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  1. Re-activate Payara testsuite and add managed profile (commit: 14884ec) (details)
  2. Update WildFly to latest release version (commit: 25c6469) (details)
Commit 14884ec5596f790b43709e9330bb8da5153ec641 by Tobias Erdle
Re-activate Payara testsuite and add managed profile

closes: #304
(commit: 14884ec)
The file was modified testsuite/src/test/resources/arquillian.xml (diff)
The file was removedtestsuite/src/test/resources/payara.pem
The file was modified testsuite/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified pom.xml (diff)
Commit 25c6469e47f559e3745fa558ba800f59ff578e39 by Tobias Erdle
Update WildFly to latest release version

closes: #306
(commit: 25c6469)
The file was modified testsuite/pom.xml (diff)