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Started 2 yr 2 mo ago
Took 35 sec on basic-h2qn2

#30 (Feb 16, 2022, 12:16:08 PM)

  1. Update API version of jakarta.json.bind:jakarta.json.bind-api to 2.0.0 (commit: 8732105) (details)
  2. Update API version of jakarta.json.bind:jakarta.json.bind-api to 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT (commit: c74a6f2) (details)
  3. Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1 in /api (commit: ad33b9f) (details)
  4. Bump checkstyle from 8.18 to 8.29 in /api (commit: ab1b70d) (details)
  5. Null value deserialization into the JsonValue.NULL (#273) (commit: b249b4a) (details)
  6. TCK test UntypedMappingTest.testArrayMapping fixed (#275) (commit: e9ae296) (details)
  7. JsonbProperty.nillable deprecated in favour of JsonbNillable (#282) (commit: 2aaadf8) (details)
  8. JsonbTypeDeserializer annotation is now supported on creator parameter (#283) (commit: 12d5b6e) (details)
  9. Fix of the new TCK test for deserializer on the JsonbCreator parameter (#286) (commit: de9d2bc) (details)
  10. JSON-B 3.0.0 and github actions (#288) (commit: 2afb4d4) (details)
  11. Optional creator parameters (#285) (commit: 6e9cff2) (details)
  12. JsonbCreator optional parameter TCK fix (#290) (commit: 2035373) (details)
  13. JsonbTypeAdapter is now allowed on the creator paramters (#291) (commit: 21809d7) (details)
  14. Readme version update (#293) (commit: f215fe7) (details)
  15. JsonbCreator parameter optionality changed (#294) (commit: 28f0ee8) (details)
  16. Optional creator parameter tck test fix (#295) (commit: 7b383bc) (details)
  17. Updating User's Guide link (#297) (commit: d742983) (details)
  18. Jsonb polymorphism support (#284) (commit: 34327df) (details)
  19. More polymorphism TCKs added (#300) (commit: 3f6d7d4) (details)
  20. Wrapping object and class name handling removed (#303) (commit: 7038260) (details)
  21. TCK reworked to JUnit 5 and reformatted (#276) (commit: 46a30c1) (details)
  22. Copyright year changed (#308) (commit: 189b0d3) (details)
  23. jsonb documentation moved and updated (commit: ee9043e) (details)
  24. correct version/copyrights/dates (commit: 2a48519) (details)
  25. jsonb signature test migration. (commit: 4515415) (details)
  26. jsonb tck bundle generation (#309) (commit: 8983932) (details)
  27. Fixing up number tck test (#311) (commit: 052e17c) (details)
  28. SNAPSHOT version returned to the jsonb tck version (#312) (commit: 87bafc0) (details)

Started by user Dmitry Kornilov

This run spent:

  • 10 sec waiting;
  • 35 sec build duration;
  • 46 sec total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: 87bafc0b0426fbfd84d1090b98e4983320808457
  • refs/remotes/origin/master