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Started 1 mo 18 days ago
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#2090 (Apr 23, 2024, 12:04:24 PM)

  1. Schema model: add new properties (details)
  2. Update TCKs for Schema.examples (details)
  3. TCK updates for Schema.type (details)
  4. Upate existing TCK for Schema.nullable (details)
  5. Update TCKs for Schema.exclusiveMinimum|Maximum (details)
  6. Update TCKs to allow type to be an array (details)
  7. Improve error reporting in ModelConstructionTest (details)
  8. Update boolean schema tests (details)
  9. Set constructible properties back to null (details)
  10. Remove use of wrapper-type constructors (details)
  11. TCKs for new Schema List and Map properties (details)
  12. Schema model: tests for examples and example (details)
  13. Schema model: TCKs for property access by name (details)
  14. Model TCK: Remove use of deprecated Schema.type (details)
  15. TCK for a custom schema dialect (details)
  16. Test custom schema dialect in a static document (details)
Changes in dependency
  1. MicroProfile OpenAPI TCK Success #145Success #151 (detail)
  2. MicroProfile OpenAPI Success #157Success #158 (detail)