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  1. Remove trace-point that requires use-after-close reference (commit: 9fc4a86) (details)
Commit 9fc4a860559ad8715363c0dcef76a4cbd31fe5f3 by Keith W. Campbell
Remove trace-point that requires use-after-close reference

It turns out that #7325 was ineffective: compilers see straight
through that attempt to hide the use-after-close. The trace-point
doesn't provide any information that isn't already available by
other trace-points at the same level.

Signed-off-by: Keith W. Campbell <>
(commit: 9fc4a86)
The file was modified port/win32/omrfilestream.c (diff)
The file was modified port/common/omrfilestream.c (diff)
The file was modified port/common/omrport.tdf (diff)