenCert platform client, download it from the <a href="../../downloads/">Downloads</a> page for Windows 64 bits and uncompress it into your hard disk.</p>
+<h3 id="client-configuration">Client configuration</h3>
+<p>To use the platform execute the eclipse.exe file and introduce a select a folder that will be used as workspace.</p>
+<p><!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML omitted --></p>
+<p>The first step after the installation process is to configure the connection settings with the CDO repository where all the models generated using the platform will be stored. This information must be introduced in the Model Repository Preference page inside the OpenCert category. Go to menu Window → Preferences to open this window.</p>
+<p><!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML omitted --></p>
+<p><!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML omitted --></p>
+<p>The information to introduce is:</p>
+<li><strong>Server IP:</strong> The IP of the centralized CDO Server (<a href=""></a>).</li>
+<li><strong>Server Port:</strong> The port used by the running CDO Server. Take into account that if the client is behind a proxy, the port 2036 shall be open, otherwise the communication will fail.</li>
+<li><strong>Repository name:</strong> The name of the repository where all the date will be stored (read only).</li>
+<li><strong>Protocol:</strong> The protocol used to connect to the CDO Server.</li>
+<p>Disable the Repository timeout to avoid the automatic closing of the connection with the server for inactivity using the menu Window → Preference as shown in the image below.</p>
+<p><!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML omitted --></p>
+<p>After introducing this data the Opencert Perspective can be used to connect to the server and view the data of the repository configured. To open it, go to menu Window→ Perspective → Open Perspective→ Other.</p>
+<p><!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML omitted --></p>
+<p>If the provided connection settings with the repository are incorrect or the server is not running, this view will display the error in the screenshot below instead of the contents of the repository. To solve it, check the server is running (using the page <a href=""></a>) and the configuration settings are correct, ensure the communication ports (2036 and 8080) are open, close the Repository Explorer view and open it again (Window→Show View→Other→Opencert→Repository Explorer).</p>
+<!-- raw HTML omitted -->
+<h3 id="13deleting-repository-contents">1.3	Deleting Repository contents</h3>
+<p>To delete a folder and its contents, right click over it and left click the “Delete” menu.</p>
+<p><!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML omitted --></p>
+<p>To delete a model, right click over it and left click the “Delete“menu.</p>
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+    <p class="media-date">Thursday, Jan 24, 2019</p>
+    <h4 class="media-heading">Considerations about open source and security</h4>
+    <p class="media-text"><p>By Maria Teresa Delgado and Gaël Blondelle - Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH</p>
+<p>Security and openness are two orthogonal issues and the AMASS Open Tool Platform is certainly not a liability for the development of CPS</p></p>
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+    <p class="media-text"><p>This page shows some screenshots that illustrate the AMASS Open Platform in action.</p></p>
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+    <p class="media-text"><p>Access to the documentation of the current OpenCert package produced by the AMASS partners - code name Prototype P2.</p></p>
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+    <p class="media-text"><p>This page references the latest training material available for the OpenCert platform.</p></p>
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+    <p class="media-text"><p>This section guides the end-user through the its initial use of OpenCert.</p>
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+      <title>Considerations about open source and security</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Thu, 24 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>&lt;p&gt;By Maria Teresa Delgado and Gaël Blondelle - Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;Security and openness are two orthogonal issues and the AMASS Open Tool Platform is certainly not a liability for the development of CPS&lt;/p&gt;</description>
+    </item>
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+      <title>Screenshots</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Thu, 13 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>&lt;p&gt;This page shows some screenshots that illustrate the AMASS Open Platform in action.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
+    </item>
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+      <title>Documentation</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Wed, 05 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>&lt;p&gt;Access to the documentation of the current OpenCert package produced by the AMASS partners - code name Prototype P2.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
+    </item>
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+      <title>Online training</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Thu, 22 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>&lt;p&gt;This page references the latest training material available for the OpenCert platform.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
+    </item>
+    <item>
+      <title>Getting Started with OpenCert</title>
+      <link></link>
+      <pubDate>Wed, 07 Jun 2017 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
+      <author> (AMASS ECSEL project partners)</author>
+      <guid></guid>
+      <description>&lt;p&gt;This section guides the end-user through the its initial use of OpenCert.&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;It needs to be upgraded to take into account the new prototype.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
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+      <h1>Considerations About Open Source and Security</h1>
+  <p>By Maria Teresa Delgado and Gaël Blondelle - Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH</p>
+<p>Security and openness are two orthogonal issues and the AMASS Open Tool Platform is certainly not a liability for the development of CPS</p>
+<p><a href="">AMASS</a> (Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems) is an EU-funded project that has created and consolidated a de-facto European Open Tool Platform, ecosystem, and community for assurance and certification of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). The tools provided by the AMASS open platform leverage both existing open source components, and new open source components that are published to the community, under an open collaborative model. The resulting open source ecosystem and community are managed as an <a href="">Eclipse project</a> hosted by the <a href="">Eclipse Foundation</a>.
+As AMASS is addressing a wide universe of application areas (i.e. automotive, railway, aerospace, space, and energy) while implementing an open collaboration model to develop its technology solutions, it is not surprising that the community would express its concern on the platform security aspects and its openness.
+But no worries! As you will learn after reading this article, security and openness are two orthogonal issues and the AMASS Open Tool Platform is certainly not a liability for the development of CPS.</p>
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+<h2 id="no-direct-relationship-between-open-source-and-security">No direct relationship between Open source and security</h2>
+<p><a href="">Open Source (OS)</a> implies that source code is distributed under a license in which the copyright holder grants the users the power to access, modify and re-distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose. Nowadays, <a href="">OS components are the core building blocks of application software</a>, providing developers with an ever-growing offer of off-the-shelf possibilities that they can use for assembling their products faster and more efficiently.</p>
+<p>The OSS movement was not designed with security in mind, <strong>OSS is all about open collaboration and open innovation</strong>. However, the Linus’ law in Open Source states that: “given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow.” And the OS community do believe that opening their code up for inspection will increase protection against bugs — and often improve code trust. Nonetheless, <a href="">OSS community has evolved</a>, and the vast majority of users are now downloading OS resources without actually reviewing the source code itself, meaning that the number of users is far greater than the number of eyeballs. Thus, having the source code available for scrutiny could be either a good or a bad thing, depending on the size of the community and the user perspective.</p>
+<p>Others have studied the correlation between security and open source in a more structured way. <a href="">Schryen</a> performed a thorough literature review on security aspects in open source vs. closed source software, concluding <strong>that the discussion is often biased</strong> depending on the preferences of development styles, and the lack of appropriate metrics, a common methodology and hard data. Schryen’s work analyses and compares published vulnerabilities (software bugs that can be used by attackers to gain access to a system or network are commonly referred to as vulnerabilities according to the <a href="">U.S. MITRE corporation</a>) of a set of open and close source software packages, all of which are widely deployed. His investigation reveals that <strong>no significant differences in the severity of vulnerabilities were found between open source and closed source software</strong>.</p>
+<h2 id="closed-source-solutions-are-not-necessarily-more-secure">Closed source solutions are not necessarily more secure</h2>
+<p>Security wise, the main concern remains the surface of exposure of software code: all the different points where an unauthorized party could try to inject or extract data. The openness in OSS makes it easier for both the good and the bad guys to find vulnerabilities in the code, since it is available for anyone to review (and to fix!).</p>
+<p>However, closed models implementing a <strong>“security through obscurity” approach are not necessarily better</strong>. Security is a holistic concept not only depending on the final result, but also linked to the creation and maintenance process, and <strong>open source has the potential to be better than closed source</strong> software in terms of security vulnerabilities being available for public scrutiny and fixes. But <strong><a href="">simply being open is not a guarantee of security</a></strong>; over the past years a few examples have made this clear for the OSS community: (a) the <strong><a href="">Heartbleed bug</a></strong>, which put the spotlight on OpenSSL, the security toolkit used by many of the internet&rsquo;s largest sites, maintained primarily by <a href="">two men who have never met in person</a>, (b) the <strong><a href="">Equifax breach</a></strong> that exposed sensitive data for as many as 143 million U.S. consumers, accomplished by exploiting a web application vulnerability that had been <a href="">patched more than two months earlier</a>, and (c) the <strong><a href="">Apache Struts 2 flaw</a></strong> uncovered recently, which promises to be even more critical than the Equifax Bug, a remote code-execution vulnerability in the popular open-source framework for developing web applications in the Java programming language which could lead to full endpoint and network compromise.</p>
+<p>On the other side, if you need to think about security breaches in proprietary solutions or closed source software, just think about the <strong>Microsoft security breaches that we were never told about</strong>, and you should be good to go, for example: that time when <a href="">Microsoft responded quietly</a> to a detected secret database hack in 2013. Security in the 21st century has proven to have suffered enough <a href="">breaches</a> both in the open and closed software worlds.</p>
+<h2 id="projection-in-the-amass-context">Projection in the AMASS context</h2>
+<p>AMASS project partners and early adopters agree that security is crucial in all tools, systems and platforms, and of course AMASS results are no exception. However, we have made clear <strong>that security and openness are two orthogonal issues</strong> and we support the idea that <strong>OSS is potentially better -security wise-</strong> due to the public availability of source code.</p>
+<p>In the context of the Eclipse ecosystem, some specific efforts are already in place to reinforce the security of the AMASS open platform. <strong>Eclipse Development Process (EDP)</strong> already covers the <strong>traceability of the code published</strong> in open source, checked by the Eclipse IP process that tracks the provenance of each contribution as well as the provenance of each dependency recursively. Also, EDP requires that the binaries are signed during the release process.</p>
+<p>Moreover, the AMASS open platform is supposed to be embedded in a larger environment, - either a proprietary product, or a specific deployment by a large organisation- where additional measures can be integrated to ensure the security of the platform.</p>
+<p>AMASS is about tools for assurance and certification processes that can be used in several domains to improve system efficiency, but AMASS is not a CPS core component, and thus the <strong>AMASS tool platform by itself is not a liability for the development of CPS</strong>. The AMASS open platform is deployed in the context of a global certification and assurance process that should consider the security risks related to the tools in order to effectively mitigate them.</p>
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+      <h1>Online Training</h1>
+  <p>This page references the latest training material available for the OpenCert platform.</p>
+<h2 id="training---winter-series-2018">Training - Winter series 2018</h2>
+<h3 id="training-on-the-prototype-p1-wp3-session-1-26-jan-2018">Training on the Prototype P1: WP3 Session #1 (26 Jan 2018)</h3>
+<li>Workflow overview</li>
+<li>System Component Specification: Requirement specification</li>
+<li>Requirement Formalization: Formalize requirements with formal properties, Contract editor with content assist</li>
+<li>Requirement Early Validation: Metrics</li>
+<li>Functional Refinement: Architectural refinement, Contract refinement, Contract-based views
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+<h3 id="training-on-the-prototype-p1-wp3-session-2-31-jan-2018">Training on the Prototype P1: WP3 Session #2 (31 Jan 2018)</h3>
+<li>Components nominal and faulty behaviour definition</li>
+<li>Functional early verification: Integration of CHESS and V&amp;V tools, Contract refinement analysis, Contract validation, Contract-based verification of refinement</li>
+<li>Safety analysis: Fault tree generation, Contract-based safety analysis</li>
+<li>Safety Case: Generate product-based assurance arguments from CHESS model, Link architecture-related entities, Document generation</li>
+<li>Upcoming features: Savona, Simulation-based Fault Injection, Requirement Early Validation
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+<h3 id="training-on-the-prototype-p1-wp4-session-1-25-jan-2018">Training on the Prototype P1: WP4 Session #1 (25 Jan 2018)</h3>
+<li>Dependability assurance case modelling</li>
+<li>Contract-based multi-concern assurance</li>
+<li>System-dependability co-analysis: via Papyrus, via Safety Architect and via Concerto
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+<h3 id="training-on-the-prototype-p1-wp6-session-24-jan-2018">Training on the Prototype P1: WP6 Session (24 Jan 2018)</h3>
+<li>Introduction to filtering at Assurance Project generation by Criticality/Applicability level</li>
+<li>Reuse Assistant</li>
+<li>Compliance Map Report</li>
+<li>Management of Families-Lines: Variability Management support at process level and at component level, cross-concern variability management</li>
+<li>Semi-automatic generation of Arguments: Product arguments and process arguments
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+ echo 'Changes have been detected, publishing to repo '\'''\'''
Changes have been detected, publishing to repo ''
+ git config
+ git config 'OpenCert Bot'
+ git commit -m 'Website build Opencert-Website-Pipeline-10'
[main a8dee0a] Website build Opencert-Website-Pipeline-10
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+ git log --graph --abbrev-commit --date=relative -n 5
* commit a8dee0a
| Author: OpenCert Bot <>
| Date:   0 seconds ago
|     Website build Opencert-Website-Pipeline-10
* commit 77418c1
  Author: Angel Lopez <>
  Date:   4 weeks ago
      Initial commit
+ '[' main = main ']'
+ git push origin HEAD:master
Failed to add the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts (/home/jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts).
remote: Commit: a8dee0af5ed72d50fe1450bb54f39da113569f86		✔        
remote: 	Reviewing commit: a8dee0af5ed72d50fe1450bb54f39da113569f86        
remote: 	Authored by: OpenCert Bot <>        
remote: 	Automated user '' detected for author of commit a8dee0af5ed72d50fe1450bb54f39da113569f86        
remote: 	Automated user '' detected for committer of commit a8dee0af5ed72d50fe1450bb54f39da113569f86        
remote: 	Eclipse user 'OpenCert Bot'(author) is a committer on the project.        
remote: 	Eclipse user 'OpenCert Bot'(committer) is a committer on the project.        
remote: More information is available at        
remote: To create a merge request for master, visit:        
 * [new branch]      HEAD -> master