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#37651 (Jun 14, 2024, 5:38:22 AM)

  1. fix: changed exception returned from bad auth code or trustkey used on MFA login — Angelo Andreussi / githubweb
  2. fix: changed exception returned from bad empty auth code or trustkey used on MFA login — Angelo Andreussi / githubweb

#37650 (Jun 14, 2024, 4:38:12 AM)

  1. fix: changed openApi docs to introduce new error code 409 for device management requests — Angelo Andreussi / githubweb
  2. fix: removed 409 error code from requests not returning it — Angelo Andreussi / githubweb
  3. fix: removed 409 error code on one more request — Angelo Andreussi / githubweb

#37649 (Jun 12, 2024, 9:38:21 AM)

  1. :arrow_up: [Docker] Bumped version of docker-maven-plugin to 0.44.0 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb

#37648 (Jun 7, 2024, 9:38:21 AM)

  1. :fix: xml annotations on CredentialImpl were overriding the ones on Credential, preventing XmlJavaTypeAdapters from being called — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  2. :fix: same issue for MfaOption and ScratchCode — Davide Salvador / githubweb

#37647 (Jun 7, 2024, 6:38:22 AM)

  1. fix(batch-job): handle default values correctly during job step creation — MDeLuise / githubweb

#37646 (Jun 6, 2024, 10:38:12 AM)

  1. fix(batch-job): correctly load JobStepDefinition when called `JobStepDefinitionService#find` — MDeLuise / githubweb

#37645 (Jun 4, 2024, 11:38:22 AM)

  1. :recycle: autodiscovery or XmlRoot classes for jaxb configuration, manual in-module setup of additional classes to be serialized — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  2. :recycle: marking class provider explicitly for jaxb — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  3. :recycle: simplified configuration — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  4. :recycle: switching job engine to auto-discovery jaxb — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  5. :bug: adding kapua model in order to autodiscover jaxb classes — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  6. :recycle: better startup sequenze for jaxb, lifecycle tuning — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  7. :bug: job-engine wiring dependencies — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  8. :wastebasket: keeping old jaxb context providers for comparison, but deprecated them — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  9. :recycle: authentication app now uses dynamic jaxb classes discovery — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  10. :recycle: simplifying and abstracting the LocatorConfig initialization, in order to move the jaxb initialization out of GuiceLocator in the next commit — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  11. :recycle: moving jaxb classes autoscanner out of guiceLocatorImpl and into leaf modules, as you might not want to use it at all — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  12. :recycle: switching broker component to automatic jaxb classes scanning — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  13. :bug: fixed incorrect printing of overriding modules during guice startup — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  14. adding kapua model to autoscan paths for lifecycle consumer, just in case — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  15. :bug: missing dep was causing jaxb initialization error — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  16. :recycle: renamed JaxbClass provider to be more explicit — Davide Salvador / githubweb
  17. :bug: Fixed HTTP error code for DeviceNotConnectedException from 400 to 409 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb

#37644 (May 30, 2024, 6:38:22 AM)

  1. :recycle: Initial removing of TypeDescriptor and related stuff — Angelo Andreussi / githubweb
  2. :recycle: final remove of TypeDescriptor and deletion of types for storable queries — Angelo Andreussi / githubweb

#37643 (May 30, 2024, 5:38:11 AM)

  1. fix: first batch of useless es dependencies removed from pom files — Angelo Andreussi / githubweb
  2. fix: second batch of useless es dependencies removed from pom files — Angelo Andreussi / githubweb
  3. fix: third batch of useless es dependencies removed from pom files — Angelo Andreussi / githubweb
  4. fix: refactoring of documentation for qa section and remotion of old stuff on qa pom file — Angelo Andreussi / githubweb
  5. fix: removed no more needed EmbeddedDatastore class — Angelo Andreussi / githubweb

#37642 (May 29, 2024, 12:50:32 PM)

  1. :bug: [REST API] Fixed DeviceNotConnectedException mapped HTTP erorr code to be 400 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb

#37159 (Feb 12, 2021, 9:38:10 AM)

  1. Added Junit tests in router package — Sonja Matic / githubweb