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Console Output

12:49:10 [2024-04-03T16:49:10.116Z] The recommended git tool is: git
12:49:10 [2024-04-03T16:49:10.535Z] No credentials specified
12:49:10 [2024-04-03T16:49:10.750Z] Cloning the remote Git repository
12:49:10 [2024-04-03T16:49:10.950Z] Honoring refspec on initial clone
12:49:11 [2024-04-03T16:49:11.084Z] Cloning repository
12:49:11 [2024-04-03T16:49:11.084Z]  > git init /Users/omr/workspace/Build # timeout=10
12:49:11 [2024-04-03T16:49:11.114Z] [WARNING] Reference path does not exist: /Users/omr/gitcache
12:49:11 [2024-04-03T16:49:11.114Z] Fetching upstream changes from
12:49:11 [2024-04-03T16:49:11.114Z]  > git --version # timeout=10
12:49:11 [2024-04-03T16:49:11.124Z]  > git --version # 'git version 2.38.1'
12:49:11 [2024-04-03T16:49:11.124Z]  > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=30
12:49:55 [2024-04-03T16:49:55.044Z] Avoid second fetch
12:49:55 [2024-04-03T16:49:55.309Z] Checking out Revision e9f1832822827edb08250785aeb4e321dbc41782 (refs/remotes/origin/master)
12:49:56 [2024-04-03T16:49:56.094Z] Commit message: "Merge pull request #7299 from 0xdaryl/contrib"
12:49:54 [2024-04-03T16:49:54.680Z]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
12:49:54 [2024-04-03T16:49:54.685Z]  > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
12:49:55 [2024-04-03T16:49:55.186Z]  > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
12:49:55 [2024-04-03T16:49:55.407Z]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
12:49:55 [2024-04-03T16:49:55.425Z]  > git checkout -f e9f1832822827edb08250785aeb4e321dbc41782 # timeout=10
12:49:56 [2024-04-03T16:49:56.211Z]  > git rev-list --no-walk 974bec3a2f5fb96d6db9914b71e86e4cc3f2c0ed # timeout=10