Class ComboBoxGlazedListsWithExcludeFilterStrategy<T>

Type Parameters:
T -
All Implemented Interfaces:
IActivatableFilterStrategy<T>, IFilterStrategy<T>

public class ComboBoxGlazedListsWithExcludeFilterStrategy<T> extends ComboBoxGlazedListsFilterStrategy<T>
Specialized ComboBoxGlazedListsFilterStrategy that can be used to exclude items from filtering. This means you can register a Matcher that avoids that matching items get filtered by the filter row.
  • Field Details

    • excludeMatcherEditor

      protected Map<ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.Matcher<T>,ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.MatcherEditor<T>> excludeMatcherEditor
  • Constructor Details

    • ComboBoxGlazedListsWithExcludeFilterStrategy

      public ComboBoxGlazedListsWithExcludeFilterStrategy(FilterRowComboBoxDataProvider<T> comboBoxDataProvider, ca.odell.glazedlists.FilterList<T> filterList, IColumnAccessor<T> columnAccessor, IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
      comboBoxDataProvider - The FilterRowComboBoxDataProvider needed to determine whether filters should applied or not. If there are no values specified for filtering of a column then everything should be filtered, if all possible values are given as filter then no filter needs to be applied.
      filterList - The CompositeMatcherEditor that is used for GlazedLists filtering
      columnAccessor - The IColumnAccessor needed to access the row data to perform filtering
      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry to retrieve several configurations from
  • Method Details

    • addExcludeFilter

      public void addExcludeFilter(ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.Matcher<T> matcher)
      Add a exclude filter to this filter strategy which will always be applied additionally to any other filter to exclude from filtering.
      matcher - the exclude filter to add
    • addExcludeFilter

      public void addExcludeFilter(ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.MatcherEditor<T> matcherEditor)
      Add a exclude filter to this filter strategy which will always be applied additionally to any other filter to exclude items from filtering.
      matcherEditor - the exclude filter to add
    • removeExcludeFilter

      public void removeExcludeFilter(ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.Matcher<T> matcher)
      Remove the exclude filter from this filter strategy.
      matcher - the filter to remove
    • removeExcludeFilter

      public void removeExcludeFilter(ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.MatcherEditor<T> matcherEditor)
      Remove the exclude filter from this filter strategy.
      matcherEditor - the filter to remove
    • clearExcludeFilter

      public void clearExcludeFilter()
      Removes all applied exclude filters from this filter strategy.
    • activateFilterStrategy

      public void activateFilterStrategy()
      Description copied from interface: IActivatableFilterStrategy
      Activate additional filter logic so it gets applied on the next filter operation, e.g. static or exclude filters. By default does nothing.
      Specified by:
      activateFilterStrategy in interface IActivatableFilterStrategy<T>
      activateFilterStrategy in class DefaultGlazedListsStaticFilterStrategy<T>
    • deactivateFilterStrategy

      public void deactivateFilterStrategy()
      Description copied from interface: IActivatableFilterStrategy
      Deactivate additional filter logic so it does not get applied on the next filter operation, e.g. static or exclude filters. By default does nothing.
      Specified by:
      deactivateFilterStrategy in interface IActivatableFilterStrategy<T>
      deactivateFilterStrategy in class DefaultGlazedListsStaticFilterStrategy<T>