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#53 (Jul 25, 2023, 5:05:27 PM)

  1. Replace Krazo default view suffix constant with spec constant — Tobias Erdle / githubweb
  2. Fix copyright note in new test — Tobias Erdle / githubweb
  3. Enhance test coverage and fix bug when view contains already suffix — Tobias Erdle / githubweb

#52 (May 10, 2023, 5:05:25 PM)

  1. Remove FaceletsViewEngine according to upcoming spec — Tobias Erdle / githubweb
  2. Prepare for 4.0.0 development — Tobias Erdle / githubweb
  3. Replace milestone versions where possible — Tobias Erdle / githubweb
  4. Remove Serializable interface from interceptors — Tobias Erdle / githubweb
  5. Make non-serializable field in example transient — Tobias Erdle / githubweb
  6. Replace unavailable download url — Tobias Erdle / githubweb
  7. Remove Krazo from Glassfish to test latest version — Tobias Erdle / githubweb
  8. Fix file to libs to remove — Tobias Erdle / githubweb
  9. Remove wrong path element — Tobias Erdle / githubweb

#51 (Feb 7, 2023, 5:05:21 PM)

  1. Added HttpCommunicationWrapper for Liberty Jakarta EE 10 — Maarten Mulders / githubweb

#50 (Feb 6, 2023, 5:05:38 PM)

  1. Setup managed testsuite profile for OpenLiberty — Tobias Erdle / githubweb
  2. Update information about how to run testsuite — Tobias Erdle / githubweb

#49 (Dec 10, 2022, 5:04:43 PM)

  1. Add tests for cookie behavior verification — Tobias Erdle / githubweb

#48 (Dec 6, 2022, 5:04:56 PM)

  1. Re-activate Payara testsuite and add managed profile — Tobias Erdle / githubweb
  2. Update WildFly to latest release version — Tobias Erdle / githubweb

#47 (Nov 6, 2022, 5:05:45 PM)

  1. Use correct dependency for glassfish-module-tck — Tobias Erdle / githubweb