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Console Output

09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] + ctest -V -C Debug -j1
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] Test project C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] Constructing a list of tests
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] Done constructing a list of tests
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] Updating test list for fixtures
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] Checking test dependency graph...
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] Checking test dependency graph end
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] test 1
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z]       Start  1: gcexample
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 1: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\gcexample.exe
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 1: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 1: VM/GC INITIALIZED
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 1: configuration is MM_ConfigurationFlat::MM_ConfigurationFlat
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 1: collector interface is MM_CollectorLanguageInterfaceImpl::MM_CollectorLanguageInterfaceImpl
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 1: garbage collector is MM_ParallelGlobalGC::MM_ParallelGlobalGC
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 1: allocation interface is MM_TLHAllocationInterface::MM_TLHAllocationInterface
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 1: thread allocated 1048392 tlh bytes, 0 non-tlh bytes, from 43683 allocations before NULL
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 1: ALL TESTS PASSED
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z]  1/24 Test  #1: gcexample .........................   Passed    0.04 sec
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] test 2
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z]       Start  2: conditionals_example_as_test
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 2: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\conditionals.exe
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 2: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 2: Step 1: initialize JIT
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 2: Step 2: define type dictionary
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 2: Step 3: compile method builder
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 2: Step 4: invoke compiled code
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 2: Step 5: shutdown JIT
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 2: ALL TESTS PASSED
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z]  2/24 Test  #2: conditionals_example_as_test ......   Passed    0.05 sec
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] test 3
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z]       Start  3: isSupportedType_example_as_test
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 3: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\isSupportedType.exe
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 3: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 3: Step 1: test signed integral types
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 3: Step 2: test unsigned integral types
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 3: Step 3: test language primitive signed integral types
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 3: Step 4: test language primitive unsigned integral types
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 3: Step 5: test floating point types
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 3: Step 6: test cv qualified types
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 3: Step 7: test void type
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 3: Step 8: test pointer to primitive types
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 3: Step 9: test pointer to pointer to primitive types
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 3: Step 10: test unsupported types
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 3: PASS
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z]  3/24 Test  #3: isSupportedType_example_as_test ...   Passed    0.01 sec
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] test 4
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z]       Start  4: iterfib_example_as_test
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\iterfib.exe
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: Step 1: initialize JIT
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: Step 2: define type dictionary
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: Step 3: compile method builder
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: Step 4: invoke compiled code
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib( 0) = 0
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib( 1) = 1
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib( 2) = 1
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib( 3) = 2
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib( 4) = 3
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib( 5) = 5
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib( 6) = 8
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib( 7) = 13
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib( 8) = 21
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib( 9) = 34
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib(10) = 55
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib(11) = 89
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib(12) = 144
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib(13) = 233
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib(14) = 377
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib(15) = 610
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib(16) = 987
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib(17) = 1597
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib(18) = 2584
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: fib(19) = 4181
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: Step 5: shutdown JIT
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 4: PASS
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z]  4/24 Test  #4: iterfib_example_as_test ...........   Passed    0.04 sec
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] test 5
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z]       Start  5: nestedloop_example_as_test
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\nestedloop.exe
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: Step 1: initialize JIT
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: Step 2: define relevant types
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: Step 3: compile method builder
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: Step 4: invoke compiled code
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop( 0) = 0
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop( 1) = 1
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop( 2) = 64
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop( 3) = 729
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop( 4) = 4096
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop( 5) = 15625
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop( 6) = 46656
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop( 7) = 117649
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop( 8) = 262144
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop( 9) = 531441
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop(10) = 1000000
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop(11) = 1771561
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop(12) = 2985984
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop(13) = 4826809
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop(14) = 7529536
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop(15) = 11390625
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop(16) = 16777216
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop(17) = 24137569
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop(18) = 34012224
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: nested_loop(19) = 47045881
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: Step 5: shutdown JIT
09:43:52 [2024-06-19T13:43:52.724Z] 5: PASS
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z]  5/24 Test  #5: nestedloop_example_as_test ........   Passed    0.11 sec
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z] test 6
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z]       Start  6: pow2_example_as_test
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z] 
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z] 6: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\pow2.exe
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z] 6: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z] 6: Step 1: initialize JIT
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z] 6: Step 2: define relevant types
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z] 6: Step 3: compile method builder
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z] 6: Step 4: invoke compiled code
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z] 6: pow2(45) is 35184372088832
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z] 6: Step 5: shutdown JIT
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z] 6: PASS
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z]  6/24 Test  #6: pow2_example_as_test ..............   Passed    0.14 sec
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.114Z] test 7
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z]       Start  7: simple_example_as_test
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 7: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\simple.exe
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 7: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 7: Step 1: initialize JIT
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 7: Step 2: define type dictionary
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 7: Step 3: compile method builder
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 7: SimpleMethod::buildIL() running!
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 7: Step 4: invoke compiled code and print results
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 7: increment(0) == 1
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 7: increment(1) == 2
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 7: increment(10) == 11
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 7: increment(-15) == -14
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 7: Step 5: shutdown JIT
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z]  7/24 Test  #7: simple_example_as_test ............   Passed    0.02 sec
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] test 8
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z]       Start  8: worklist_example_as_test
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 8: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\worklist.exe
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 8: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 8: Step 1: initialize JIT
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 8: Step 2: define type dictionary
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 8: Step 3: compile method builder
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 8: WorklistMethod::buildIL() running!
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 8: step 4: invoke compiled code and print results
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 8: Step 5: shutdown JIT
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 8: Failed tests: 0
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 8: Passed tests: 20
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 8: ALL PASSED
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z]  8/24 Test  #8: worklist_example_as_test ..........   Passed    0.04 sec
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] test 9
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z]       Start  9: power_example_as_test
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 9: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\power.exe
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 9: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 9: Step 1: initialize JIT
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 9: Step 2: define relevant types
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 9: Step 3: compile method builder
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 9: Step 4: invoke compiled code
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 9: 2 power 5 is 32
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 9: 3 power 4 is 81
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 9: 2 power 10 is 1024
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 9: Step 5: shutdown JIT
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 9: PASS
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z]  9/24 Test  #9: power_example_as_test .............   Passed    0.03 sec
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] test 10
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z]       Start 10: algotest
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\omralgotest.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/algotest/omralgotest-results.xml" "-avltest:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/fvtest/algotest/avltest.lst"
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:PortSysinfoTest.sysinfo_test_get_tmp3:ThreadExtendedTest.TestOtherThreadCputime
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: [==========] Running 168 tests from 5 test cases.
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: [----------] 2 tests from OmrAlgoTest
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: Testing hookable interface...
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: Finished testing hookable interface.
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: Algorithm Test Finished
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: total tests: 59
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: total passes: 59
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: total failures: 0
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: ALL TESTS PASSED.
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: [----------] 2 tests from OmrAlgoTest (1 ms total)
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: 
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: [----------] 58 tests from OmrAlgoTest/AVLTest
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: [----------] 58 tests from OmrAlgoTest/AVLTest (2 ms total)
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: 
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: [----------] 24 tests from OmrAlgoTest/PoolTest
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: [----------] 24 tests from OmrAlgoTest/PoolTest (7 ms total)
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: 
09:43:53 [2024-06-19T13:43:53.115Z] 10: [----------] 14 tests from OmrAlgoTest/HashtableTest
09:43:57 [2024-06-19T13:43:57.333Z] 10: [----------] 14 tests from OmrAlgoTest/HashtableTest (4094 ms total)
09:43:57 [2024-06-19T13:43:57.333Z] 10: 
09:43:57 [2024-06-19T13:43:57.333Z] 10: [----------] 70 tests from OmrAlgoTest/CollisionResilientHashtableTest
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 10: [----------] 70 tests from OmrAlgoTest/CollisionResilientHashtableTest (13662 ms total)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 10: 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 10: [==========] 168 tests from 5 test cases ran. (17768 ms total)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 10: [  PASSED  ] 168 tests.
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 10: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 10/24 Test #10: algotest ..........................   Passed   17.83 sec
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] test 11
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z]       Start 11: TestBytes
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\TestBytes.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/coretest/TestBytes-results.xml"
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:PortSysinfoTest.sysinfo_test_get_tmp3:ThreadExtendedTest.TestOtherThreadCputime
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [==========] Running 17 tests from 1 test case.
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [----------] 17 tests from TestBytes
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.CompareZeroToZero
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.CompareZeroToZero (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.CompareOneUnitToBytes
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.CompareOneUnitToBytes (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.CompareOneUnitToSmallerUnit
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.CompareOneUnitToSmallerUnit (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.IsPow2
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.IsPow2 (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.AlignedUnsafe
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.AlignedUnsafe (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.Aligned
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.Aligned (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.AlignToZero
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.AlignToZero (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.AlignToOne
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.AlignToOne (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.AlignToTwo
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.AlignToTwo (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.AlignToFour
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.AlignToFour (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.AlignToEight
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.AlignToEight (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.SaneAlignmentMaximums
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.SaneAlignmentMaximums (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.AlignToMaximumAlignment
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.AlignToMaximumAlignment (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.TautologicalAlign
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.TautologicalAlign (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.AlignAndOverflow
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.AlignAndOverflow (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.AlignMaximumSizeFor16byteAlignment
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.AlignMaximumSizeFor16byteAlignment (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [ RUN      ] TestBytes.AlignPointers
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [       OK ] TestBytes.AlignPointers (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [----------] 17 tests from TestBytes (1 ms total)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [==========] 17 tests from 1 test case ran. (2 ms total)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [  PASSED  ] 17 tests.
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 11/24 Test #11: TestBytes .........................   Passed    0.02 sec
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] test 12
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z]       Start 12: TestIntrusiveList
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\TestIntrusiveList.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/coretest/TestIntrusiveList-results.xml"
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:PortSysinfoTest.sysinfo_test_get_tmp3:ThreadExtendedTest.TestOtherThreadCputime
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [==========] Running 10 tests from 1 test case.
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [----------] 10 tests from TestIntrusiveList
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [ RUN      ] TestIntrusiveList.Empty
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [       OK ] TestIntrusiveList.Empty (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [ RUN      ] TestIntrusiveList.ConvertIterToConstIter
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [       OK ] TestIntrusiveList.ConvertIterToConstIter (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [ RUN      ] TestIntrusiveList.AddOne
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [       OK ] TestIntrusiveList.AddOne (1 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [ RUN      ] TestIntrusiveList.IterateOne
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [       OK ] TestIntrusiveList.IterateOne (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [ RUN      ] TestIntrusiveList.IterateTwo
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [       OK ] TestIntrusiveList.IterateTwo (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [ RUN      ] TestIntrusiveList.AddThenRemoveOne
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [       OK ] TestIntrusiveList.AddThenRemoveOne (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [ RUN      ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveFirst
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [       OK ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveFirst (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [ RUN      ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveSecond
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [       OK ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveSecond (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [ RUN      ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveBoth
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [       OK ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveBoth (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [ RUN      ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveBothInReverse
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [       OK ] TestIntrusiveList.AddTwoThenRemoveBothInReverse (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [----------] 10 tests from TestIntrusiveList (1 ms total)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [==========] 10 tests from 1 test case ran. (1 ms total)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [  PASSED  ] 10 tests.
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 12/24 Test #12: TestIntrusiveList .................   Passed    0.01 sec
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] test 13
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z]       Start 13: TestTypeTraits
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\TestTypeTraits.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/coretest/TestTypeTraits-results.xml"
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:PortSysinfoTest.sysinfo_test_get_tmp3:ThreadExtendedTest.TestOtherThreadCputime
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [==========] Running 17 tests from 1 test case.
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [----------] 17 tests from TestTypeTraits
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.IntegralConst
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.IntegralConst (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.BooleanConstant
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.BooleanConstant (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.IsSame
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsSame (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.TypeAlias
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.TypeAlias (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveConst
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveConst (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveVolatile
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveVolatile (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveCv
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveCv (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveReference
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveReference (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveCvRef
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.RemoveCvRef (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.RemovePointer
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.RemovePointer (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.IsReference
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsReference (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.IsPointer
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsPointer (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.IsVoid
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsVoid (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.IsIntegral
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsIntegral (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.IsFloatingPoint
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsFloatingPoint (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.IsArithmetic
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.IsArithmetic (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [ RUN      ] TestTypeTraits.EnableIf
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [       OK ] TestTypeTraits.EnableIf (0 ms)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [----------] 17 tests from TestTypeTraits (1 ms total)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [==========] 17 tests from 1 test case ran. (1 ms total)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [  PASSED  ] 17 tests.
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 13/24 Test #13: TestTypeTraits ....................   Passed    0.01 sec
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] test 14
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z]       Start 14: porttest
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 14: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\omrporttest.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/porttest/omrporttest-results.xml"
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 14: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 14: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:PortSysinfoTest.sysinfo_test_get_tmp3:ThreadExtendedTest.TestOtherThreadCputime
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 14: [==========] Running 213 tests from 19 test cases.
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 14: [----------] 1 test from PortInitializationTest
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 14: [----------] 1 test from PortInitializationTest (0 ms total)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 14: 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 14: [----------] 2 tests from PortFileTest
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 14: [----------] 2 tests from PortFileTest (8 ms total)
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 14: 
09:44:11 [2024-06-19T13:44:11.287Z] 14: [----------] 8 tests from PortHeapTest
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.130Z] 14: [----------] 8 tests from PortHeapTest (1215 ms total)
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.130Z] 14: 
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.130Z] 14: [----------] 8 tests from PortTest
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.130Z] 14: [----------] 8 tests from PortTest (2 ms total)
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.130Z] 14: 
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.130Z] 14: [----------] 11 tests from PortMemTest
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.520Z] 14: [----------] 11 tests from PortMemTest (75 ms total)
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.520Z] 14: 
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.520Z] 14: [----------] 1 test from PortDumpTest
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.520Z] 14: [----------] 1 test from PortDumpTest (0 ms total)
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.520Z] 14: 
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.520Z] 14: [----------] 4 tests from PortErrorTest
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.520Z] 14: [----------] 4 tests from PortErrorTest (1 ms total)
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.520Z] 14: 
09:44:12 [2024-06-19T13:44:12.520Z] 14: [----------] 39 tests from PortFileTest2
09:44:24 [2024-06-19T13:44:24.114Z] 14: $
09:44:24 [2024-06-19T13:44:24.114Z] 14: �
09:44:24 [2024-06-19T13:44:24.114Z] 14: ?
09:44:24 [2024-06-19T13:44:24.114Z] 14: ??****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************?
09:44:24 [2024-06-19T13:44:24.114Z] 14: [----------] 39 tests from PortFileTest2 (10458 ms total)
09:44:24 [2024-06-19T13:44:24.114Z] 14: 
09:44:24 [2024-06-19T13:44:24.114Z] 14: [----------] 15 tests from PortFileStreamTest
09:44:24 [2024-06-19T13:44:24.114Z] 14: [----------] 15 tests from PortFileStreamTest (23 ms total)
09:44:24 [2024-06-19T13:44:24.114Z] 14: 
09:44:24 [2024-06-19T13:44:24.114Z] 14: [----------] 1 test from PortIntrospectTest
09:44:24 [2024-06-19T13:44:24.114Z] 14: [----------] 1 test from PortIntrospectTest (0 ms total)
09:44:24 [2024-06-19T13:44:24.114Z] 14: 
09:44:24 [2024-06-19T13:44:24.114Z] 14: [----------] 15 tests from PortMmapTest
09:44:26 [2024-06-19T13:44:26.021Z] 14: [----------] 15 tests from PortMmapTest (3063 ms total)
09:44:26 [2024-06-19T13:44:26.021Z] 14: 
09:44:26 [2024-06-19T13:44:26.021Z] 14: [----------] 9 tests from PortSigTest
09:44:26 [2024-06-19T13:44:26.021Z] 14: [----------] 9 tests from PortSigTest (0 ms total)
09:44:26 [2024-06-19T13:44:26.021Z] 14: 
09:44:26 [2024-06-19T13:44:26.021Z] 14: [----------] 3 tests from PortSlTest
09:44:26 [2024-06-19T13:44:26.021Z] 14: [----------] 3 tests from PortSlTest (3 ms total)
09:44:26 [2024-06-19T13:44:26.021Z] 14: 
09:44:26 [2024-06-19T13:44:26.021Z] 14: [----------] 21 tests from PortStrTest
09:44:26 [2024-06-19T13:44:26.021Z] 14: [----------] 21 tests from PortStrTest (4 ms total)
09:44:26 [2024-06-19T13:44:26.021Z] 14: 
09:44:26 [2024-06-19T13:44:26.021Z] 14: [----------] 6 tests from PortTimeTest
09:44:27 [2024-06-19T13:44:27.349Z] 14: Test is invalid since the host machine reports more than one CPU (time may differ across CPUs - makes test results useless - re-enable if we develop thread affinity support)
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.114Z] 14: [----------] 6 tests from PortTimeTest (17137 ms total)
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.114Z] 14: 
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.114Z] 14: [----------] 9 tests from PortTtyTest
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.114Z] 14:   Captured test output: pre-daemonize
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.114Z] 14: 
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.114Z] 14: TTY printf, check check 1 2 3 check ...
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.114Z] 14: New line
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.114Z] 14: [----------] 9 tests from PortTtyTest (0 ms total)
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.114Z] 14: 
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.114Z] 14: [----------] 19 tests from PortVmemTest
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.114Z] 14: 		Double map API not available. Skipping test...
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.114Z] 14: 			Double map API not available. Skipping test...
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.114Z] 14: 				NUMA not available
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.943Z] 14: [----------] 19 tests from PortVmemTest (1771 ms total)
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.943Z] 14: 
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.943Z] 14: [----------] 33 tests from PortSysinfoTest
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.943Z] 14: 			omrsysinfo_get_groupname returns -1.
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.943Z] 14: 			If this is a supported platform, consider this as a failure
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.943Z] 14: 			omrsysinfo_get_load_average returns -1.
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.943Z] 14: 			If this is a supported platform, consider this as a failure
09:44:44 [2024-06-19T13:44:44.943Z] 14: 				This platform does not support the limit iterator
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14: timeout: invalid time interval '/t'
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14: Try 'timeout --help' for more information.
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14: [----------] 33 tests from PortSysinfoTest (10022 ms total)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14: [----------] 8 tests from CgroupTest
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14: [----------] 8 tests from CgroupTest (1 ms total)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14: [==========] 213 tests from 19 test cases ran. (43793 ms total)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14: [  PASSED  ] 213 tests.
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14:   YOU HAVE 3 DISABLED TESTS
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14: Some textSome text
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 14/24 Test #14: porttest ..........................   Passed   43.84 sec
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] test 15
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z]       Start 15: rastest
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\omrrastest.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/rastest/omrrastest-results.xml"
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:PortSysinfoTest.sysinfo_test_get_tmp3:ThreadExtendedTest.TestOtherThreadCputime
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: [==========] Running 38 tests from 11 test cases.
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: [----------] 3 tests from RASAgentNegativeTest
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: [----------] 3 tests from RASAgentNegativeTest (7 ms total)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: [----------] 2 tests from RASAgentTest
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: [----------] 2 tests from RASAgentTest (0 ms total)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: [----------] 1 test from RASMemoryCategoriesTest
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: Negative path: get categories with an undersized buffer
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15:    written_count=14, total_categories=15
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: RUNTIME 24128 bytes / 30 allocations (Shallow: 0 bytes / 0 allocations)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15:    VM 24128 bytes / 30 allocations (Shallow: 976 bytes / 7 allocations)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15:       Threads 19776 bytes / 8 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15:       Port Library 2976 bytes / 13 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15:       OMRTI 400 bytes / 2 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: Positive path: get and validate categories
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15:    written_count=15, total_categories=15
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.536Z] 15: RUNTIME 24128 bytes / 30 allocations (Shallow: 0 bytes / 0 allocations)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:    VM 24128 bytes / 30 allocations (Shallow: 976 bytes / 7 allocations)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       Threads 19776 bytes / 8 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       Port Library 2976 bytes / 13 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       OMRTI 400 bytes / 2 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: Positive path: get and validate categories and total_categories is null
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:    written_count=15
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: RUNTIME 24128 bytes / 30 allocations (Shallow: 0 bytes / 0 allocations)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:    VM 24128 bytes / 30 allocations (Shallow: 976 bytes / 7 allocations)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       Threads 19776 bytes / 8 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       Port Library 2976 bytes / 13 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       OMRTI 400 bytes / 2 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: Positive path: get and validate categories with oversized max_categories and oversized buffer
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:    written_count=15, total_categories=15
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: RUNTIME 24192 bytes / 30 allocations (Shallow: 0 bytes / 0 allocations)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:    VM 24192 bytes / 30 allocations (Shallow: 976 bytes / 7 allocations)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       Threads 19776 bytes / 8 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       Port Library 3040 bytes / 13 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       OMRTI 400 bytes / 2 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: Positive path: get and validate categories with oversized buffer and total_categories is null
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:    written_count=15, total_categories=15
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: RUNTIME 24192 bytes / 30 allocations (Shallow: 0 bytes / 0 allocations)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:    VM 24192 bytes / 30 allocations (Shallow: 976 bytes / 7 allocations)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       Threads 19776 bytes / 8 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       Port Library 3040 bytes / 13 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       OMRTI 400 bytes / 2 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: Positive path: get and validate categories with oversized max_categories, oversized buffer and total_categories is null
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:    written_count=15 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: RUNTIME 24192 bytes / 30 allocations (Shallow: 0 bytes / 0 allocations)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:    VM 24192 bytes / 30 allocations (Shallow: 976 bytes / 7 allocations)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       Threads 19776 bytes / 8 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       Port Library 3040 bytes / 13 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:       OMRTI 400 bytes / 2 allocations
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 1 test from RASMemoryCategoriesTest (1 ms total)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 5 tests from RASMethodDictionaryTest
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 5 tests from RASMethodDictionaryTest (0 ms total)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 9 tests from TraceLifecycleTest
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 9 tests from TraceLifecycleTest (151 ms total)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 1 test from TraceLogTest
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 1 test from TraceLogTest (34 ms total)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 1 test from RASTraceTest
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: omr_trc_startup: failed to set trace options, rc=9
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: omr_trc_startup error, rc=9
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: c:\omr\workspace\build-win_x86-64\build\fvtest\rastest\traceagent.c:262 Free physical memory size (in bytes): 15114022912, rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: c:\omr\workspace\build-win_x86-64\build\fvtest\rastest\traceagent.c:272 Process virtual memory size (in bytes): 1400832, rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: c:\omr\workspace\build-win_x86-64\build\fvtest\rastest\traceagent.c:281 Process physical memory size (in bytes): 6561792, rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: c:\omr\workspace\build-win_x86-64\build\fvtest\rastest\traceagent.c:292 Process private memory size (in bytes): 4620288, rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15:    traceMetaLength=252
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=000001DB5AF6CE80
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=000001DB5AF6CE80
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=000001DB5AFD3DE0
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=000001DB5AFD3DE0
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 1 test from RASTraceTest (481 ms total)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 6 tests from InvalidAgentOpts/RASAgentNegativeTest
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 6 tests from InvalidAgentOpts/RASAgentNegativeTest (4 ms total)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 6 tests from TraceNotStartedAgentOpts/RASAgentTest
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="(null)")
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x000001DB5AFD34E0
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: SetTraceOptions: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: GetTraceMetadata: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: RegisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: FlushTraceData: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: DeregisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 9
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnUnload
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="(null)")
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x000001DB5AFD31E0
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: SetTraceOptions: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: GetTraceMetadata: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: RegisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: FlushTraceData: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: DeregisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 9
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnUnload
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="abc")
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x000001DB5AFD36E0
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: SetTraceOptions: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: GetTraceMetadata: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: RegisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: FlushTraceData: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: DeregisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 9
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnUnload
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="(null)")
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x000001DB5AFD3DE0
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: SetTraceOptions: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: GetTraceMetadata: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: RegisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: FlushTraceData: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: DeregisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 9
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnUnload
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="(null)")
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x000001DB5AFD35E0
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: SetTraceOptions: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: GetTraceMetadata: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: RegisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: FlushTraceData: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: DeregisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 9
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnUnload
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="abc")
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x000001DB5AFD39E0
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: SetTraceOptions: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: GetTraceMetadata: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: RegisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: FlushTraceData: rc = 10
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: DeregisterRecordSubscriber: rc = 9
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: traceNotStartedAgent: Agent_OnUnload
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 6 tests from TraceNotStartedAgentOpts/RASAgentTest (3 ms total)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 2 tests from CpuLoadAgentOpts/RASAgentTest
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: cpuLoadAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="<NULL>")
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: cpuLoadAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x000001DB5AFD34E0
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: Test GetProcessCpuLoad()
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 1: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 2: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 3: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.242951
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 4: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.170053
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 5: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.311138
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 7: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 10: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.656742
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 11: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 12: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 13: rc = 11 (OMR_THREAD_NOT_ATTACHED), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: cpuLoadAgent: GetProcessCpuLoad() passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: Test GetSystemCpuLoad()
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 1: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 2: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 3: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.249027
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 4: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.165228
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 5: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.333458
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 7: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 10: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.668129
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 11: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 12: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 13: rc = 11 (OMR_THREAD_NOT_ATTACHED), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: cpuLoadAgent: GetSystemCpuLoad() passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: cpuLoadAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: cpuLoadAgent: Agent_OnUnload
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: cpuLoadAgent: Agent_OnLoad(options="<NULL>")
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: cpuLoadAgent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=0x000001DB5AFD3BE0
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: Test GetProcessCpuLoad()
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 1: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 2: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 3: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.245219
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 4: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.327171
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 5: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 0.164435
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 7: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 10: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! Process CPU load: 1.000000
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 11: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 12: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 13: rc = 11 (OMR_THREAD_NOT_ATTACHED), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: cpuLoadAgent: GetProcessCpuLoad() passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: Test GetSystemCpuLoad()
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 1: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 2: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 3: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.325904
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 4: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.164532
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 5: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.494661
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 7: rc = 13 (OMR_ERROR_RETRY), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 10: rc = 0 (OMR_ERROR_NONE), the function call is successful ! system CPU load: 0.657198
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 11: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 12: rc = 10 (OMR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: callIndex: 13: rc = 11 (OMR_THREAD_NOT_ATTACHED), the function call is successful !
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: cpuLoadAgent: GetSystemCpuLoad() passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: cpuLoadAgent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: cpuLoadAgent: Agent_OnUnload
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 2 tests from CpuLoadAgentOpts/RASAgentTest (1148 ms total)
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: 
09:44:56 [2024-06-19T13:44:56.537Z] 15: [----------] 2 tests from BindThreadAgentOpts/RASAgentTest
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=000001DB5AFD32E0
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=000001DB5AFD32E0
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=000001DB5AFD38E0
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=000001DB5AFD38E0
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=000001DB5AFD37E0
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=000001DB5AFD37E0
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread=000001DB5AFD3DE0
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: recursive BindCurrentThread passed, vmThread2=000001DB5AFD3DE0
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: recursive UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: bindthreadagent: UnbindCurrentThread passed
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: [----------] 2 tests from BindThreadAgentOpts/RASAgentTest (406 ms total)
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: [==========] 38 tests from 11 test cases ran. (2239 ms total)
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: [  PASSED  ] 38 tests.
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15:   YOU HAVE 2 DISABLED TESTS
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15: 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 15/24 Test #15: rastest ...........................   Passed    2.26 sec
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] test 16
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z]       Start 16: subscribertest
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 16: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\omrsubscribertest.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/rastest/omrsubscribertest-results.xml"
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 16: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 16: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:PortSysinfoTest.sysinfo_test_get_tmp3:ThreadExtendedTest.TestOtherThreadCputime
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 16: [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 16: [----------] 1 test from RASSubscriberTest
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 16: [----------] 1 test from RASSubscriberTest (11 ms total)
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 16: 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 16: [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (12 ms total)
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 16: [  PASSED  ] 1 test.
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 16: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 16/24 Test #16: subscribertest ....................   Passed    0.03 sec
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] test 17
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z]       Start 17: traceoptiontest
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 17: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\omrtraceoptiontest.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/rastest/omrtraceoptiontest-results.xml"
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 17: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 17: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:PortSysinfoTest.sysinfo_test_get_tmp3:ThreadExtendedTest.TestOtherThreadCputime
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 17: [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 17: [----------] 1 test from RASTraceOptionTest
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 17: [----------] 1 test from RASTraceOptionTest (11 ms total)
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 17: 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 17: [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (13 ms total)
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 17: [  PASSED  ] 1 test.
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 17: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 17/24 Test #17: traceoptiontest ...................   Passed    0.03 sec
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] test 18
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z]       Start 18: sigtest
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 18: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\omrsigtest.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/sigtest/omrsigtest-results.xml"
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 18: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 18: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:PortSysinfoTest.sysinfo_test_get_tmp3:ThreadExtendedTest.TestOtherThreadCputime
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 18: [==========] Running 4 tests from 1 test case.
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 18: [----------] 4 tests from OmrSigTest
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 18: [----------] 4 tests from OmrSigTest (0 ms total)
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 18: 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 18: [==========] 4 tests from 1 test case ran. (2 ms total)
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 18: [  PASSED  ] 4 tests.
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 18: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 18/24 Test #18: sigtest ...........................   Passed    0.02 sec
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] test 19
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z]       Start 19: threadextendedtest
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 19: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\omrthreadextendedtest.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/threadextendedtest/omrthreadextendedtest-results.xml"
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 19: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 19: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:PortSysinfoTest.sysinfo_test_get_tmp3:ThreadExtendedTest.TestOtherThreadCputime
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 19: [==========] Running 5 tests from 4 test cases.
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.364Z] 19: [----------] 2 tests from ThreadCpuTime
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.755Z] 19: [----------] 2 tests from ThreadCpuTime (340 ms total)
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.755Z] 19: 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.755Z] 19: [----------] 1 test from CpuTimeTest
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.755Z] 19: [----------] 1 test from CpuTimeTest (7 ms total)
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.755Z] 19: 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.755Z] 19: [----------] 1 test from ApplicationCpuTimeTest
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.755Z] 19: [----------] 1 test from ApplicationCpuTimeTest (7 ms total)
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.755Z] 19: 
09:44:57 [2024-06-19T13:44:57.755Z] 19: [----------] 1 test from ThreadExtendedTest
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 19: [----------] 1 test from ThreadExtendedTest (1486 ms total)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 19: 
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 19: [==========] 5 tests from 4 test cases ran. (1842 ms total)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 19: [  PASSED  ] 5 tests.
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 19: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 19: 
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 19:   YOU HAVE 1 DISABLED TEST
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 19: 
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 19/24 Test #19: threadextendedtest ................   Passed    1.86 sec
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] test 20
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z]       Start 20: threadtest
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 20: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\omrthreadtest.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/threadtest/omrthreadtest-results.xml"
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 20: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 20: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:PortSysinfoTest.sysinfo_test_get_tmp3:ThreadExtendedTest.TestOtherThreadCputime
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 20: [==========] Running 68 tests from 9 test cases.
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 20: [----------] 1 test from ThreadAbortDeathTest
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 20: [----------] 1 test from ThreadAbortDeathTest (14 ms total)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 20: 
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.083Z] 20: [----------] 3 tests from ThreadAbortTest
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: [----------] 3 tests from ThreadAbortTest (997 ms total)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: 
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: [----------] 13 tests from ThreadCreateTest
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: omrthread_attr_destroy(NULL) failed: retVal 14 (e)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: omrthread_attr_destroy(&attr) failed: retVal 14 (e)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: omrthread_attr_set_name(&attr, testname) unsupported: retVal 12 (c)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: omrthread_attr_set_name(&attr, testname2) unsupported: retVal 12 (c)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: omrthread_attr_set_name(&attr, NULL) unsupported: retVal 12 (c)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: omrthread_attr_set_schedpolicy(&attr, J9THREAD_SCHEDPOLICY_RR) failed: retVal 13 (d)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: omrthread_attr_set_schedpolicy(&attr, J9THREAD_SCHEDPOLICY_FIFO) failed: retVal 13 (d)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: omrthread_attr_set_schedpolicy(&attr, omrthread_schedpolicy_LastEnum) failed: retVal 15 (f)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: omrthread_attr_set_priority(&attr, -1) failed: retVal 15 (f)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: omrthread_attr_set_priority(&attr, 90) failed: retVal 15 (f)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: omrthread_attr_set_priority(&attr, 12) failed: retVal 15 (f)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: [----------] 13 tests from ThreadCreateTest (7 ms total)
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: 
09:44:59 [2024-06-19T13:44:59.911Z] 20: [----------] 8 tests from JoinTest
09:45:06 [2024-06-19T13:45:06.395Z] 20: [----------] 8 tests from JoinTest (5994 ms total)
09:45:06 [2024-06-19T13:45:06.395Z] 20: 
09:45:06 [2024-06-19T13:45:06.395Z] 20: [----------] 1 test from KeyDestructorTest
09:45:06 [2024-06-19T13:45:06.395Z] 20: [----------] 1 test from KeyDestructorTest (0 ms total)
09:45:06 [2024-06-19T13:45:06.395Z] 20: 
09:45:06 [2024-06-19T13:45:06.395Z] 20: [----------] 5 tests from LockedMonitorCountTest
09:45:06 [2024-06-19T13:45:06.395Z] 20: [----------] 5 tests from LockedMonitorCountTest (15 ms total)
09:45:06 [2024-06-19T13:45:06.395Z] 20: 
09:45:06 [2024-06-19T13:45:06.395Z] 20: [----------] 12 tests from PriorityInterrupt
09:45:07 [2024-06-19T13:45:07.224Z] 20: [----------] 12 tests from PriorityInterrupt (1171 ms total)
09:45:07 [2024-06-19T13:45:07.224Z] 20: 
09:45:07 [2024-06-19T13:45:07.224Z] 20: [----------] 18 tests from RWMutex
09:45:27 [2024-06-19T13:45:27.364Z] 20: [----------] 18 tests from RWMutex (20173 ms total)
09:45:27 [2024-06-19T13:45:27.364Z] 20: 
09:45:27 [2024-06-19T13:45:27.364Z] 20: [----------] 7 tests from SanityTest
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 20: [----------] 7 tests from SanityTest (49484 ms total)
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 20: 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 20: [==========] 68 tests from 9 test cases ran. (77856 ms total)
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 20: [  PASSED  ] 68 tests.
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 20: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 20: 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 20:   YOU HAVE 1 DISABLED TEST
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 20: 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 20/24 Test #20: threadtest ........................   Passed   77.88 sec
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] test 21
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z]       Start 21: threadSetAttrThreadWeightTest
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 21: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\omrthreadtest.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/threadtest/omrthreadtest-results.xml" "--gtest_also_run_disabled_tests" "--gtest_filter=ThreadCreateTest.DISABLED_SetAttrThreadWeight"
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 21: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 21: Note: Google Test filter = ThreadCreateTest.DISABLED_SetAttrThreadWeight
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 21: [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 21: [----------] 1 test from ThreadCreateTest
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 21: [----------] 1 test from ThreadCreateTest (1 ms total)
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 21: 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 21: [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (2 ms total)
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 21: [  PASSED  ] 1 test.
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 21: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 21/24 Test #21: threadSetAttrThreadWeightTest .....   Passed    0.02 sec
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] test 22
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z]       Start 22: utiltest
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 22: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\omrutiltest.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/utiltest/omrutiltest-results.xml"
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 22: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 22: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:PortSysinfoTest.sysinfo_test_get_tmp3:ThreadExtendedTest.TestOtherThreadCputime
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 22: [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 22: [----------] 1 test from UtilTest
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 22: VM Directory: 'C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug'
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 22: Mangled VM Directory: 'C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\abc'
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 22: [----------] 1 test from UtilTest (0 ms total)
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 22: 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 22: [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (1 ms total)
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 22: [  PASSED  ] 1 test.
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 22: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 22/24 Test #22: utiltest ..........................   Passed    0.01 sec
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] test 23
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z]       Start 23: vmtest
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 23: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\omrvmtest.exe "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/vmtest/omrvmtest-results.xml"
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 23: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 23: Note: Google Test filter = -*dump_test_create_dump_*:*NumaSetAffinity:*NumaSetAffinitySuspended:PortSysinfoTest.sysinfo_test_get_tmp3:ThreadExtendedTest.TestOtherThreadCputime
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 23: [==========] Running 0 tests from 0 test cases.
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 23: [==========] 0 tests from 0 test cases ran. (1 ms total)
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 23: [  PASSED  ] 0 tests.
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 23: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 23/24 Test #23: vmtest ............................   Passed    0.01 sec
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] test 24
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z]       Start 24: gctest
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.411Z] 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 24: Test command: C:\omr\workspace\Build-win_x86-64\Build\build\Debug\omrgctest.exe "--gtest_filter=gcFunctionalTest*" "--gtest_output=xml:C:/omr/workspace/Build-win_x86-64/Build/build/fvtest/gctest/omrgctest-results.xml"
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 24: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 24: Note: Google Test filter = gcFunctionalTest*
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 24: [==========] Running 8 tests from 1 test case.
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 24: [----------] 8 tests from gcFunctionalTest/GCConfigTest
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 24: [----------] 8 tests from gcFunctionalTest/GCConfigTest (1903 ms total)
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 24: 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 24: [==========] 8 tests from 1 test case ran. (1903 ms total)
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 24: [  PASSED  ] 8 tests.
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 24: [  ALL TESTS PASSED  ] 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 24/24 Test #24: gctest ............................   Passed    1.92 sec
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 24
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] 
09:46:26 [2024-06-19T13:46:26.412Z] Total Test time (real) = 146.28 sec