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Release build for Mylyn Docs and WikiText -

Running this pipeline build with PERFORM_RELEASE=true performs the following:

  1. sets the release version (e.g. on all artifacts using a timestamp suffix
  2. compiles, packages and runs all automated tests
  3. artifacts are signed (eclipse jar-signer and GPG)
  4. deploys wikitext/core and supporting artifacts to a Nexus staging repository, then automatically releases that staging repository
  5. docs-site p2 repository is uploaded to the file share
  6. creates and pushes a tag associated with the HEAD commit used for this release build. Tag will follow wikitext version convention (e.g. wikitext.core-3.0.46)
  7. creates and pushes a commit to increment the patch component of the development version of wikitext (e.g. from 3.0.45 -> 3.0.46)

By default, PERFORM_RELEASE is false which allows the job to run in a 'dry-run' mode. In this mode:

  • artifacts are not copied to the file share.
  • the nexus staging repository for maven artifacts is not released. The staging repository is closed but not dropped. It can be dropped manually via the Nexus repository manager
  • the tag to mark the HEAD commit is not pushed to the git repository.
  • the commit to increment the version of wikitext is not pushed to the git repository.
Test Result Trend
Last Successful Artifacts MiB view
org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext-site- MiB view
org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.asciidoc.tests/target/work/data/.metadata/.log1.15 KiB view
org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.ui.tests/target/work/data/.metadata/.log112.33 KiB view
Latest Test Result (no failures)