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EwOjFwNrWWJOaSrQXAGEIr/S3KTUorY1U2W5pzzohpoGBOxbnQFR/rJO8gAAAA==callIndex: 4: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.096093
callIndex: 5: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.071272
callIndex: 7: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 10: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.611958
callIndex: 11: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 12: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 13: rc = 11 (OMR_THREAD_NOT_ATTACHED), the function call is successful !
cpuLoadAgent: GetProcessCpuLoad() passed
Test GetSystemCpuLoad()
callIndex: 1: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 2: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 3: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.385948
callIndex: 4: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.000000
callIndex: 5: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.000000
callIndex: 7: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 10: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.000000
callIndex: 11: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 12: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 13: rc = 11 (OMR_THREAD_NOT_ATTACHED), the function call is successful !
cpuLoadAgent: GetSystemCpuLoad() passed
cpuLoadAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
cpuLoadAgent: Agent_OnUnload
cpuLoadAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="<NULL>")
cpuLoadAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x000000011006D390
Test GetProcessCpuLoad()
callIndex: 1: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 2: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 3: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.073017
callIndex: 4: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.071908
callIndex: 5: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.079790
callIndex: 7: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 10: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.451572
callIndex: 11: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 12: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 13: rc = 11 (OMR_THREAD_NOT_ATTACHED), the function call is successful !
cpuLoadAgent: GetProcessCpuLoad() passed
Test GetSystemCpuLoad()
callIndex: 1: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 2: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 3: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.371070
callIndex: 4: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.000000
callIndex: 5: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.000000
callIndex: 7: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 10: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 1.000000
callIndex: 11: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 12: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
callIndex: 13: rc = 11 (OMR_THREAD_NOT_ATTACHED), the function call is successful !
cpuLoadAgent: GetSystemCpuLoad() passed
cpuLoadAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
cpuLoadAgent: Agent_OnUnload
[----------] 2 tests from CpuLoadAgentOpts/RASAgentTest (1276 ms total)

[----------] 2 tests from BindThreadAgentOpts/RASAgentTest
bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=11006d390
bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=11006d390
bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed
bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=110072530
bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=110072530
bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed
bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=11006d390
bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=11006d390
bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed
bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=110072530
bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=110072530
bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed
bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
[----------] 2 tests from BindThreadAgentOpts/RASAgentTest (401 ms total)

[----------] 6 tests from InvalidAgentOpts/RASAgentNegativeTest
[----------] 6 tests from InvalidAgentOpts/RASAgentNegativeTest (1 ms total)

[==========] 38 tests from 11 test cases ran. (1931 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 38 tests.


./omrsubscribertest --gtest_filter=-RASSubscriberForkTest.*
Note: Google Test filter = -RASSubscriberForkTest.*
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] 1 test from RASSubscriberTest
19:51:22.813*0x110052c90         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=88 callSite=OMR_Agent.cpp:142
19:51:22.813 0x110052c90         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 0000000110058090
19:51:22.813 0x110052c90         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=16 callSite=OMR_Agent.cpp:120
19:51:22.813 0x110052c90         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 0000000110058150
19:51:22.813 0x110052c90         omrport.475      > omrsl_open_shared_library name=subscriberAgent, flags=3
19:51:22.813 0x110052c90         omrport.476      - omrsl_open_shared_library using mangledName
19:51:22.813 0x110052c90         omrport.477      < omrsl_open_shared_library handle=0000000000000003
19:51:22.813 0x110052c90         omrport.471      > omrsl_lookup_name descriptor=3, name=OMRAgent_OnLoad, argSignature=IPPPP
19:51:22.813 0x110052c90         omrport.472      < omrsl_lookup_name descriptor=-1602268808
19:51:22.813 0x110052c90         omrport.471      > omrsl_lookup_name descriptor=3, name=OMRAgent_OnUnload, argSignature=IPP
19:51:22.813 0x110052c90         omrport.472      < omrsl_lookup_name descriptor=-1602268688
19:51:22.814 0x110052c90         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=16 callSite=omrtraceoptions.cpp:121
19:51:22.814 0x110052c90         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 0000000110040410
19:51:22.814 0x110052c90         omrport.323      > omrmem_free_memory pointer=0000000110040410
19:51:22.814 0x110052c90         omrport.324      < omrmem_free_memory
19:51:22.814 0x110052c90         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=16 callSite=omrtracemisc.cpp:378
19:51:22.814 0x110052c90         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 0000000110040410
19:51:22.814 0x110052c90         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=48 callSite=omrtracemisc.cpp:302
19:51:22.814 0x110052c90         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 0000000110040470
19:51:22.814 0x110052c90         omrport.323      > omrmem_free_memory pointer=0000000110040410
19:51:22.814 0x110052c90         omrport.324      < omrmem_free_memory
19:51:22.814 0x110052c90         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=17 callSite=omrtracelog.cpp:79
19:51:22.814 0x110052c90         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 00000001100404F0
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=268 callSite=omrtracelog.cpp:123
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 0000000110040570
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=64 callSite=omrtracelog.cpp:1287
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 00000001100406D0
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90         omrport.616      > omrsysinfo_get_number_CPUs_by_type: Function entered.
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90         omrport.617      < omrsysinfo_get_number_CPUs_by_type: Exiting function - Type 2 returned 8.
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90         omrport.323      > omrmem_free_memory pointer=00000001100406D0
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90         omrport.324      < omrmem_free_memory
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=96 callSite=omrtracemain.cpp:659
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 00000001100406D0
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=96 callSite=omrtracemain.cpp:659
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 0000000110040790
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90        omr_test.0        - Trace engine initialized for module omr_test
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90        omr_test.2        - Ptr: 0000000110052C90
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90        omr_test.3        - Number: 10
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90        omr_test.3        - Number: 99
19:51:22.815 0x110052c90        omr_test.4        - String: Test subscriberAgent! Ptr: 0000000110052C90 Number: 10
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.469      > omrsl_close_shared_library descriptor=3
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.470      < omrsl_close_shared_library result=0
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.323      > omrmem_free_memory pointer=0000000110058150
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.324      < omrmem_free_memory
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.323      > omrmem_free_memory pointer=0000000110058090
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.324      < omrmem_free_memory
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=88 callSite=OMR_Agent.cpp:142
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 00000001100406D0
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=28 callSite=OMR_Agent.cpp:120
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 0000000110040790
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.475      > omrsl_open_shared_library name=subscriberAgentWithJ9thread, flags=3
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.476      - omrsl_open_shared_library using mangledName
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.477      < omrsl_open_shared_library handle=0000000000000003
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.471      > omrsl_lookup_name descriptor=3, name=OMRAgent_OnLoad, argSignature=IPPPP
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.472      < omrsl_lookup_name descriptor=-1602262824
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.471      > omrsl_lookup_name descriptor=3, name=OMRAgent_OnUnload, argSignature=IPP
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.472      < omrsl_lookup_name descriptor=-1602262680
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=24 callSite=subscriberAgentWithJ9thread.c:136
19:51:22.816 0x110052c90         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 0000000110058090
19:51:22.817*0x1100582d0         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=16 callSite=omrtraceoptions.cpp:121
19:51:22.817 0x1100582d0         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 00000001100583F0
19:51:22.817 0x1100582d0         omrport.323      > omrmem_free_memory pointer=00000001100583F0
19:51:22.817 0x1100582d0         omrport.324      < omrmem_free_memory
19:51:22.817 0x1100582d0         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=16 callSite=omrtracemisc.cpp:378
19:51:22.817 0x1100582d0         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 00000001100583F0
19:51:22.817 0x1100582d0         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=48 callSite=omrtracemisc.cpp:302
19:51:22.817 0x1100582d0         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 0000000110058450
19:51:22.817 0x1100582d0         omrport.323      > omrmem_free_memory pointer=00000001100583F0
19:51:22.817 0x1100582d0         omrport.324      < omrmem_free_memory
19:51:22.817 0x1100582d0         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=96 callSite=omrtracemain.cpp:659
19:51:22.817 0x1100582d0         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 00000001100584D0
19:51:22.817 0x1100582d0         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=96 callSite=omrtracemain.cpp:659
19:51:22.817 0x1100582d0         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 0000000110058590
19:51:22.817*0x110052c90         omrport.323      > omrmem_free_memory pointer=0000000110058090
19:51:22.817 0x110052c90         omrport.324      < omrmem_free_memory
19:51:22.817 0x110052c90        omr_test.0        - Trace engine initialized for module omr_test
19:51:22.817 0x110052c90        omr_test.2        - Ptr: 0000000110052C90
19:51:22.817 0x110052c90        omr_test.3        - Number: 20
19:51:22.817 0x110052c90        omr_test.3        - Number: 109
19:51:22.817 0x110052c90        omr_test.4        - String: Test SubscriberAgentWithJ9thread! Ptr: 0000000110052C90 Number: 10
19:51:22.818 0x110052c90         omrport.469      > omrsl_close_shared_library descriptor=3
19:51:22.818 0x110052c90         omrport.470      < omrsl_close_shared_library result=0
19:51:22.818 0x110052c90         omrport.323      > omrmem_free_memory pointer=0000000110040790
19:51:22.818 0x110052c90         omrport.324      < omrmem_free_memory
19:51:22.818 0x110052c90         omrport.323      > omrmem_free_memory pointer=00000001100406D0
19:51:22.818 0x110052c90         omrport.324      < omrmem_free_memory
[----------] 1 test from RASSubscriberTest (6 ms total)

[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (7 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 1 test.


[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] 1 test from RASTraceOptionTest
19:51:22.830*0x1100509d0         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=88 callSite=OMR_Agent.cpp:142
19:51:22.830 0x1100509d0         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 0000000110055DD0
19:51:22.830 0x1100509d0         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=17 callSite=OMR_Agent.cpp:120
19:51:22.830 0x1100509d0         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 0000000110055E90
19:51:22.830 0x1100509d0         omrport.475      > omrsl_open_shared_library name=traceOptionAgent, flags=3
19:51:22.830 0x1100509d0         omrport.476      - omrsl_open_shared_library using mangledName
19:51:22.830 0x1100509d0         omrport.477      < omrsl_open_shared_library handle=0000000000000003
19:51:22.830 0x1100509d0         omrport.471      > omrsl_lookup_name descriptor=3, name=OMRAgent_OnLoad, argSignature=IPPPP
19:51:22.830 0x1100509d0         omrport.472      < omrsl_lookup_name descriptor=-1602258536
19:51:22.830 0x1100509d0         omrport.471      > omrsl_lookup_name descriptor=3, name=OMRAgent_OnUnload, argSignature=IPP
19:51:22.830 0x1100509d0         omrport.472      < omrsl_lookup_name descriptor=-1602258464
19:51:22.830 0x1100509d0         omrport.333      > omrmem_allocate_memory byteAmount=9 callSite=omrtraceoptions.cpp:121
19:51:22.830 0x1100509d0         omrport.322      < omrmem_allocate_memory returns 000000011003EA30
[----------] 1 test from RASTraceOptionTest (2 ms total)

[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (3 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 1 test.
ALL omr_rastest PASSED
./omrsubscribertest --gtest_filter=RASSubscriberForkTest.*
Note: Google Test filter = RASSubscriberForkTest.*
[==========] Running 2 tests from 1 test case.
[----------] 2 tests from RASSubscriberForkTest
[----------] 2 tests from RASSubscriberForkTest (17 ms total)

[==========] 2 tests from 1 test case ran. (19 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 2 tests.
[==========] Running 203 tests from 19 test cases.
[----------] 1 test from PortVMemTest
[----------] 1 test from PortVMemTest (0 ms total)

[----------] 1 test from PortIntrospectTest
[----------] 1 test from PortIntrospectTest (0 ms total)

[----------] 8 tests from PortHeapTest
[----------] 8 tests from PortHeapTest (333 ms total)

[----------] 9 tests from PortSigTest
[----------] 9 tests from PortSigTest (0 ms total)

[----------] 40 tests from PortFileTest2

[----------] 40 tests from PortFileTest2 (9454 ms total)

[----------] 15 tests from PortMmapTest
[----------] 15 tests from PortMmapTest (1051 ms total)

[----------] 4 tests from PortErrorTest
[----------] 4 tests from PortErrorTest (0 ms total)

[----------] 14 tests from PortFileStreamTest
[----------] 14 tests from PortFileStreamTest (23 ms total)

[----------] 8 tests from PortTest
[----------] 8 tests from PortTest (2 ms total)

[----------] 12 tests from PortVmemTest
	! Unable to reserve and commit 0x1000000 bytes with page size 0x1000000.
	! Unable to reserve and commit 0x1000000 bytes with page size 0x1000000.
	! Unable to reserve and commit 0x1000000 bytes with page size 0x1000000.
! Could not find 0x1000000 bytes available with page size 0x1000000
! Could not find 0x1000000 bytes available with page size 0x1000000 and specified mode
[----------] 12 tests from PortVmemTest (1416 ms total)

[----------] 35 tests from PortSysinfoTest
You must be root to set core flags
omrsysinfo_set_limit CORE_FLAGS failed as expected because we aren't root.
[----------] 35 tests from PortSysinfoTest (16453 ms total)

[----------] 6 tests from PortTimeTest
Test is invalid since the host machine reports more than one CPU (time may differ across CPUs - makes test results useless - re-enable if we develop thread affinity support)
[----------] 6 tests from PortTimeTest (12064 ms total)

[----------] 1 test from PortInitializationTest
[----------] 1 test from PortInitializationTest (0 ms total)

[----------] 2 tests from PortFileTest
[----------] 2 tests from PortFileTest (2 ms total)

[----------] 5 tests from PortSlTest
System error message=
"	0509-022 Cannot load module
	0509-150   Dependent module dummy.imp could not be loaded.
	0509-022 Cannot load module dummy.imp.
	0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
	0509-022 Cannot load module ./
	0509-150   Dependent module could not be loaded."
System error message=
"	0509-022 Cannot load module /usr/lib/libjpa.a.
	0509-026 System error: Cannot run a file that does not have a valid format."
[----------] 5 tests from PortSlTest (16 ms total)

[----------] 4 tests from PortDumpTest
[----------] 4 tests from PortDumpTest (186 ms total)

[----------] 10 tests from PortMemTest
[----------] 10 tests from PortMemTest (562 ms total)

[----------] 20 tests from PortStrTest
[----------] 20 tests from PortStrTest (2 ms total)

[----------] 8 tests from PortTTyTest
TTY printf, check check 1 2 3 check ...
New line
[----------] 8 tests from PortTTyTest (0 ms total)

[==========] 203 tests from 19 test cases ran. (41607 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 203 tests.


[========Some textALL omr_porttest PASSED
[==========] Running 75 tests from 8 test cases.
[----------] 7 tests from SanityTest
[----------] 7 tests from SanityTest (43056 ms total)

[----------] 5 tests from LockedMonitorCountTest
[----------] 5 tests from LockedMonitorCountTest (0 ms total)

[----------] 15 tests from ThreadCreateTest
omrthread_attr_destroy(NULL) failed: retVal 14 (e)
omrthread_attr_destroy(&attr) failed: retVal 14 (e)
omrthread_attr_set_name(&attr, testname) unsupported: retVal 12 (c)
omrthread_attr_set_name(&attr, testname2) unsupported: retVal 12 (c)
omrthread_attr_set_name(&attr, NULL) unsupported: retVal 12 (c)
omrthread_create_ex(&handle, (attr? &attr : J9THREAD_ATTR_DEFAULT), 1, threadmain, &data) failed: retVal 6 (6) : errno 1 Operation not permitted.
  ignoring omrthread_create failure
omrthread_create_ex(&handle, (attr? &attr : J9THREAD_ATTR_DEFAULT), 1, threadmain, &data) failed: retVal 6 (6) : errno 1 Operation not permitted.
  ignoring omrthread_create failure
omrthread_attr_set_schedpolicy(&attr, omrthread_schedpolicy_LastEnum) failed: retVal 15 (f)
omrthread_attr_set_priority(&attr, -1) failed: retVal 15 (f)
omrthread_attr_set_priority(&attr, 90) failed: retVal 15 (f)
omrthread_attr_set_priority(&attr, 12) failed: retVal 15 (f)
[----------] 15 tests from ThreadCreateTest (1 ms total)

[----------] 9 tests from ThreadForkResetTest
[----------] 9 tests from ThreadForkResetTest (6077 ms total)

[----------] 1 test from KeyDestructorTest
[----------] 1 test from KeyDestructorTest (0 ms total)

[----------] 18 tests from RWMutex
[----------] 18 tests from RWMutex (20050 ms total)

[----------] 8 tests from JoinTest
[----------] 8 tests from JoinTest (6010 ms total)

[----------] 12 tests from PriorityInterrupt
[----------] 12 tests from PriorityInterrupt (1094 ms total)

[==========] 75 tests from 8 test cases ran. (76289 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 75 tests.


./omrthreadtest --gtest_also_run_disabled_tests --gtest_filter=ThreadCreateTest.DISABLED_SetAttrThreadWeight
Note: Google Test filter = ThreadCreateTest.DISABLED_SetAttrThreadWeight
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] 1 test from ThreadCreateTest
[----------] 1 test from ThreadCreateTest (1 ms total)

[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (1 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 1 test.
ALL omr_threadtest PASSED
[==========] Running 6 tests from 4 test cases.
[----------] 2 tests from ThreadExtendedTest
[----------] 2 tests from ThreadExtendedTest (71517 ms total)

[----------] 2 tests from ThreadCpuTime
[----------] 2 tests from ThreadCpuTime (445 ms total)

[----------] 1 test from CpuTimeTest
[----------] 1 test from CpuTimeTest (4 ms total)

[----------] 1 test from ApplicationCpuTimeTest
[----------] 1 test from ApplicationCpuTimeTest (3 ms total)

[==========] 6 tests from 4 test cases ran. (71969 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 6 tests.


[==========] Running 7 tests from 1 test case.
[----------] 7 tests from OmrSigTest
[----------] 7 tests from OmrSigTest (269 ms total)

[==========] 7 tests from 1 test case ran. (270 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 7 tests.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/u0020236/workspace/Test_AIX'