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Started 1 yr 4 mo ago
Took 4.1 sec on basic-nf46q

#72 (Jan 4, 2023, 10:37:21 AM)

  1. udpate to new beta version (commit: 48ed607) (details)
  2. Update jakarta tck module (commit: 98ee63d) (details)
  3. update inject import (commit: b09aee8) (details)
Changes in dependency
  1. communication-core #71#72 (detail)
  2. mapping-tck-test #71#72 (detail)
  3. mapping-tck-entities #71#72 (detail)
  4. mapping-key-value #71#72 (detail)
  5. communication-query #71#72 (detail)
  6. mapping-core #71#72 (detail)
  7. communication-key-value #71#72 (detail)