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Started 2 yr 10 mo ago
Took 4 min 57 sec on centos-7-6sgmk

#70 (Jun 16, 2021, 1:12:50 PM)

  1. [570327] Update MAT version to 1.12.0 (details)
  2. [560493] Update license, EUA and About files and messages (details)
  3. [560493] Update copyright headers in Java files (details)
  4. [560493] Update copyright headers in non-Java files (details)
  5. [560493] Update license in documentation (details)
  6. [560493] Revert one header change (details)
  7. [560493] Update LICENSE in repository root (details)
  8. [560493] Add copyright headers to some XML files (details)
  9. 570485: CI Build failures due to OutOfMemoryError or SIGKILL (details)
  10. 570485: CI Build failures due to OutOfMemoryError or SIGKILL (details)
  11. 570485: CI Build failures due to OutOfMemoryError or SIGKILL (details)
  12. 570485: CI Build failures due to OutOfMemoryError or SIGKILL (details)
  13. 570485: CI Build failures due to OutOfMemoryError or SIGKILL (details)
  14. 570485: CI Build failures due to OutOfMemoryError or SIGKILL (details)
  15. 570485: CI Build failures due to OutOfMemoryError or SIGKILL (details)
  16. 570485: CI Build failures due to OutOfMemoryError or SIGKILL (details)
  17. 570485: CI Build failures due to OutOfMemoryError or SIGKILL (details)
  18. 570485: CI Build failures due to OutOfMemoryError or SIGKILL (details)
  19. 570485: CI Build failures due to OutOfMemoryError or SIGKILL (details)
  20. 570485: CI Build failures due to OutOfMemoryError or SIGKILL (details)
  21. 508090: Building the help with DITA makes the repository dirty (details)
  22. 569223: Anonymous class LambdaForm$DMH is wrongly considered a GC root (details)
  23. [569665] Handle chunked gzipped heap dumps (details)
  24. [572227]: Add an option for headless text output without a zip (details)
  25. [569665] Enable parsing of compressed files created by OpenJDK >= 15 (details)
  26. [572491] Leak Suspect Report makes huge file (details)
  27. [572227] Add an option for headless text output without a zip (details)
  28. 572554: MacOS signing problem for MAT (details)
  29. 572554: MacOS signing problem for MAT (details)
  30. [572227] Add an option for headless text output without a zip (details)
  31. 572227: Add an option for headless text output without a zip (details)
  32. [572227] Add an option for headless text output without a zip (details)
  33. 572227: Add an option for headless text output without a zip (details)
  34. [572653] Not properly disposed SWT resource messages with Eclipse (details)
  35. [572596]: Add maximum retained heap of locals to stack frame row (details)
  36. Bug 572760 Acquire dumps improvements (details)
  37. Bug 572760 Acquire dumps improvements (details)
  38. 572761: Fix some FindBugs warnings and switch to SpotBugs (details)
  39. 572760: Acquire dumps improvements (details)
  40. Bug 572760 Acquire dumps improvements (details)
  41. [572596]: Add maximum retained heap of locals to stack frame row (details)
  42. Bug 572760 Acquire dumps improvements (details)
  43. 572760: Acquire dumps improvements (details)
  44. 572760: Acquire dumps improvements (details)
  45. Bug 572761 Fix some SpotBugs warnings (details)
  46. Bug 572761 Fix some FindBugs warnings and switch to SpotBugs (details)
  47. Bug 572761 Fix some FindBugs warnings and switch to SpotBugs (details)
  48. 569665: Enable parsing of compressed files created by OpenJDK >= 15 (details)
  49. Bug 572761 Fix some FindBugs warnings and switch to SpotBugs (details)
  50. 569665: Enable parsing of compressed files created by OpenJDK >= 15 (details)
  51. Bug 572596 Add maximum retained heap size to thread overview stack (details)
  52. Bug 569665 Enable parsing of compressed files created by OpenJDK >= 15 (details)
  53. Bug 569665 Enable parsing of compressed files created by OpenJDK >= 15 (details)
  54. Bug 569665 Enable parsing of compressed files created by OpenJDK >= 15 (details)
  55. Bug 572596 Feature request: Add maximum retained heap size to thread (details)
  56. Bug 573015 Build signing services changes (details)
  57. Bug 573015 Build signing services changes (details)
  58. 572754: Remove int[] purgedMapping memory allocation before DominatorTree processing (details)
  59. Bug 573015 Build signing services changes (details)
  60. Bug 572760 Acquire dumps improvements (details)
  61. 572761: Fix some FindBugs warnings and switch to SpotBugs (details)
  62. 572761: Fix some FindBugs warnings and switch to SpotBugs (details)
  63. 572761: Fix some FindBugs warnings and switch to SpotBugs (details)
  64. 573120: Exception handling in (details)
  65. Bug 573155 Accessibility improvements for HTML reports (details)
  66. 573166: Build stand-alone MAT packages with a newer release (details)
  67. Bug 573166 Build stand-alone MAT packages with a newer Eclipse (details)
  68. Bug 573155 Accessibility improvements for HTML reports (details)
  69. Bug 573166 Build stand-alone MAT packages with a newer Eclipse release (details)
  70. Bug 573258 Report improvements (details)
  71. Bug 573258 Report improvements (details)
  72. 573258: Report improvements and lazy loading of array lengths (details)
  73. Bug 573166 Build stand-alone MAT packages with a newer Eclipse release (details)
  74. Bug 573258 Report improvements and lazy loading of array lengths (details)
  75. Bug 573258 Report improvements and lazy loading of array lengths (details)
  76. Bug 573258 Report improvements and lazy loading of array lengths (details)
  77. Bug 573258 Report improvements and lazy loading of array lengths (details)
  78. Bug 573155 Accessibility improvements for HTML reports (details)
  79. 573155: Accessibility improvements for HTML reports (details)
  80. Bug 573155 Accessibility improvements for HTML reports (details)
  81. 573155: Accessibility improvements for HTML reports (details)
  82. Bug 327129 Make it easier to write extensions (details)
  83. Bug 573166 Build stand-alone MAT packages with a newer Eclipse (details)
  84. 573166: Build stand-alone MAT packages with a newer Eclipse release (details)
  85. Bug 573258 Report improvements and lazy loading of array lengths (details)
  86. Bug 327129 Make it easier to write extensions (details)
  87. Bug 573258 Report improvements and lazy loading of array lengths (details)
  88. Bug 327129 Make it easier to write extensions (details)
  89. Bug 573258 Report improvements and lazy loading of array lengths (details)
  90. Bug 573503 GZIP HPROF performance improvement (details)
  91. Bug 572512 Memory mapped files for parsing storage (details)
  92. Bug 572512 Memory mapped files for parsing storage (details)
  93. 573503: GZIP HPROF performance improvement (details)
  94. Bug 327129 Make it easier to write extensions (details)
  95. Bug 573598 Display unindexed objects for dumps with discarded objects (details)
  96. 573166: Build stand-alone MAT packages with a newer Eclipse release (details)
  97. Bug 573166 Build stand-alone MAT packages with a newer Eclipse (details)
  98. Bug 573166 Build stand-alone MAT packages with a newer Eclipse release (details)
  99. Bug 573598 Display unindexed objects for dumps with discarded objects (details)
  100. Bug 573598 Display unindexed objects for dumps with discarded objects (details)
  101. 573598: Display unindexed objects for dumps with discarded objects (details)
  102. Bug 573598 Display unindexed objects for dumps with discarded objects (details)
  103. Bug 573166 Build stand-alone MAT packages with a newer Eclipse release (details)
  104. Bug 573598 Display unindexed objects for dumps with discarded objects (details)
  105. Bug 573598 Display unindexed objects for dumps with discarded objects (details)
  106. 573598: Display unindexed objects for dumps with discarded objects (details)
  107. Bug 573598 Display unindexed objects for dumps with discarded objects (details)
  108. [573901]: Add thread safety to DTFJ ThreadDetailsResolver (details)
  109. 573901: Concurrency bug in DTFJ ThreadDetailsResolver (details)
  110. [574126] Add README, NOTICE, SECURITY and CoC files (details)
  111. [574126] Add trademarks to NOTICE (details)

Started by user Andrew Johnson

Revision: 77a8def9df2133f887d6e8bdb0beaf52b3b63799
  • refs/remotes/origin/master