Class SelectionLayer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILayer, ILayerListener, IUniqueIndexLayer, IPersistable

public class SelectionLayer extends AbstractIndexLayerTransform
Enables selection of column, rows, cells etc. on the table. Also responds to UI bindings by changing the current selection. Internally it uses the ISelectionModel to track the selection state.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • MOVE_ALL

      public static final int MOVE_ALL
      See Also:

      public static final int NO_SELECTION
      See Also:
    • selectionModel

      protected ISelectionModel selectionModel
    • underlyingLayer

      protected IUniqueIndexLayer underlyingLayer
    • lastSelectedCell

      protected final PositionCoordinate lastSelectedCell
    • selectionAnchor

      protected final PositionCoordinate selectionAnchor
    • lastSelectedRegion

      protected lastSelectedRegion
    • fillHandleRegion

      protected fillHandleRegion
      The region selected via fill handle to extend the current selection for triggering a fill action. Can be null.
    • bottomRightInSelection

      protected PositionCoordinate bottomRightInSelection
      The bottom right cell in a contiguous selection or null if there is no selection or the selection is not contiguous. Needed to identify the cell on which the fill handle should be rendered.
    • selectRowCommandHandler

      protected SelectRowCommandHandler selectRowCommandHandler
    • selectCellCommandHandler

      protected SelectCellCommandHandler selectCellCommandHandler
    • selectColumnCommandHandler

      protected SelectColumnCommandHandler selectColumnCommandHandler
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getSelectionModel

      public ISelectionModel getSelectionModel()
    • setSelectionModel

      public void setSelectionModel(ISelectionModel selectionModel)
    • addSelection

      public void addSelection( selection)
    • clear

      public void clear()
    • clear

      public void clear(boolean fireSelectionEvent)
    • clearSelection

      public void clearSelection(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
    • clearSelection

      public void clearSelection( selection)
    • selectAll

      public void selectAll()
    • isCellPositionSelected

      public boolean isCellPositionSelected(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
    • setSelectedCell

      public void setSelectedCell(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
    • getCellPositionToMoveFrom

      protected PositionCoordinate getCellPositionToMoveFrom(boolean withShiftMask, boolean withControlMask)
      When extending a selected area via modifier keys, we need to move from the last selected cell. If we are not extending a selection we need to move from the selection anchor.
      withShiftMask - true if the shift mask is active, false if not.
      withControlMask - true if the shift mask is active, false if not.
      The cell position coordinate related to this SelectionLayer, from where to move from.
    • getSelectedCellPositions

      public PositionCoordinate[] getSelectedCellPositions()
    • getSelectedCells

      public Collection<ILayerCell> getSelectedCells()
      Retrieves the ILayerCells out of the SelectionLayer that are currently marked as selected in the SelectionModel. Takes spanning into account.
      The selected ILayerCells
    • selectCell

      public void selectCell(int columnPosition, int rowPosition, boolean withShiftMask, boolean withControlMask)
      Calculates the selected cells - taking into account Shift and Ctrl key presses.
    • selectRegion

      public void selectRegion(int startColumnPosition, int startRowPosition, int regionWidth, int regionHeight)
    • setLastSelectedRegion

      protected void setLastSelectedRegion( region)
    • setLastSelectedRegion

      protected void setLastSelectedRegion(int startColumnPosition, int startRowPosition, int regionWidth, int regionHeight)
    • getSelectionAnchor

      public PositionCoordinate getSelectionAnchor()
    • moveSelectionAnchor

      public void moveSelectionAnchor(int startColumnPositionInRegion, int startRowPosition)
    • getLastSelectedCellPosition

      public PositionCoordinate getLastSelectedCellPosition()
    • allCellsSelectedInRegion

      public boolean allCellsSelectedInRegion( region)
      Test if all cells in a given region are selected.
      region - The region that should be checked.
      true if all cells in a region are selected, false if at least one cell in the region is not selected.
    • setLastSelectedCell

      public void setLastSelectedCell(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
    • getLastSelectedRegion

      public getLastSelectedRegion()
    • hasColumnSelection

      public boolean hasColumnSelection()
    • getSelectedColumnPositions

      public int[] getSelectedColumnPositions()
    • isColumnPositionSelected

      public boolean isColumnPositionSelected(int columnPosition)
    • getFullySelectedColumnPositions

      public int[] getFullySelectedColumnPositions()
    • isColumnPositionFullySelected

      public boolean isColumnPositionFullySelected(int columnPosition)
    • selectColumn

      public void selectColumn(int columnPosition, int rowPosition, boolean withShiftMask, boolean withControlMask)
    • hasRowSelection

      public boolean hasRowSelection()
    • getSelectedRowCount

      public int getSelectedRowCount()
    • getSelectedRowPositions

      public Set<Range> getSelectedRowPositions()
    • isRowPositionSelected

      public boolean isRowPositionSelected(int rowPosition)
    • getFullySelectedRowPositions

      public int[] getFullySelectedRowPositions()
    • isRowPositionFullySelected

      public boolean isRowPositionFullySelected(int rowPosition)
    • selectRow

      public void selectRow(int columnPosition, int rowPosition, boolean withShiftMask, boolean withControlMask)
    • getDisplayModeByPosition

      public DisplayMode getDisplayModeByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the active DisplayMode for the cell at the given coordinates. Needed to retrieve the corresponding configurations out of the IConfigRegistry. The default value is DisplayMode.NORMAL. The SelectionLayer for example overrides this to return DisplayMode.SELECT for cells that are currently selected.
      Specified by:
      getDisplayModeByPosition in interface ILayer
      getDisplayModeByPosition in class AbstractIndexLayerTransform
      columnPosition - The column position of the cell.
      rowPosition - The row position of the cell.
      DisplayMode for the cell at the given coordinates.
    • getConfigLabelsByPosition

      public LabelStack getConfigLabelsByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the config labels for the cell at the given coordinates. Needed to retrieve the corresponding configurations out of the IConfigRegistry.
      Specified by:
      getConfigLabelsByPosition in interface ILayer
      getConfigLabelsByPosition in class AbstractIndexLayerTransform
      columnPosition - The column position of the cell.
      rowPosition - The row position of the cell.
      The LabelStack with the config labels for the cell at the given coordinates.
    • registerCommandHandlers

      protected void registerCommandHandlers()
      Description copied from class: AbstractLayer
      Layers should use this method to register their command handlers and call it from their constructor. This allows easy overriding if required of command handlers
      registerCommandHandlers in class AbstractLayer
    • doCommand

      public boolean doCommand(ILayerCommand command)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Opportunity to respond to a command as it flows down the stack. If the layer is not interested in the command it should allow the command to keep traveling down the stack.

      Note: Before the layer can process a command it must convert the command to its local coordinates using ILayerCommand.convertToTargetLayer(ILayer)

      Specified by:
      doCommand in interface ILayer
      doCommand in class AbstractIndexLayerTransform
      command - The command to execute.
      true if the command has been handled and was therefore consumed, false otherwise.
    • fireCellSelectionEvent

      public void fireCellSelectionEvent(int columnPosition, int rowPosition, boolean forcingEntireCellIntoViewport, boolean withShiftMask, boolean withControlMask)
    • handleColumnHideCommand

      protected boolean handleColumnHideCommand(ColumnHideCommand command)
      Will check if there are fully selected column positions. If there is at least one fully selected column position, the ColumnHideCommand will be consumed and a MultiColumnHideCommand will be created and executed further down the layer stack, that contains all fully selected column positions. Otherwise the given command will be executed further.
      This is necessary because neither the ColumnHideShowLayer nor the action that caused the execution of the ColumnHideCommand is aware of the presence of the SelectionLayer. Without this transformation, only the column on which the action was called will be hidden instead of all selected ones.
      command - The ColumnHideCommand to process
      true if the command has been handled, false otherwise
    • handleMultiColumnHideCommand

      protected boolean handleMultiColumnHideCommand(MultiColumnHideCommand command)
      Previous to processing the given MultiColumnHideCommand down the layer stack, the fully selected column positions selection state will be cleared. This is necessary so the selection also disappears for the selected columns. Otherwise after hiding the selection will be showed for different columns.
      command - The MultiColumnHideCommand to process
      true if the command has been handled, false otherwise
    • handleRowHideCommand

      protected boolean handleRowHideCommand(RowHideCommand command)
      Will check if there are fully selected row positions. If there is at least one fully selected row position, the RowHideCommand will be consumed and a MultiRowHideCommand will be created and executed further down the layer stack, that contains all fully selected row positions. Otherwise the given command will be executed further.
      This is necessary because neither the RowHideShowLayer nor the action that caused the execution of the RowHideCommand is aware of the presence of the SelectionLayer. Without this transformation, only the row on which the action was called will be hidden instead of all selected ones.
      command - The RowHideCommand to process
      true if the command has been handled, false otherwise
    • handleMultiRowHideCommand

      protected boolean handleMultiRowHideCommand(MultiRowHideCommand command)
      Previous to processing the given MultiRowHideCommand down the layer stack, the fully selected row positions selection state will be cleared. This is necessary so the selection also disappears for the selected rows. Otherwise after hiding the selection will be showed for different rows.
      command - The MultiRowHideCommand to process
      true if the command has been handled, false otherwise
    • handleRowPositionHideCommand

      protected boolean handleRowPositionHideCommand(RowPositionHideCommand command)
      First inspects the cell at the position contained in the RowPositionHideCommand and calculates all rows for that cell, taking the spanning into account. If the cell itself is selected, than also all other selected cells in the column position will be handled for hiding.
      command - The RowPositionHideCommand to process.
      true if the command has been handled, false otherwise
    • handleColumnResizeCommand

      protected boolean handleColumnResizeCommand(ColumnResizeCommand command)
      Will check if there are fully selected column positions. If there is at least one fully selected column position, the ColumnResizeCommand will be consumed and a MultiColumnResizeCommand will be created and executed further down the layer stack, that contains all fully selected column positions. Otherwise the given command will be executed further.
      This is necessary because neither the underlying layers are not aware of the presence of the SelectionLayer. Without this transformation, only the column on which the action was called will be resized instead of all selected ones.
      command - The ColumnResizeCommand to process
      true if the command has been handled, false otherwise
    • handleRowResizeCommand

      protected boolean handleRowResizeCommand(RowResizeCommand command)
      Will check if there are fully selected row positions. If there is at least one fully selected row position, the RowResizeCommand will be consumed and a MultiRowResizeCommand will be created and executed further down the layer stack, that contains all fully selected row positions. Otherwise the given command will be executed further.
      This is necessary because neither the underlying layers are not aware of the presence of the SelectionLayer. Without this transformation, only the row on which the action was called will be resized instead of all selected ones.
      command - The RowResizeCommand to process
      true if the command has been handled, false otherwise
    • setFillHandleRegion

      public void setFillHandleRegion( region)
      Set the region that is currently selected via fill handle to extend the current active selection for triggering a fill action.
      region - The region selected via fill handle.
      See Also:
    • getFillHandleRegion

      public getFillHandleRegion()
      Returns the region that is currently selected via fill handle to extend the current active selection. Used to perform actions on drag & drop of the fill handle.
      The region selected via fill handle or null.
    • markFillHandleCell

      public void markFillHandleCell()
      Marks the bottom right cell in a contiguous selection within the SelectionLayer. Also removes the markup in case there is no selection or the selection is not contiguous.
    • getProvidedLabels

      public Collection<String> getProvidedLabels()
      Specified by:
      getProvidedLabels in interface ILayer
      getProvidedLabels in class AbstractLayer
      The collection of labels that are provided by this layer.