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Build History trend
1.5.7 Release Build
1.5.6 Release Build
1.5.5 Release Build
1.5.4 Release Build
1.5.3 Release Build #2
1.5.3 Release Build
1.5.2 Release Build
1.5.1 Release Build
1.5.0 Release Build


#11 (Nov 11, 2022, 4:48:20 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.5.6 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  3. Fixed TriggerProperty OpenAPI definition — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  4. Fixed OpenAPI mapping — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  5. Fixed deviceKeystoreItems.keystoreItems OpenAPI mapping — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  6. Fixed Docker Compose unquoted ports — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  7. don't encode credentialKey — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  8. add unit test — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  9. Fixed JobTarget OpenAPI definition — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  10. Fixed Action definition missing SUBMIT in OpenAPI — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  11. Cleanup and added a bunch of javadoc — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  12. Fixed exception throwing and limit checking — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  13. Fixed tests — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  14. Added ServiceConfigurationLimitExceeded Exception Mappers — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  15. Improved service limit checking for services — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  16. Deprecated userService.delete(User) method — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  17. add special chars in tooltip — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  18. remove special chars in tooltip — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  19. Add missing field — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  20. Change property name — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  21. Change date format in swagger documentation — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  22. Added file — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  23. Added Eclipse Dash Tool step in Kapua CI GitHub workflow — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  24. Set loglevel for Cache Configuration Printer — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  25. Fix GitLab API token name — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  26. Refactored Eclipse Dash License Tool workflow usage according to suggestions — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  27. fix npe implicit casting on configurable resources checks — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  28. fix gitaction actions versions — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  29. Fix serial number type in examples — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  30. Fix new credential mask not entirely shown — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  31. Upgraded Shiro dependencies from 1.8.0 to 1.10.0 - CVE-2022-40664 CVE-2022-32532 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  32. :fix: moving reference to existing file. Fixes #3639 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  33. Refactored KapuaFileUtilsTest — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  34. Upgraded Netty dependencies from 4.1.60.Final to 4.1.84.Final — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  35. Upgraded Jackson dependencies from 2.13.1 to 2.13.4/ - CVE-2020-36518 CVE-2022-42003 CVE-2022-42004 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  36. Upgraded Snakeyaml dependency from 1.28 to 1.33 - CVE-2022-38752 CVE-2022-38751 CVE-2022-38750 CVE-2022-38749 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  37. Upgraded JUnit dependency from 4.12 to 4.13.2 - CVE-2020-15250 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  38. :fix: importing org.junit.Assert and explicitly referencing its methods instead of having test classes extend it — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  39. :fix: importing org.junit.Assert and explicitly referencing its methods instead of having test classes extend it — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  40. Applied fix to DefaultConnectorDescriptionProviderTest that was done in #3342 but not ported to release-1.x branches — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  41. Upgraded Gson dependencies from 2.7 to 2.10 - CVE-2022-25647 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  42. Upgraded Logback dependencies from 1.2.3 to 1.2.11 - CVE-2021-42550 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  43. :fix: importing org.junit.Assert and explicitly referencing its methods instead of having test classes extend it — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  44. :fix: importing org.junit.Assert and explicitly referencing its methods instead of having test classes extend it — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  45. :fix: importing org.junit.Assert and explicitly referencing its methods instead of having test classes extend it — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  46. Set fixed version for httpcomponents:httpclient to 4.5.13 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  47. Set fixed version and upgraded httpcomponents:httpasyncclient from 4.1.4 to 4.1.5 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  48. Set fixed version and upgraded httpcomponents:httpacore* from 4.4.(5,12,13,14) to 4.4.15 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  49. Added declared Netty dependencies to prevent version change from 4.1.84.Final — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  50. Upgraded Spring Security from 4.1.3.RELEASE to 4.2.20.RELEASE - CVE-2018-1199 CVE-2020-5408 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  51. Set fixed version for Spring dependencies to 4.3.30.RELEASE - CVE-2018-11039 CVE-2018-11040 CVE-2018-1199 CVE-2018-1270 CVE-2018-1271 CVE-2018-1272 CVE-2018-15756 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  52. Replaced org.apache.sanselan:sanselan with org.apache.commons:commons-imaging - CVE-2018-17201 CVE-2018-17202 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  53. :fix: importing org.junit.Assert and explicitly referencing its methods instead of having test classes extend it — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  54. :fix: importing org.junit.Assert and explicitly referencing its methods instead of having test classes extend it — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  55. Improved MfaAuthenticator interface and API — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  56. Refactored and improved MfaAuthenticatorImplTest — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  57. Fix typo — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  58. Add third address line — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  59. Upgraded Apache Commons Compress from 1.18 to 1.22 - CVE-2021-35515 CVE-2021-35516 CVE-2021-35517 CVE-2021-36090 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb

#10 (Jun 27, 2022, 5:19:10 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.5.5 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  3. add client config callbck for ES rest client — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  4. Initialize a single HttpClient callback and delay the initial reconnect task — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  5. Close the underlying ES client — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  6. Datastore - add RTE full stack trace log at debug level — Alberto Codutti / githubweb

#9 (Jun 24, 2022, 9:17:43 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.5.4 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  3. Mapped new 'signed' property for INVENTORY-V1 Bundles — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  4. Updated checkstyle configuration — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  5. Updated copyright headers to 2022 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  6. Fixed security issue — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  7. Added check for duplicate JobTarget and few more checks — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  8. Set JobExecutionQuery default sorting to 'startedOn' DESCENDING — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  9. Added JobExecution indexes on startedOn and endedOn to improve query performances — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  10. added check of xsrfToken for endpoint operations — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  11. fixed typos — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  12. added backend validation for account name — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  13. added backend validation for update of psw — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  14. Fixed Broker locator.xml JobService missing mapping — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  15. Added refresh when subtab is shown — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  16. Fixed security issue getMinimumPswLength RPC unauthenticated user — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  17. cleanup — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  18. Fixed security issue mfa RPC unauthenticated user — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  19. fixed malformed error message — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  20. log InvalidValueMappingException error message — Alberto Codutti / githubweb

#8 (Feb 10, 2022, 5:27:25 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.5.3 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  3. Removed log line leftover from #3440 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  4. Fixed TranslatorAppSnapshotKuraKapua to handle empty body — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  5. Set log4j dependency version to 2.17.0 - CVE-2021-45046 CVE-2021-45105 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  6. Set log4j dependency version to 2.17.1 - CVE-2021-44832 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  7. Bumped version of Slf4j from 1.7.30 to 1.7.33 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  8. Set Owasp Encoder dependency version to 1.2.3 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  9. Bump Commons Io versiom to 2.11 - CVE-2021-29425 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  10. Set shiro dependencies version to 1.8.0 - CVE-2020-13933 CVE-2021-41303 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  11. Fixed shiro.ini for Admin console after Apache Shiro upgrade — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  12. Bump version of jetty dependencies from 9.4.39.v20210325 to 9.4.44.v20210927 - CVE-2021-34428 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  13. Set version of jetty 9.2.x from 9.2.13.v20150730 (transient) to 9.2.30.v20200428 - CVE-2017-7658 CVE-2019-10241 CVE-2019-10246 CVE-2019-10247 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  14. Sorted Jetty dependencies in dependenciesManagement — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  15. Set all usages of 9.4.x dependency to 9.4.44.v20210927 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  16. Bumped 'org.eclipse.jetty.websocket:websocket-server' to 9.4.44 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  17. Bumped 'org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-security' to 9.4.44 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  18. Bumped 'org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-continuation' to 9.4.44 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  19. Added cause to thrown error — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  20. Bumped 'org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jaas' to 9.4.44 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  21. Bumped 'org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-rewrite' to 9.4.44 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  22. Bumped 'org.eclipse.jetty.aggregate:jetty-all' to 9.4.44 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  23. Disabled webconsole for H2 container - CVE-2018-10054 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  24. bump of jackson library from 2.12.2 to 2.13.1 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb

#4 (Nov 8, 2021, 9:56:50 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.5.2 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  3. Fixed Keystore Keypair creation from console — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  4. Introduced KapuaListResult .getItems(filter) .getItemsAsMap(mapper) and .getItemsAsMap(mapper, mapper) — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  5. Improved and extended test cases for KapuaListResultImplTest — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  6. Added jobStepProperty.secret field — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  7. Added JobStepProperty.secret Console handling — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  8. Added JobStepProperty.secret to OpenAPI docs — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  9. Fixed NPE on TriggerService.find when Trigger does not exist — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  10. fixed unclear error messages for jobs exceptions — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  11. fixed some typos — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  12. fixed some typos in the file — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  13. Added missing JobEngineException error messages — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  14. fixed error when provision a device which id contains colon — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  15. Fix DeviceManagementException handling — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  16. Now user created from a children account of kapua-sys can configure CORS filter if have right permission to do it — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  17. resolved conflicts — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  18. Fixed a created bug managing the enpoints not CORS filters regarding operations authorization — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  19. Fixed integration test scenarios not cleaning up the environment after execution — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  20. Fixed NullPointerException if EndpointInfo is null — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  21. Fixed some import problem created with the conflicts resolution — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  22. Added a bunch of javadoc and some small refactorings — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  23. Fixed account.parentAccountPath serialization to use Base64 version — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  24. Fixed tests — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  25. Added 'forced' paramer to DELETE /jobs/{jobId} — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  26. Fixed label for child tab no item selected — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  27. Changed job.engine.client.auth.mode to trusted for REST API — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  28. Improved documentation and implementation of kaua-job-engine-client module — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  29. Clean up of pom.xml of job-engine modules — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  30. Moved SessionInfoHttpHeaders to kapua-job-engine-client module — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  31. FIxup Moved SessionInfoHttpHeaders to kapua-job-engine-client module — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  32. Refactored AuthenticatinRealm.doGetAuthenticationInfo of Realms — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  33. Fixup - Refactored AuthenticatinRealm.doGetAuthenticationInfo of Realms — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  34. Reverted 'Changed job.engine.client.auth.mode to trusted for Rest API' — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  35. Fixed '.doPrivileged' invocations handling of SessionInfoFilter — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  36. Fixes — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  37. Fix parent account path format - errata corrige — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  38. Set console 'job.engine.client.auth.mode' to 'access_token' — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  39. Added session AccessToken refreshing on the Console Web Filter — Alberto Codutti / githubweb

#3 (Sep 2, 2021, 4:42:48 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.5.1 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  3. Fixed example of model DeviceKeystoreCertificateInfo — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  4. Hide Device Tabs if feature is not supported by device — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  5. Fix MfaOption search when authenticating — Alberto Codutti / githubweb

#2 (Aug 6, 2021, 4:11:24 AM)

  1. [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.5.0 — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  2. [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  3. Added DELETE keystore/item to OpenAPI definitions — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  4. Fix Device Inventory OpenAPI — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  5. Fix Jobs OpenAPI — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  6. Add sorting to Device Channels REST API — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  7. Fix Device Events REST API Sorting — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  8. Add sorting to Job Executions REST API — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  9. Use standard SortOrder instead of SortDirection in Channels REST API — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  10. Trying to login with correct username and password but no otp does not increase the lockout error counter anymore — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  11. Added test for lockout counter error with mfa — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  12. Code optimization, if the mfa is disabled now only one username/password verification is done — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  13. Fixed a bug that caused the login of new created users to fail — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  14. Added checking for no exception thrown in integration test — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  15. Fixed "limitExceed" value always false — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  16. Added integration tests for limitExceed value — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  17. Changed for loop inside "" and relative refactoring in tests using it — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  18. Fixed configuration of job-engine — Alberto Codutti / githubweb
  19. Add askTotalCount to DeviceEvents REST API — Alberto Codutti / githubweb