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  1. Passing unsuccessful state to GC cycle end event (commit: 43d759d) (details)
Commit 43d759d6f7077cb1c597e267335d50d04bd1289e by Lin Hu
Passing unsuccessful state to GC cycle end event

- define new unsuccessful state via 31bit of cycleType
(bit31=1 cycle end unsuccessfully(abort),
  bit31=0 cycle end successfully)
- only passing the state to GC cycle end event via cycleType
- GC cycle end hooks can identify cycle abort case via the
unsuccessful state.

Signed-off-by: hulin <>
(commit: 43d759d)
The file was modified include_core/omrgcconsts.h (diff)
The file was modified gc/base/standard/Scavenger.cpp (diff)