Class KeyRowInsertCommandHandler<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type contained in the backing data list.
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class KeyRowInsertCommandHandler<T> extends Object implements ILayerCommandHandler<RowInsertCommand>
Default command handler for the RowInsertCommand. Operates on a List to add row objects by index. Therefore this command handler should be registered on the body DataLayer.

Note: This implementation uses a CellKeyHandler to create and fire KeyRowInsertEvents, which additionally transport the key under which the inserted row can be identified.

  • Constructor Details

    • KeyRowInsertCommandHandler

      public KeyRowInsertCommandHandler(List<T> bodyData, CellKeyHandler<?> keyHandler)
      bodyData - The backing data list on which the delete operation should be performed. Should be the same list that is used by the data provider.
      keyHandler - The CellKeyHandler that is used to generate the key for the dataChanges which is later used to identify the row again.
  • Method Details